Chapter 3

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Louis's POV


My legs were crossed, in like a criss cross applesauce position, studying the new articles of clothing I had gotten hours before

Jason had his credit card on the dresser, so I used it. I thought he had it out for me.

Some background information about Jason and I's relationship - we have been together for about a year now, moved into his gigantic apartment - well, flat - in London half a year into the relationship.

Which resulted in myself telling Jason my number as he typed it into his contacts. I guess you can say we have a strong relationship. It's hard, though. He's all over the place, but I savor the moments when we do have time to sleep in, cuddle, and have a lazy day.

It was 5:45 PM exactly, 15 more minutes until Jason would be home.

The slam of a door being shut startled me. Was it Jason? Maybe. But he said he'd be home at 6. I shook it off and went down the hall to greet him.

He stormed past me and I gasped at the force of wind that hit me

"Jason?" I spoke quietly, my voice laced with fear.

"What." He spat from the room. "Where's my fucking credit card?!" My confidence drained and I hurried to get the card out of my pocket.

He watched my every move, normally, but he was glaring at me with so much anger.

Did you use it?" He barked, ripping the small blue credit card away from my hand and pulling out his wallet and sliding his card into a slot.

"Yes." I whispered, barely audible.

No look of regret crossed his features.

What the hell just happened?

Cold hands gripped around my neck as I'm for gasping for air, I'm thrown against the wall in seconds. Jason of all people said that he would never hurt me and loved me so much, when I question "the so-called love?".

As I cry out for him to stop, Jason keeps hitting harder. "Ja-ason plea-ase st-top" I whimpered in between sobs covering my face, as he continues to kick my side.

"Louis, what have I told you! DONT EVER TALK BACK TO ME!" Jason snaps back immediately, huffing tiredly. Then he stops which surprises me, and walks out of the door.

Now it was my turn to ran from you, Jason


"PLEASE STOP...NO-NO..STOP" my raw throat screamed, tiring to catch my breath as my eyes are adjusting to the lighting. I wake up drenched in sweat. I don't know where I am or how I got here.

The tears in my eyes blurred my vision. I heard the door open and someone ran to my side, I hugged the blankets closer to hide my face from the stranger.

"Hi.. Im Harry Styles.. I found you in my backyard, nearly frozen to death. Would you mind if I asked, what you where doing out there..?" Harry rasply said as he wakened from his slumber.

I slowly removed the blankets that hid my face, wiping at my tear stained cheeks "I ran away..." I quietly whispered as I turned to see a beautiful curly haired boy. I blink uncontrollably not believing my eyes his toned slender muscles against his awfully pale skin and that's when he turns, with his intensely green eyes that looked like they were shining.

Harry nodded "I'm guessing it was really bad, u-umm I mean by the looks of your bruises it must have gone on for a while..." Harry sighed looking back into his lap, embarrassed.

I blushed shyly, and nodded as I made my way to sit on the edge of the bed, moaning in pain as I finally reached the spot Harry was at. I realized that I'm wearing different clothing, a small smiled found its ways upon my face. I stared at the floor awkwardly and started to play with my fingers nervously.

Harry softly chuckled "I do that when I'm nervous too... You can stay here for as long as you want" Harry smiled as he left the room, closing the door behind him and he returned with a glass of water and painkillers. Harry softly placed them in the nightstand "These should help with the pain you might me feeling... I didn't catch your name?" Harry smiled sincerely as he stood up.

I smiled "I'm Louis Tomlinson, thank you for letting me stay here.. I'm sorry if I'm causing you any stress for being here." I shyly stated as I grabbed the pills and water gliding them both down my throat.

Harry chuckled showing off his dimpled that pierced into my soul and it made me shiver "Louis, I'm glad your safe.. I wouldn't want to find you died in my backyard" Harry smiled as he made his way towards the door, checkin his wristwatch "If you need me, I will be downstairs making breakfast, it's about 6am. Your clothes are in the dresser if you want to change. Come down when your ready" Harry cheerfully smiled as he left the room.

Leaving me there with my thoughts of this extremely charming lad.


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