Chapter 2

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I wake up, pain in my back from being arched really weird, to the seeing the same boy from last night exit the house with the saddest expression on his face. 

"Why are they making him go to school after hearing his parents are dead..?" Looking at the backpack on his one shoulder.

I make my way down the tree and start to follow him, careful that he doesn't see me.


I make it down to the school, and all I see is that he walks straight in without saying a word to everyone, even though people were waving and saying hi. 

"Poor Kid, I have to make sure I get him before Jeff does, he'll be with his family soon and he won't die in a disrespectful way.

Matt POV:

I walk into school ignoring everyone, with hearing just last night that my parents are dead makes me want to busrt out in tears and screaming the top of my lungs. My aunt recommended to me to go to school, claiming that it'll clear my head. She also said that my education is really important. 

"You know what else was important... my parents." I mumble to myself.

I see Travis, my bestfriend, staring at me with a weird expression on his face. 

"You doing alright man?" He asks me.

"Yeah, yeah man... I uh... just was thinking about my.. parents." I replied, straining to keep the tears from flowing.

Travis has been my friend since elementary. He knows when something is bothering me.

"Tell me what happened?" He asks

"Nothing man, just drop it" I replied

"Hey, dude if anything is bothering you know you can tell me." He insists

"I SAID IT'S NOTHING, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I say as I storm off. I feel bad for yelling at him like that, but he'll just feel obligated to help me. And I don't really need anyone to feel bad for me. Sooner or later he'll find out, he always comes to my house every weekend. I was pulled out of thought when I saw something from the corner of my eye. I was out in the courtyard so it was it was clear that I wasn't just seeing things... but I saw a girl... pale like snow on a beautiful snowy day, jet black hair, .... emotionless expression on her face, almost like... it was mask.... staring at me. 

She was standing on the other side of the courtyard. Crowds of people all around her don't seem to notice her. The bell rang, I looked around to see everyone leaving the courtyard to get to their classes, I look back over where I saw that girl but when I shifted my eyes over, she vanished. I'm frantically looking to find her, but she was no where to be find. I dismiss the weird event and just start heading to class. 

It was time for lunch and I've decided to tell Travis about my parents. He is my bestfriend and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to tell, I did but only because with us being friends for so long, Travis was practically like family to us. Travis parents were always around, his dad works most of the time, either construction or out in the streets selling drugs. His mom was in the house but was always too drugged out to even pay attention to him. So he usually comes over whenever he wants. 

I see him sitting at our usually table, it was a table wrapped around the corner and we really only sat there so it was perfect. I walk towards him giving an uncomfortable wave to him and he gives me a smile and a waves back. As I'm walking I suddenly trip and fall to the floor. I lay there looking over to what I tripped on, it was none other than Dylan Myers. The school bully. He has been picking on me since elementary. We use to be friends but then out of no where he just didn't speak to me and after that's when the bullying started. 

"What the fuck Dylan?" Travis yells at him

"What? It's not my fault the little prick can't walk." Dylan says as his entourage are behind him laughing.

"You know damn well you did that on purpose you asshole." Travis says as his I can see his vain pop out of his neck.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it huh? Go tell your crack whore of a mom? I can tell you what she'd probably suck my dick for a pound wouldn't she?"

I looked over to Travis after I pick myself up, "That's enough Dylan, just go back to the pig farm from where you came from." 

When I say this kid is obesed, I am not exaggerating. Looks like something that'll come off an old alien movie whenever the aliens would take you to their fat king...... Or Jabba the Hutt.

"What did you say momma's boy?" Dylan glances at my direction. At the mention of my mother I strained myself from crying, especially not in front of everyone.

"I said that's enough." I say with a shaky breathe but still a stern tone.

"Oh okay, I'm sorry, how wrong of me." He holds out a hand implying to shake it. I hesitated at first but decided to go for the shake. Then he grabs me yanks my arm towards him and throws me off with his stomach.... tub of lard.

 As I try to pick myself again, I can hear laughter all around me. Tears feeling heavier and heavier with every passing second.

"Oh, what's wrong momma's boy? Are you going to cry to mommy?" Dylan says mockingly

That's it, I've had enough, I got and while he wasn't looking I took a deep breathe and swung as hard as I can at this fucking beanbag. I aimed right for the nose, just how my dad taught me in self defense. The whole cafeteria was quiet. Rage in my eyes and blood dripping from his nose, I can tell I made him mad.

"Oh, little bitch. You're going to pay for that." Dylan says with an angry face.

But before either one of us can throw a punch, the principle along with schools security guards pulled us away from each other.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU TWO??" Principle Wade yelled out of frustration.

"I was just trying to have my lunch and Matt just comes up and hits me in the nose for no reason" Dylan lies through his teeth.

"You're a fucking liar Dylan." Travis yells

The principle looks over to me.

"You over to my office. NOW!" Principle Wade demands

I look over to Travis who looks worried for me. I storm out of the cafeteria not saying another word.

"I know I'm going to get an ear full for this.." I mumble to myself.

Chapter 2 you guys!! Lets celebrate!! This Is really longer than my 1st chapter but I like making my chapters long. But they should be a chapter 3 coming to you guys soon. so you won't wait as long. Just let me know what you guys think what can change just anything, let me know. See you all soon. (He says as no one reads my book) XD

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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