good boy

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warning for more quasi-bordering-on zoophilia. Vinny struggles with reconciling Evan's existence as a dog with his feelings for Evan as a man.
Vinny's been dreading this next task. It isn't so much a task as a basic requirement of owning a pet- bathing him. The dog he had when he was little didn't mind being bathed. Evan, with his human mind, never enjoyed it to Vinny's knowledge but did it anyway. Evan now, though...?

It's only pressing now that Evan got into mud outside. Before he could simply be hosed off, a simple task. Evan didn't mind the hose; if anything, he thought it was just a fun game. The tub, though? The tub is a small and enclosed space. As a dog or as a human, Evan was never a fan of enclosed spaces.

"Come, Ev." He calls. That collar jangles as Evan comes down the hall. He trots after Vinny, still smiling in that dopey dog way. The bathroom seems to confuse him more than anything else. Vinny hasn't shown him the bathroom on purpose, since it's not something that Evan needs to know about.

The first order of business is getting the clothes Evan's wearing off. The shirt first, the logo of some metal band emblazoned across it, is easy. Evan just sits back on his haunches as Vinny pulls it off. The pants are more difficult. Evan can't stand up (or won't? Vinny's only seen him on all fours, for a long time) so he can't simply pull them off that way. After a moment or two of consideration, Vinny simply decides to start and see what happens from there.

Of course, it's unpleasant to be stripping his best friend. He knows, he knows so well that it's necessary. Evan can't do it himself. It doesn't make it any less weird to unbuckle Evan's pants, then slide them down his hips- does he have to take the underwear off, too? He stops with the pants just under Evan's hips, head tilted.

"Sorry, man..." Vinny mutters. Evan doesn't understand what's going on, he's sure of it. He still remains still and patient as Vinny slips his thumb into the waistband of Evan's underwear. He doesn't look as he pulls both the underwear and the pants down to Evan's knees.

"Lift your knees up, Ev." He doesn't expect Evan to understand him, so he taps the side of Evan's knee until he lifts it, and pulls both clothing items down. He repeats it on the other side, then pulls both off.

With Evan naked except for his collar, he taps the side of the tub, then points at the inside of it. "Up-up." Evan leans forward to sniff it. It's a natural reaction, but it isn't the one Vinny needs. He taps the inside of the tub, this time. All it gets him is a puzzled rrr.

"Ev, c'mon. It's fine. You just need to get cleaned." It's clear to him that Evan doesn't trust the tub, but he clambers over the side anyway when Vinny taps it again.

Evan crouches in the middle of the tub, looking at Vinny, then lowering his head to sniff the drain. With Evan distracted Vinny can get the showerhead; he allows it to hang where Evan can sniff it, acclimating him to it, while Vinny then gets the soap and shampoo. He isn't sure if HABIT wants him to use dog shampoo. There's none in the cabinets, and Evan physically isn't a dog, so it wouldn't make much sense to use it.

He comes back to find Evan still standing in the middle of the tub. Without thinking about it, his eyes trail over Evan's body. Strong, thickly muscled, old scars faded from age and from HABIT's possession of his body. The thick pink scar from being disemboweled shines on his lower stomach. Beyond that, Vinny sees that Evan's still a very handsome man (dog, he warns himself); his hair hangs in front of his face, long and unkempt, his body is beautiful. Vinny's eyes trail downward before he forces himself to remember that Evan's a dog right now. Lusting after him won't go anywhere, and it's just fucking weird.

Focusing on his task is more difficult than expected. He turns the shower head away from Evan and slowly turns the handle to turn it on. The water dribbling from it, naturally, startled Evan just enough. He pushes his face forward to nose the water; when his nose gets wet, he whimpers and shifts away from it.

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