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I used to like Mondays, getting to school on time, anticipating seeing Cam and my friends, but that feels almost like a different Marnie completely. I drag myself into the building with a few minutes to spare. The crowd begins to fan out as I reach my locker. I stare down the hallway as I catch a glimpse of Cam waiting by my locker. Waves of nausea rise inside of me. I pass the bathroom, ready to hide, but I hesitate for too long, and he notices me.

My name leaving his lips makes me cringe. He jogs over, meeting me halfway. Without asking, he tugs me into his chest and breathes in. I lay an ear against his beating heart. I don't hate Cam, how can I? We've been through so much together; hating him would feel wrong. I might even still love him, but for some reason, it feels different.

"I'm so sorry," he says, whispering in my ear.

I pull away from him and stare up into his eyes. They are so familiar yet distant.

"Can I make it up to you? Like all the shitty things I've done lately."

I know by his tone and the way his eyes haven't left mine that he's serious.

Second chances, Marnie. Cam deserves one as well.

"Friday night, you and me and our usual. Dinner, a movie, kissing." He wiggles his brows while he says kissing.

It can't hurt to go out on a date with him. Maybe a night with the two of us is exactly what we need. Unfortunately, we haven't gone on one since Christmas break. If the connection isn't there, then I'll call it quits, but if I still feel even a spark of something, I'll have to let go of Flint. We could never be just friends after what happened Friday. It's just not possible.

"Okay, Friday night."

His face lights up, a smile reaching his eyes. "Thank you, babe. Thank you so much." He leans in for a kiss, and I wait for a spark to ignite, but there's just his wet lips pressed against mine. When he pulls away, it takes me an extra second to open my eyes. He searches my face for answers but then shrugs like he could care less.

"Cam," a female voice says.

My head whips in the direction of the voice, and I catch sight of Holly, the one and only girl on the boys wrestling team. She's gorgeous, and I'd honestly kill for her muscular physique. However, she's like one of the guys, so she doesn't worry me as much. In fact, she's always been nice to me. Even now, as she stands there waiting, she smiles and waves at me.

"Sorry, babe, training is intense today. Will you come to my meet on Saturday," he asks?

I shake my head. "Dad and I are going...."

"Oh, that's too bad then." He cuts me off without allowing me to get in another word. He plants one extra quick kiss on my cheek, then heads down the hallway to be with her.


As I sit in my seat for creative writing, my leg starts bouncing around again. I try not to keep my eye on the door, but I can't help it. As if on cue, the bell rings, and Flint comes strolling into the room, his usual swagger is there, but it's not the same. Our eyes meet like magnets pulling us together. He doesn't say a word as he settles down in the desk behind me.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Shepherd says, calling attention to the class.

"Here is our next prompt. This one is a little different than the rest. There will be two picture prompts up here that you and your partner need to choose from. Then, you will each write a short story based on the prompt."

He takes the remote for the smart board and pulls up the pictures. The first one is an invisible man standing outside leaning against a brick building. Before I can even look at the second one, the chair behind me slides across the floor, sending off loud - nails on a chalkboard sound. Finally, the picture shows a man in an army uniform standing beside a piano in the woods.

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