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It strikes Namjoon as odd that he hasn't heard anything from Jungkook for quite sometime now. It isn't unusual that the boy would fall off the grid every now and then.

After high school the kid worked three jobs and seven days a week, barely having the time to respond to the messages send by his friends. It more often than not took him a day or two to respond, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have the energy to.

Namjoon understood, though he pitied the boy. Always asking why he worked so hard and why he didn't go and study. Only to receive the same answer over and over again, that Jungkook wanted to give back to his father. With that the conversation ended.

But this time the responses didn't come, after days of waiting he got quite suspicious. If something was wrong Jungkook would've told him, right? They've been friends since high school, he never felt like the younger kept secrets from him.

He doesn't care whether Jungkook wants to tell him what's wrong or not. He just wants to know if he's okay. So he goes by all three jobs to which two say that Jungkook quite over a week ago by sending an email, the third said he stopped showing up.

This strikes Namjoon as odd, Jungkook worked hard and with purpose, why would he suddenly stop? It doesn't make sense for him to quit or stop showing up.

So now he finds himself walking up to Jungkook's door, ringing the bell once, twice. No one opens up.

Which isn't odd, Mr Jeon worked as hard as his son. The two were barely home and when they were they were either eating or asleep. So he walks around testing the back door to see it's unlocked.

This strikes him ass odd. If they were home they would've opened up and if they were out they would've locked the door.

"Hello?" He calls out, stepping inside carefully. The energy in the house is eerie, tense and dead silent. Shuffling into the hallway his eyes land on a large for sale sign stood in the hallway.

Again he's confused, if Jungkook was moving he would've told him. The kid had very vividly told him about his first wet dream, if he was moving he would've told.

Taking a step into the living room the faint smell of bleach hits his nostrils.

Unsure why he suddenly feels like he's being looked at. Whipping around he doesn't see anyone, he quickly rushes out of the house.

Running down the streets for a good few blocks until he halts. Something happened in that house, something the Jeon's don't want him to know, in fact he thinks they don't want anyone to know.

Unless, someone else has done something to the Jeon's and doesn't want anyone to find out. If that's the truth, he might be in trouble too.

Catching his breath he looks around one last time but he no longer feels like people are looking at him. So he starts walking to the nearest bus stop, mind racing on about what the hell happened to the Jeon's.

"That was close." Taehyung says, looking out the window to see the boy has run off. "Too close." Jimin mutters while hoisting the sign outside.

"I think it's that Namjoon kid we found in Kookie's phone."

Jimin stills, putting the signs down as he steps back in side. Slowly shutting the door to glare at his boyfriend. "Kookie's phone?"

"I didn't say that." Taehyung squeaks with wide eyes, looking around for an escape route. "You misheard."

"No I'm pretty sure you said Kookie's phone." Jimin growls before grabbing his boyfriend, slamming him against the wall and trapping him with his body.

"How bad do I have to punish you for you to get it through your thick skull? You can't getting involved, Hoseok has already banned you from eating with us for a week after that horrible behaviour from last time. He demanded I punish you, which I did but god knows how he feels about you breaking i to his office and checking Jungkook's phone." Jimin pauses, his glare only growing more intense. "How long do you want to be unable to sit? Want me to bruise your ass even more?"

Taehyung whines, giving his boyfriend puppy dog eyes. "Minnie, you know I don't want that."

"Then stay away from that kid." Jimin says softly pecking the taller's nose. "I'm doing this for you."

"Don't lie to me, you're doing it for Hoseok, because you're his little lap dog." Taehyung spits angrily, not happy that Jimin doesn't seek to understand that he won't stop seeing the kid.

"For him?! You don't understand that he's dangerous Taehyung. He might call us his friends but we're disposable, he'll put a bullet in your brain without hesitation!" Jimin yells angrily, and hopelessly. He really is doing it for Taehyung. He doesn't want Hoseok to snap and really kill his boyfriend.

"I know! I know!" Taehyung says before angrily frowning. "But I'm going to be there for Kookie, no matter what you do to me. Hurt me, bruise me, make me bleed!" The taller snaps, knowing his boyfriend could never actually push him over the limit. Jimin's punishments are harsh but always humane.

"Don't make me do things we both don't want me to do." Jimin says taking a step back.

Taehyung narrows his eyes challengingly, not afraid of his boyfriend. "Do your worst."

"I won't." The shorter sighs, taking a step back. "Hoseok will deal with you and believe me, he'll do his worst."

Signing some papers, and reading over some more Jung Hoseok finds himself looking up at the hallway. The sounds of a familiar voice pleading coming closer.


The boy irritates him. He was right, Hoseok doesn't fully trust the kid but he doesn't trust anyone. Not fully, not even Jimin. What was the idiot thinking? That he'd live hete three years and that Hoseok would trust him blindly? After all that what went down?

He isn't surprised when the door to his office is thrown open, annoyed that Jimin didn't knock but interested in why he would bring a pleading Taehyung to him.

His cold eyes slide to the two boyfriends, slowly raising an eyebrow as if to ask what the fuck they're disturbing him for. Only for a sick grin to appear on his face as Jimin speaks up.

"He won't listen to me. He's yours to deal with."

Written with -mooniris

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