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The house is quiet when I get home. On the kitchen counter is a small note from Lucille.

Dad left this morning for a conference and I'm staying at my sister's tonight. There's some left over ziti in the fridge. Happy Birthday, Marnie. ~ Lucille

My eyes sting with tears, but I easily blink them away. She's the only one in the house that has acknowledged my birthday and I'm not sure why, but it eases the anger I have towards her. I don't have time to dwell on it, since I have to get ready for my party.

In my room I tear through the closet, throwing almost every party dress onto the bed. Some of them are not my style, but I bought them to hide the girl who loves sneakers and jeans. Some still have tags on, because I can't find it in me to actually wear them. Gazing over my options I begin to wonder when I truly lost myself.

The perfect outfit has to be here somewhere, the better I look, the better I'll feel. At least I keep telling myself that. My phone goes off as I'm deep in thought. I swipe it off the bedside table. My lips hurt from the smile lighting up my frown. More lyrics.

Flint: I would drive the whole night, so I could spend time with you.

Me: I wish you were mine, you know that's true.

Not even a second later his response comes through.

Flint: Damn, you beat me to it again. Hope your day got better, any plans for tonight?

I text him back telling him that my friends have decided to throw me a party, and that I'm going crazy trying to find something to wear. His response stops me in my tracks.

Flint: You'll look great in anything, Marnie. Enjoy your night.

I stare at the words on the screen and try to imagine the look on his face while he was typing it. In the corner of my eye I catch sight of a black and white dress I haven't worn yet. It still has the tags on it. It's been sitting in my closet waiting for a chance to be worn.

Caught up in the moment I take a mirror selfie. My intention was to put it on Instagram, and then do a getting ready clip on Tik Tok, but when I hit the angled share button, Flint's messages pop up as an option. Without much thought I sent it over to him. It's not a very sexy selfie because my tongue is sticking out and my eyes are crossed.

I'm running late so instead of eating the food left I head right over to Tanya's. I'll save Lucille's food for later. While sitting at a red light my phone lights up on the passenger seat.

Tanya: Don't worry about food my love, I've arranged a big spread of sandwiches and hot foods. Mom told me to put it on her card, she thinks it's just us girls and a few of the guys.

I'm surprised with how trusting her mom is, unless she truly doesn't care. A car honks behind me and I curse at them even though they can't hear. I set the phone down and continue to drive.

When I pull into the circular driveway Tanya is on the doorstep waiting for me to arrive. The moment I slip inside the foyer I'm in awe of the set up. She's got banners hanging with music notes, like she gets me. Her house is ten times the size of mine. Her mom is a top interior designer and works on a lot of celebrity homes, so theirs is just as fancy. This room has beautifully crafted high vaulted ceilings. The floors are made of an emerald marble. It's my favorite feature of the house.

Around me there's already a crowd of people. She's set up beer pong tables in the center of the room, and along the outer piercing white walls are tables set up with a smorgasbord of food. There's a chorus of happy birthdays, and waves in my direction.

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