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Tense. That's a word to describe the current situation.


Nayeon was sitting in the driver's seat, on the verge of tears and breathing heavily. Jeongyeon was sitting in the passenger's seat, looking out the window and a glare on her face. They were both sitting in awkward silence but, no one dared to break it.

After a couple of minutes later, Jeongyeon eventually broke it, "Why did you do it?"


"Don't you 'What' me!" Jeongyeon exclaimed as she whipped her head to Nayeon's direction, "You know damn well what I'm talking about, Im Nayeon. Don't you play stupid right now."

"I... I-" Nayeon was too shaken up to form words.

"Why did you do it?!" Jeongyeon raised her voice and made Nayeon jump a little.

"I... I don't know, Jeongyeon..." Nayeon mumbled as she looked down.

"You know why. I know why," Jeongyeon muttered, "I want to hear you say it."

Nayeon took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I fell for her."

Jeongyeon leaned back into her seat and slammed her head against the headrest.

"Yes, you did," Jeongyeon hissed, "Why? Why her? Am I not good enough for you, Nayeon?"

"What? N-No! You're... You're great!"

"Then, why did I walk in the music room seeing you sucking faces with her!?" Jeongyeon spat, "Huh?! Tell me!"

Nayeon was speechless. She was too scared to say anything.

"I still have it pictured in my head. I think I'll have it tattooed in my brain forever... I can't seem to get it out."

Nayeon started to tear up, "J-Jeongyeon..."

"You were sitting on the piano. Well, you were sitting on top of the piano. She was wedged between your legs, gripping your thighs, and your hands were lost in her blonde hair. You're lips were locked with hers... our make outs has never been that intense and heated, Nayeon..."

Nayeon squeezed her eyes shut as tears became to stream down.

"I- I'm deeply sorry, Jeongyeon, I... I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"Yes. Yes, you did," Jeongyeon turned her whole body to face Nayeon, "Because if you didn't mean to, you wouldn't have gone with it and you wouldn't have confessed to me your feelings for her."

Nayeon shook her head slowly as she sobbed softly. They sat in another silence.

"Was it always her?" Jeongyeon asked quietly as she looked out the window.

"No..." Nayeon breathed out, "It's just-"

"You guys have been spending so much time together, even more than the time you spend with me, so you fell for her," Jeongyeon finished her sentence, "I get that. I just... I just didn't want to accept it."

"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry..." Nayeon sniffled.

"I know you are but, I can't accept your apology. Not now, not tomorrow, not next week, not soon. It'll take a while. I don't know how long but it will be a while."

Now, they were both crying.

"I love you, Jeongyeon," Nayeon whispered.

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