Chapter Fifteen: My Real Name.

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By the end, Jumishat had never wanted to see another inch of the desert again in her life. Even if she had decided to hover above the ground, and even disappeared as a snake to sit on Mirella's shoulders occasionally through the trip, her feet ached. Where was that stupid palace? Was it really going to be worth all this agony and exhaustion when they got there? Jumishat was about ready to call it quits and simply wait where she was when she heard two thuds of what sounded like...

"Mirella, Aytigin?" She heard Phoebe cry from beside her and looked over to see that the two members of their group had collapsed into the sand. At first, the Djinn thought it was just because the two were about as exhausted as she was (and overly dramatic at that), but her senses were telling her something different.

"It's a spell." Jumi said, her gaze turned forward as she heard the blonde coming closer, "it's meant for-" she turned to Phoebe with raised brows, "human intruders."

"But I'm human," Phoebe said,

"Oh really? I didn't realize that." Jumi said, to which Phoebe frowned. She then looked to the god who was also standing in his human form, his gaze seeming to push forward. She was surprised he wasn't walking ahead of them with his fixation.

"Can you fix them, at least?" Phoebe asked.

"This spell is oddly powerful, if you want my aid in whatever fight we encounter, then no. It will take all my power to heal one."

"We can't just-"

"We have no time!" Osiris cried rather desperately, "we have to head to the palace."

Jumi placed a hand on her hip and turned to gaze at the man. She was tired and cranky and didn't need any more sass (unless it came from herself).

"What's your problem, man?" She asked the silver-haired male, raising a brow, "your comrades are under a severe spell and you don't seem to give two shits. That's not like you."

The man's face writhed in a sort of pain as his eyes went blank. Jumi felt herself step back, absentmindedly holding an arm out to Phoebe as she could see vein-like things furrowing in the man's skin. The man then let out a loud, ululating cry as he fell to his knees.

The Djinn felt Phoebe making her way over to help him, but she pushed the blonde back with her arm and turned to her with a shake of her head. Once the blonde nodded in agreement, Jumishat turned back to the man on his knees.

Both women watched in horror as the man then turned back to them with pleading eyes colored with tears,

"You two have to go on without me." came the voice of Osiris, "I don't know how long I can hold this thing in, but if we don't see each other again after this, just know that I enjoyed having you two as friends."

"No, you're fucking crazy! We're not leaving-"Phoebe screamed, but Jumi grabbed her by the arm, telling her with a shake of her head to quit it.

"No!" Phoebe argued in likeness to a toddler, "No, no no!"

"It was nice meeting you, Miss Phoebe," Osiris said in a hoarse voice filled with agony, "I hope my spell works well for you."

It broke even Jumi's heart to hear these words, and this pain was amplified by Phoebe's sobbing, but the Djinn knew they couldn't stay. They had to find help for Mirella and Aytigin, and they couldn't do that there. At the very least- Jumi thought as to make herself feel better-maybe they would find Aytigin's mother and brother.

"Goodbye, buddy," Jumi said with a grim expression, holding back tears as she dragged Phoebe away with her.

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