An Unexpected Visit

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EDEN MAINE September 15th, 1856

Antoine Landry walked painfully out onto the wide front porch, scratching his head. 'Never and her sister were chatting and drinking cool lemonade.

"There's a young man at the back door, 'Never. He says he knows you and just stopped for a visit. He looks like a traveler, maybe from England or somewhere because he certainly wears different clothes."

'Never hurried through the house, out onto the back lawn and straight into the arms of Tom Nicholson. When he saw 'Never running toward him, Tom's smile was so wide he felt his face would break. They walked hand-in-hand back to the gazebo, where the whole adventure had started.

"I worked like hell, 'Never, but I finally cracked the problem of creating and storing NeverTime in abundance. I could go to any time and any place, whenever I want. But the place I wanted to be the most was here, with you."

'Never was radiant. "How long can you stay here, Tom?"

"I'm not really sure, sweetheart, but probably to be safe, I should go back and forth to my era until I know all the effects of time travel on my body. One thing I'm working on is trying to find a way for two people to time travel together. Just think of the things we could do then."

"You know, Tom, if I could travel in time, my priority would be to help those poor souls still wandering in limbo. People like Anatoly Federoff who suffered so badly at the cruel hands of Catherine the Great. Imagine locking him inside The Empress forever just for not submitting to her demand to never build another clock for anyone else."

Tom glanced at his digital watch. "I better leave now before your grandfather comes out with his shotgun. But I will be back soon, and I'll make sure to wear more appropriate clothing next time. And 'Never, I promise I will watch out for the old Russian clock builder on my travels back."

Reluctantly, 'Never kissed Tom goodbye and started back to the main house from the gazebo. Halfway there, she stopped to wave goodbye, but he was gone.

As she continued her walk, 'Never smiled to herself. I really love that man, and I'm sure he loves me, too. He risked his life to save me from being lost in the mists of time, and now I know he will do something to try and free Anatoly Federoff, too.

'Never felt happy, excited, and nervous all at the same time. She knew it wouldn't be long before Tom returned to take her on her next trip through the mists of time, but on this voyage, she knew she wouldn't be alone.

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