Author's note

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Thank you so much for embarking on this journey with me.


The publishing of this book starts soon (In June or end of May). You don't really have to read that book to read this one besides that you will be able to know the base so it's not compulsory but will be good if you do. But if you read the first one THANK YOU.

Here are a few of my points before we get on with this:

Point 1- These series and all the books in it are just for enjoyment purposes. I am not intending to do anything besides create a loving love story that one can enjoy reading.

Point 2- We all come from different countries/places and the way we perceive things is different. This book is not for preaching purposes. Everyone has their own culture, values, beliefs and understanding of religion so please do not engage in any arguments during the chapters.

Point 3- I used to explain myself (I still do) about my points and reasons for writing certain things but I wouldn't do that. I might reply once to explain if the next person doesn't seem to get the point I will stop.

Point 4- I am not comfortable with writing 18+ scenes. There might be some content as per I feel comfortable in or just a hint to others. Heavily depend on my own comfort zone. I hope you understand this.

Point 5- This is far most important point please bear in mind that English is not my native language henceforth there will be mistakes. Please, ignore them.

Point 6- This book rights are reserved to solely myself. Please do not copy my concept and stories.

Point 7- Since I have a schedule the chapter will be my first draft (unedited) so ignore the mistakes you find.

Point 8- I truly and deeply appreciate people reaching my book and adoring them. The reason for my writing are you all and you all are precious to me. I hope we will continue this journey until the end.

Thank you so much.

Much love,

The Jealousy Club (TJC) #2- Second chance (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now