Chapter 7

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I sat their dumbfounded

Me.the next voldemort?

I walked out of the office

The next Voldemort. Horcux. Conected

These were the words swarming my mind

I walked to the common room to sleep

My life is soo fucked up

---------the next day

I got dressed into (on the side) and went down to the common room to see everyone crowding around the noticed board I pushed my way through to see that there was a duelling club tomorrow and everyone had to go I sighed just like 2 years ago

I knew that people thought I was the slytherin heir

I sighed and walked to the grand hall for that duelling crap

As I walked in I noticed that I interrupted lockheart I smirked

Snape gestured for me to sit next to him

I think everyone knew that I was his favourite student

I laughed when Snape knocked lockheart down with 'expelliarmis'

Then Snape told lockheart that harry and draco should verse

I laughed when draco and harry were shouting spells at each other until draco said this one spell

"Serpensortia!" Draco yelled

A snake came out of his wand

"Let me handle it potter" Snape said bored

"No need!" Lockheart

Lockheart said some stupid fake spell that made the snake angry

I pushed myself up onto the table

"Don't be angry, he's just a dickhead" I told the snake

"Please don't hurt anyone,I don't want to hurt you" I spoke to the snake

"Okay heir of slytherin" the snake said back

The bloody harry came and fuck up what the snake said

"Don't not move" harry spoke to the snake

The snake hissed angrily because I was the heir and I guess it didn't like harry that much

The snake slythered over to a hufflepuff and hiss, harry kept telling it to stop but before the snake could do anything to that huffelpuff I butted in

"Please he's an idiot please don't harm anyone"I spoke

It nodded, I looked around everyone was staring dumbfounded at Harry and I

I looked over to Snape and gave him a nod, he walked over and blew the snake up

I huffed angrily and stormed out

Stupid duelling clubs





Byeeeeeeee xxxxxx

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