Chapter 12

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//warnings: clitorial orgasm, its non-con for a second and then he eases into it, daddy kink, edging

David's POV-

I slowly woke up, giving a confused hum at my surroundings. I looked over at the bunny stuffed animal beside me, realizing I was still in the same room I fell asleep in. I relaxed again, rolling over to go back to sleep before jolting in pain.

I let out a soft yelp and held my stomach, glancing down as I brought my knees up to curl away from that pain. The action only sent another wave through me and I teared up.

It hurt again. The pills must have worn off.. I didn't want it to start hurting so bad again.

I looked around the room for Daniel and frowned at seeing he wasn't in there. I had to call for him again.

I leaned up and gave another pained moan, feeling a tear drip down my cheek. "Daddy..!" I called for him. It only took a few times before he came in.

He approached me with a gentle smile, reaching a hand over to caress my cheek. "Honey.. are you hurting again?" He asked softly, to which I nodded and reached for him.

He gave a soft chuckle and climbed onto the bed to pull me into a cuddle, gently petting my hair. "Breathe, baby... tell me what's hurting."

I took in a few slow breaths before speaking. "M-my stomach hurts down there.. and I feel sore again, and I wanna throw up..-" I whined softly, hugging him gently.

"I know what will help you." He spoke as he climbed out of bed. I gave a confused look as he approached a drawer. He opened it and held something small and egg shaped in his hand. It was pink.

I raised my hand, and he turned and nodded to me to speak. "What.. is that..?" I asked hesitantly, wiping my cheeks clean of tears.

He glanced at it before approaching me and sitting across from me on the bed. He hit a button on the side and it started to vibrate. I subconsciously started to press my thighs together.

"An orgasm will make you feel so much better than those pills would.." he told me as he scooted closer. I brought my knees up to my chest, flinching at the pain it caused. "Come on, don't you want the pain to go away?"

"I don't..-" I glanced at the toy in his hand cautiously, bringing my hands to hold the blanket over me. "I don't want you to touch me with that..-"

Daniel gave a soft glare, taking in a slow breath as if to calm himself. "Sweetheart.. your pain will go away in an instant. Just watch." He turned the toy off and set it to the side, pulling some rope out of the bedside drawer. Before I could refuse he grabbed my wrists and tied them to the headboard, pulling the covers off of me and moving my legs down.

I was scared. I didnt think it'd be fair. I havent done anything wrong- so why would I deserve this??

"Relax..." Daniel whispered as he parted my thighs and pressed the toy against my clit through my panties. I tensed up. "Just focus on the pleasure.."

I gave a soft whimper before he turned it on, the vibrations getting a gasp out of me. I shut my eyes tight as he started to make little gentle circles around my clit.

It felt good, and I didn't want him to have the pleasure of making me feel this way. I tried to bring my thighs back together but he held them apart.

I couldn't hold back a moan. My own noise made me shiver and the pleasure intensified. He whispered for me to just focus on the feeling and I did. It would make the pain go away. That's what I kept telling myself.

It didn't take long for me to forget all about Daniel and just bask in the pleasure. I arched my back and pulled lightly at the ropes, trying to grind my hips as I got closer to.. something. It felt so good, I couldn't hold back the moans and whimpers that slipped past my lips. My body felt hot and I needed more.

I felt myself getting closer as Daniel circled the vibrator around it, massaging my sweet spot gently with it. I felt like I was right on the edge of release when he pulled it away, taking the sweet feeling from me and causing me to open my eyes.

"W-wait..- put it back- please..-" my voice was shaky and needy, and I saw him grin at me.

"What do we say when we want something?" He asked me, glancing between my eyes.

"Please, Daddy-" I begged softly, and he gave a look of approval as he put it back.

I moaned, tilting my head back onto the pillow as I felt it build back up. I arched my back again, feeling my thighs twitch once.

Just as I was almost there again he pulled it away and I whined, squirming slightly under him. "Daddy- please let me get there-" I spoke, sounding as if I was out of breath.

He tilted his head at me. "You want to cum, baby?" He asked, and I nodded eagerly, trying to get friction my rubbing my thighs together. He pulled them apart again and placed it back.

I gave a small gasp, letting it build the feeling back up again. My moans were a little more needy now as I dug my nails into my palms.

I got close and again, he pulled away. I started to tear up slightly. "Please Daddy- please please--" I begged, to which he just kissed my lips to make me quiet.

He put it back as he started to kiss me over and over, and I started to kiss back. I moaned into the kiss, eyes shut as I tried to grind with the circles he made.

He kept pulling away every time I got close and I couldnt take it. I was getting more needy, more breathless, and more whiny. Tears had managed to slip down my cheeks and I pouted as he had pulled away yet again. I lost count of how many times he denied me of this. I could barely even speak any more. I was shaking.

"Please please please please-..!" I begged, squirming underneath him. "Please Daddy- I need to cum so bad- Daddy- please-"

He bit his lip, watching me squirm for friction. I was a mess. A shaking, blushing, begging and needy mess. I could feel I was leaking through my panties. My thighs were wet and there was a spot on the bed under me too.

He slowly put it back and I took small deep breaths, moaning his title. I was getting so close. I was right there. I expected him to pull away again but he didn't. I finally climaxed, moaning his title loudly. I couldn't make out words, I could barely even think. I just arched my back with loud stuttery moans as I came, thighs quivering as I tugged at the ropes that bound me to the bed.

"D-dadd-dy~" I stuttered out, trembling under him. I tried to say more, but they were just jumbles of stuttery letters and moans.

He helped me ride out my orgasm by rubbing his fingers along my clit and gently massaging my thigh. I started to slowly calm down, taking deep breaths.

He pulled his hand away and gently kissed me, untying the rope and letting me bring my arms back down and press my thighs together. He wiped my face of the tears and whispered sweet things into my ear to calm me.

"You did so good, baby.. you were so precious.. so cute.." he said to me. I listened to his words as I held onto him, calming more and more as he pet me and kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes and relaxed against him. It really did make me feel so much better...

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