(Flashback) : 2 years ago.

In SÃO, Asuna was dating Kirito while they were trapped. Toad was a member of the knights of the blood oath guild as a captain. When he saw her with Kirito, he was heartbroken so he started dating Lizbeth for a about a year to help heal his heart. When Asuna saw him with Lizbeth, she was furious.

Asuna: why is he with Lizbeth? I thought he loved me! It's all Kirito's fault! He made me lose interest in Toad! Well not anymore. *grows a yandere smile while her eyes are dilated* We'll be together soon Toad. Kirito won't be a problem anymore.

With Toad.

Lizbeth: Toad honey, I want you to be careful around Asuna.
Toad: huh? Why's that babe?
Lizbeth: she's not in the right of mind right now.
Toad: yeah I noticed. But I don't care about her.

But unbeknownst to them, Asuna was listening in on their conversation.

Asuna: what?! He doesn't care about me?! I thought he did. Well it doesn't matter now. We'll be together soon anyway my love. I first need to tie up loose ends starting with Kirito then Lizbeth will be my next target.

She then vanished.

And so she begins her massacre. She started with Kirito badly injuring him to near death. When Toad saw this, he was shocked at first but he got used to it rather quickly.

Toad: ok Asuna talk. Why did you attack these people?
Asuna: because they were in the way of our love dear.
Toad: what about Kirito? What did you do to him?
Asuna: he was my first target. The others just got in the way!
Toad: *sighs* I already talked to Liz. She agreed to break up with me. So don't try to kill her.
Asuna: I won't. But on one condition. You will become mine.
Toad: alright fine. I'll do it.

Present time.

Toad: I can't believe it's already been 2 years since then. Time sure flies.
Asuna: well at least I have you my darling.
Toad: whatever happened to Kirito?
Asuna: I've heard he's dating Sinon.
Toad: well good for him. Better him than me.
Asuna: true. But I don't care about him. You're the only one I ever care about.
Toad: true enough I guess.

the otaku and his yandere girlfriend  (yandere girlfriend Asuna x male oc) Where stories live. Discover now