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Disclaimer: Gakuen Alice is an anime and manga. I'm nothing like an artist. All I owned is the story plot here.

I'm second.

It was the day. Both of them, Natsume and Mikan were going to break up.

It was what they had dealt with each other a year ago. This relationship was nothing but an act for Nobara's jealously. She was a very kind girl to everybody. Nobody could hate her. Many boys could not resist her. Both her looks and personality. Including Natsume.

Natsume and Nobara were known as a pair of very close friends in the school. There were probably worshippers in school who shipped them together, but Nobara had never shown her interests in Natsume before. So Natsume decided to do something. To ask one of the biggest nerd in the school, Mikan.

Mikan was not desperate for a boyfriend. In fact, all she was desperated for is a good future. She needs a good job offered to her after graduation. Natsume was giving a damn real good offer, so why not? So she greedily accepted.

But Mikan never thought she would fall in love with that arrogant jerk. Never.

The deal would end when Nobara confess to him. Well, she did. Mikan was already waiting in a cafe, sipping her bitter tea. She was not in a mood for a sweet one.

The bell at the door shook, sound traveled making Mikan lifted her head up to look at her deal. Hair untamed, with a a pair of beautiful crimson eyes, adding the perfection he already had.

His hands in the pockets of his jacket. He looked around for a brunette. Once found, he walked to her and sat the chair opposite her.

"She confessed already?" Mikan attempted to break the tension with a question that got answered already. Natsume just nodded.

"Then I shall officially announce our break up in the school newspaper."

"I have told a well-known magazine company about you. You're hired."

Mikan nodded, "Oh well, then we shall bid farewell here" Mikan stood up and was about to walk away when Natsume held her hand and put the square box in her hand.

"You already paid me with a job. I don't need another payment"

"Open it up" Mikan slowly opened the box to see a orange ring craved 'M' on it. She had realized Natsume wore the same ring, in red with 'N' on it. Her hope got high.

"I hoped that if ever me and Nobara aren't together anymore," his head face down, "and you're still available, I hope you'll be with me. I know this is selfish, but promise me, alright?"

Mikan knew she should be more angrier that a volcano, with Natsume selfish decision to make her a second choice, but she wasn't even a bit angry, just sad.

"Just remember, when you're both married, do inform me. So I won't wait for my whole life. Bye."

When she stepped out of the cafe, she saw Nobara. They both smiled politely at each other, then Nobara went inside. Mikan looked at the ring, rolled it between her index finger and thumb, and a tear dropped from her eyes.



Warning: I don't know much about lots of things around the world I will try to make sense as possible, but there will be probably things I write that are not going to be the correct fact. If so, please do correct me. Thank you.

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