Chapter 28

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"Well, we can move around now. That's good," Nate said. "Still, it was pretty crazy to take that deal. What if you couldn't get the Taser?"

I shuddered at the thought. "I don't wanna think about it. Let's get out of here."

"Yeah. But wait. What about that guy?" Nate pointed at Richie.

"What about him?" I asked.

"How long is he gonna be out?"

"I don't know but he's still alive. He probably won't wake up anytime soon though because of the amount of electricity I injected into him."

"Hmmm...Just in case..." Nate walked where we had thrown the ropes. "Let's tie him up. At least, he won't be that much of a problem even if he wakes up."

"Good idea."

Nate and I carried Richie's body onto one of the chairs and tied him down with both ropes.

"There!" said Nate. "Now, we can get out of here."

We walked to the door and slowly tried the handle. Grateful that it was unlocked, we opened the door just a little to see if there was anybody close by.

"The coast looks clear," said Nate.

"But what about the other guy?" I asked

"I don't see him. We better get moving."

We came out of the room and closed the door quietly then we walked down the narrow hallway that followed. We soon came to a set of stairs which we descended stealthily. When we reached for the bottom of the stairs, we were in a small living room and across the living room we could see the door.

"That should be the front door, right?" I asked.

"I hope so. It's pretty dark in here. Let's go."

We were about to go to the door when we heard another door close from a distance. The sound echoed through the living room.

"Quick! Hide!" Nate whispered.

Nate and I ran into a nearby kitchen and hid under the countertop.

"I hope there's something to eat in this place," a deep voice said. Then we heard footsteps.

"Oh no, he's coming," I said, panicking.

"Shh!" Nate hushed me. "Just...try not to move. Maybe he'll go away."

But that wasn't the case. Instead the footsteps made their way into the kitchen and suddenly the light was switched on. The bright light stung my eyes, but I was still immobilized by fear.

We only saw the legs of the man, but I knew it was Pete. He had walked into the kitchen. Luckily, he was facing away from us, but I knew it was only a matter of time before he would turn around and see us. When I thought it was all over, we suddenly heard a jingle, more like a ringtone. We heard some rustling around and then a "Hello." He kept on talking on the phone and during that moment, Nate said "Now's our chance."

Nate and I crawled out from under the countertop and tip-toed towards the sitting room.

"...yeah. I know but I can take care of it..." continued the phone conversation.

We were so close to the door when Nate suddenly tripped on something and fell and because I was right behind him, I stumbled as well.

"Ow!" Nate shouted.

"Shh!" I tried to shush Nate, but it was too late.

"Who's there?!" asked Pete.

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