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After Zoro leaves, class continues on but no one is really listening, how could the straw hats? None of them have ever gone to the principal's office, they didn't know the school had one! Luffy never really pay attention in class anyways so it was no surprise when Sanji, Usopp and Chopper could hear the boy snore a little. They try to pay attention and write notes down but they just couldn't, questions keep popping in their head. Why was Zoro called? Why was no one else called? Did Zoro do something he wasn't supposed to by himself? Was Zoro even in trouble? If so how bad? Would Zoro get suspended or expelled? And for how long?

After thirty minutes go by of no one listening Zoro walks in the classroom, a frown on his face. Something bad must have happened for him to be so irritated, the poor, helpless pray all shiver at the glare Zoro has on his face. Zoro sits and Sanji sees the way Zoro slumped in his seat, the way he thumbed his leg with impatience. As more classes went by Zoro's mood improves and he seem to have forgotten whatever made him angry in the first place.

At least until the last bell rang. Zoro stands up and put his things back in his school bag as he mutters a string of curses. Then he grumpily leaves the class with the others. As Luffy and Usopp talk about something that everyone is paying attention to Zoro walks behind them grumpy. He wasn't paying attention but neither is Sanji, what ever Zoro was getting upset about seemed way more entertaining than one of Usopp's lies. The way Zoro pouted is kind of adorable.

They all start to pay attention when Usopp stops his story and walking. His legs start to shake. "What wrong Usopp?" Chopper asks, worried. They all follow Usopp's hand as he raise it to point. They follow to see Perona waiting at the front gate next to her car.

"W-w-what's she doing here?" Usopp asks hiding behind Brook, who is next to him but he's not hiding really well. Chopper hides behind Usopp.

"I thought she got suspended, she shouldn't be back yet." Nami said. Zoro looked at all of them like they are crazy, what do they know about her?

Robin notice this. "You might not know since you were gone that day but we fought her and her friends, we got all of them suspended for what they were doing." Zoro nods understanding. They look at her again to see her looking at her watch then back up frowning.

"She's after us," Usopp starts to shake.

"Let's go," Luffy says walking, ignoring her.

"Oh yeah we were planning to go to your place to play some games." Chopper says smiling as he follow Luffy. With one last look they all followed him, well... almost all. Zoro walk past them.

"Marimo?" Sanji notices first, calling his nickname name, curious as to where he's going, they know he has a bad sense of direction but this might be a whole new level. They all stop to look at the tiger.

"Sorry going to have to cancel today." Zoro says waving them off but they are too curious on why he had to skip today. They were going to ask why when they noticed Perona spotting Zoro and smiling before frowning again. They all get ready to fight again.

"Finally! Don't tell me you couldn't find your way to the front gate!" She yells from where she stands.

"Sorry I was taking my time." Zoro answered back cooly.

She growls at Zoro, eyes narrow with her ears twitching as her pink tail swish impatiently behind her. "Just hurry up and get in the car." She says looking away from him.

"She's kidnapping Zoro!" Usopp shouts. They look at him. Perona growling at him. She hates him the most. He squeaks and hides again. They all just stare at him. Then all eyes go to Zoro who chuckle at first then he full on starts to laugh. Perona's attention changing to Zoro.

"It's not funny." Perona frowns at him.

"It is." Zoro says wiping the tears that develop at the corner of his eyes.

"Just get in the car, I want to hurry back home. And you know what going on, this is serious Zoro." Perona says. It's Zoro's turn to frown.

"But I was going to hang out with my friends."

"Stop acting like a child, and get in." She says opening the passenger side door.

"Don't get grumpy at me just because you and your friends were caught doing stupid shit and dad took away all your video games." Zoro says huffing.

"I'm not grumpy right now because of that, just get in the damn car! Dad wants us both to be safe, especially you!" She shouts.

"I'm perfectly safe with them." Zoro motions to his friends. 

"Zoro, we talked about this after lunch, you already knew I was going to pick your ass up from school today and drop you off tomorrow. You had plenty of time to accept this."

"Yes, and I decided I want to go with my friends. Why should I have to hide because of something dad did?" He asks.

"Zoro, if you don't in the car I will do it!" She shouts as she glare at Zoro while pointing to her head, showing off her ears, her panther ears. Zoro's eyes widen and he walks closer.

"Fine, alright, I'm getting in the damn car." Zoro says getting in the car. "I'm safer with Luffy than you driving." He mutters.

"What was that!" Perona shouts as she looks at him.

"Nothing." He says buckling in. She slams the door, then goes around to the driver seat and they all stare as she drives away with Zoro. Usopp's right, Zoro got kidnapped.

"He left." Usopp says not really believing what just happened.

"They seem to have known each other." Robin says.

"Well they kept saying dad this and dad that." Nami says.

"Are they siblings?" Chopper asks looking at Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Sanji. They knew Zoro the longest. The four shrug and shake their head.

"No, this is new to us." Usopp says.

"He never mentioned his parents or that he was not an only child." Nami says.

"She said that Zoro was not safe, what do you think he meant by that?" Brook asks.

"Yeah, she did say that." Chopper says.

"Wait I thought Zoro was a tiger!" Luffy says. That makes everyone look at him then think about it. If they are sibling that would make Zoro a green panther. That can't be right, he's confirmed a tiger. And if that's true he should be able to protect himself. So many things don't make sense.

What's the truth?

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