Things Were So Much Easier

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Things Were So Much Easier

Haven't you ever noticed how much easier things were when we were in kindergarten? You could go up to someone, share their chocolate milk, and immediately become best friends. When you were angry, you could just scream. Try and do that now and you're sure to get some stares. If you liked that little boy or girl you sat next to, and they offer to share their crayons, you are in heaven. None of that, "Why didn't you text me back?!" or "Well SHE said that...". If you got angry at someone, you could threaten not to be their friend, and they'd immediately say sorry. There was no 'start thinking about your future' crap either. You didn't get grounded, or have your phone taken away, you just got a minute in the bad kid chair. That was it.

Back then, life wasn't looming over you like a hawk. I think the pressure just builds up on us as we get older. Maybe that's why old people are so worn down. I don't understand why sometimes life can't be easier for a little while. Have you ever noticed that people always try to make something out of everything? Why does the sky have to be blue because of gases in the atmosphere? Why can't it just be blue?

I understand that you do need to think about your future, and sometimes you do need to prioritize. But still, if you keep worrying about that kind of stuff, the day you die, you'll realize you NEVER did anything on your bucket list, like skydiving out of a plane with your spouse, or having great-grandchildren. And you know that all those chances are gone.

I suppose what I'm trying to make out of this ranting speech is that once in a while, look back at your childhood. Remember when you said when you were six, you were going to be a rock star? Or remember how you said you were going to be president? Keep those things in mind as you grow up, because one day, your life is going to flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.


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