This story begins with a chaotic event that leads to several more chaotic and wonderful events. Events that lead you through drama, suspense, action, comedy, and deep romance between two lovers. Who knows what else may come.
Tyler Dickey was an almost simple man with two major sides: Calm or Chaotic. It was pretty tragic honestly... really scary sometimes. He would always be doing something crazy and hard for the average person to understand why he would do the things he did. On top of this, Tyler had this deep voice. One like you would never hear from any other man, or human, ever in your whole long and pathetic life. Other than these things, he was almost normal.
Tyler went to a decent sized high school, not too big and not too small. He was in band and he had other classes but that doesn't really matter to me sorry— aNywAyS...
There was a time where he had to take someone home. It was the little sister of a friend, we'll say. Normally Baily, his girlfriend, would ride with them and play the hottest tiktok songs to break the awkward silence. One day though, she wasn't able to ride with Tyler. The problem here was Tyler has some social problems. He would probably sit in his car with this girl and stay quiet, or he might even engage in conversation.
The girl gets into Tyler's car, waiting for him to get done doing his normal actions in the parking lot.
After hours of waiting, Tyler gets into the car. The blond boy starts his car and starts his way to drop the girl off. It is quiet at first, until Tyler decides to do the unthinkable... speak to her.