Chapter 16

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"Hello, Protector Sartori. It's been a while," her angelic voice filled my ears before I saw her in a moon-colored dress. She was quite beautiful. Glowing skin. Mesmerizing eyes that matched her dress. Long, dark hair that flowed around her as she walked towards where I sat.

"It has, Goddess. I'm sure you got my brief message," I said, getting straight to business. She smiled, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. I could see the irritation in her eyes.

"Yes, I did. You're with Dax, however. Well, it's what you chose," she said. "I sent you Selden. You were meant to tame him, make him realize he needed you. Although he did realize it, you pushed him away. Which is why he might as well die. He is of no use. Sad, really. He would've made a great ruler," she continued. Hot rage consumed me at her words. I stood up to my full height.

"He's your damn child and you're just going to abandon him like that?!" I bellowed. She winced but quickly recovered. She glared.

"I'd watch how you speak to me. Wouldn't want those twins of yours to be hurt," she warned. I lunged at her, knocking her down onto the grass. I felt our surroundings immediately change. It was darker, colder.

"You and I both signed with our blood. There is no going back on our word. And you know perfectly well," I said. She pushed me off her, making me stumble slightly. She got back up and smirked.

"Your sweet Dax wasn't included in that agreement," she taunted. I saw red and slammed her into a nearby tree.

"You know damn well I can remove you from your throne. I. Will. Do. It." I spoke through gritted teeth. She stayed silent, not bothering to get back up on her feet. She scowled at me.

"You don't want that responsibility. You can barely handle being a princess. I doubt you can handle being a Goddess," she spoke. I smirked.

"You know I can do a much better job than you. Don't deny it. We both know it. In fact, now that I think about it, wasn't that the reason you had that wizard husband of yours make me choose between my parents and my powers?" I said, crossing my arms. She replied with silence. She tried to hide her surprise but failed miserably. "Didn't think I'd find out, did you? Well, dear sister, I'm afraid your reign is over," I said, my smirk growing.

"You still have to battle me," she said. We both knew who would win.

"Do you really want to bother with that, sister dear?" I spoke, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "You already know who the Natures prefer. I mean you did burn their son. I had to use a powerful spell to keep him alive. Do you really want to go through that humiliation?" I taunted. She stayed silent.

"You can't fight in your state," she spoke frantically. I chuckled humorlessly.

"My children will be out soon. Your reign will come to an end very soon, sister dear. See you soon, Goddess," I said, pivoting and walking away.



I awoke in a startled state. I had dreamt of the Goddess. She looked frantic, desperate even.

"Don't trust Alessa Sartori," her words rang in my head. "She's evil. She's going to hurt you and your pack," she went on. I noticed that before I woke up, our surroundings turned dark and cold.

Why would she insist, I couldn't help but think. Alessa wouldn't hurt me or the pack. She was supposed to protect us....right? Of course! Why wouldn't she? I shook my head. Whatever was wrong with the Goddess, I wasn't going to believe it. Alessa wouldn't dare hurt us. She's helping me. She's helping the pack. But a tiny voice couldn't help but doubt.

Is she?

I shook my head to rid it of those thoughts. I got up and went to the bathroom to shower. I brushed my teeth and did everything else I usually do. I went back to the room with a towel around my waist. I quickly changed, feeling anxious to see Alessa all of a sudden. I exited my room and rushed to their room. I didn't bother knocking and barged in. I froze at the scene before me.



When Alessa returned from seeing the Goddess, she was very upset. I figured she didn't want to talk, so I wrapped her in my arms and let her nuzzle into my neck. I ran my hand down her back, making her tense muscles relax at my touch. She inhaled and began to suck on my neck. I felt my canines retract and my muscles tense.  My jaw clenched. She was driving me over the edge with just that small gesture. I picked her up and took her to our room. I barely had time to react before she slammed her lips on mine. I groaned as she ran her hands down my chest.

"Love, I'm gonna-"

"Do it," she interrupted, making me freeze. "Mark me," she said, pleaded. I could feel my canines itch and I could sense my wolf coming out.

"I want it to be special for you," I told her, barely managing to restrain myself from doing just that. She shook her head and began sucking my neck again. I groaned.

"Mark me," she whispered huskily. That was all I needed to lose control. I quickly but softly laid her down on the bed and began sucking and nipping on her sensitive spot. The spot where my mark would be. She moaned and I leant down, running my canines over her mark. I felt her grip me tight, letting out a low moan. I slowly began to sink my elongated teeth into her skin. I immediately smelled her intoxicating blood. It drove me crazy. And then the door slammed open. I tensed and slowly removed my canines. I turned to see Selden. And I lost it.



Dax was off me in seconds. I quickly got up just in time to see him tackle Selden. I ran and pulled him back. Dax turned to me, his eyes dark with fury. His wolf was in control. I took his hand and kissed his clenched knuckles.

"Calm down, love. He meant no harm," I spoke softly. Dax pulled me into his arms and nuzzled into my neck. He inhaled deeply and slowly relaxed. I turned to Selden just in time to see him walk away. I grimaced.

"Fuck," he muttered, pulling me closer but being careful with my protruding belly.

"Better?" I asked. I felt him nod.

"I'm sorry, love. I just lost it," he spoke, pulling back and looking at me apologetically. I gave him a small smile.

"It's fine. I understand. It was partly my fault-"

"No," he stated firmly. "I lost it. I wasn't able to control my wolf, but it wasn't your fault. Okay?" He added. I sighed, not bothering to argue.

"I need to go talk to him," I felt him stiffen at my words. "I promise I won't be long," I said, cupping his cheek. He nodded, kissing my lips and walking out. I proceeded to find Selden. I could sense him in the woods as I went outside. I walked as quickly as possible, following his scent. I found him after about five minutes of walking. His back was towards me. I saw him tense as I approached. He was about to leave, I could sense it. "Selden, wait," I said, laying a hand on his shoulder. He quickly pulled away, almost as if I had burned him.

"Go back to him," he monotonously said, turning to face me with a blank expression. I sighed.

"Why are you so upset?" I asked softly. He looked me in the eyes before his façade was replaced with a broken expression.

"Maybe the Goddess was right," he spoke above a whisper. I didn't think I was meant to hear it because his eyes widened as I spoke.

"What?" I asked calmly, although I was far from it.


I tried to make this chapter longer. Please leave feedback. I know you may be a little confused because there was a bit more information on her past. Feel free to comment any questions or confusions you may have. I will gladly clarify. Thanks!


Even though this story is done, I still would like feedback

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