The Torture

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All taxes must be paid in a timely and organized manner. Each prince controls tax collection in his princedom War is forbidden between the princes. All dissatisfactions must be dealt in a civilized manner. Via duels or by lodging a complaint to the council of princes.The most powerful traders shall form a council of 10; with each member being called a prince. This council shall gather in emergencies: such as war, the enactment of widespread changes, as well as to deal with any grievances between the princesIf any trader or isle within the trade union territory is attacked all princes must come to the defense Declaring war on foreign bodies is forbidden. If any trader or prince is found doing so they will be stripped of their goods and factories and will have to contend with the war on their own.All magic is illegal and practitioners will be prosecuted

We are traders, not warlords. We thrive on income and civility, not chaos and murder.

'The union codex, rules the traders abide by.'


David has been in jail before, a flying jail, a jail on the ground ground. All kinds and types. Honestly he felt kind of at home when he woke up on the cold hard floor of a ship to metal grates wishing him good morning.

The cell was big enough for him to stretch his muscles and walk around a bit. He checked his back pocket where kept Boyle's pendant but it was gone, good riddance. Luckily David didn't have any other belongings on his person and the guards graciously allowed him to keep his clothes.

David didn't even contemplate shouting, as it usually invited a guard and when you're the one in the cell why would you want a guard to be nearby. So David did what any sane person in his situation would, he went back to sleep on the bed hanging from the metal wall.

Sadly event the best plans sometimes fall apart and it was the case here, as he couldn't fall asleep. There was something akin to ringing in his head, a feeling that something was close, similar to something he feels when he's near Francesca. Soon enough David heard the sound of doors moving and he opened one, the only one that was working, eye. Through his eye he could see two guards carrying...something big, leaving a trail of blood. Now while David didn't get a good look that did seem to eerily look like Gob or at least what David wished Gob would look like. Either way that was enough to get his attention and he stood up, as the guards locked the cell next door.

Another soldier came up to David's cell, and David recognized him as the one who was trying to talk Gob down. The officer gestured at the soldiers and they quickly unlocked David's cell, who promptly presented his hands in submission. Sadly the guard didn't seem to care as one of them punched David in the gut and the other handcuffed his hands, putting them behind David's back.

While David would've preferred everyone to be civil, his mind was too preoccupied with one fact, the tug was definitely stronger when closer to the officer. It seemed he was the other chosen, David was hoping there were more as Jesters words came back to him.

The walk itself didn't last long as they arrived in a room with a table and two chairs, on opposite sides. It was downright friendly if you ignored the blood splatters all around the room.

David was put into the chair further away from the door and his hands attached to the handles. The officer motioned for the guards to leave them and took a sit at the other chair, staring into David's soul.

"Who are you?" So the questioning has started.

"I'm David, the rebels have caught me and took me hostage. I would like to..." before he could finish the interrogator held his hand out to stop David.

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