Chapter 10

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Authors Note: HEY GUYS!!!omg im such a bad person i say i'm going to write more then once again i feck off for like another!! anyway hope you enjoy the chapter! some serious shit is about to go down!!!:O

October 30th
It's been a week now since i came home from the hospital and i still feel like crap! I have a prescription to help me sleep and cope with my anxiety and the tablets are like the size of my thumb! It's so much effort to swallow them! with them i'm not allowed to drink,smoke or have sex, so basically no work for a few weeks until i finish the pills!

I've spent most of the time going out to see Devon. I haven't told the rest of the girs about him or what happened at the hospital. Only Cookie knows about him and she's still in hospital. Well she's home in a few more days but i can trust her not to tell the others. So today was pretty much the same thing as usual for this week. I wore my skinny jeans and a top, straightened my hair and did my make up. Normally I use loads of black on my eyes and and make my face really pale, but today I went very subtle with a bit of blush to bring colour to my face. For the first time in a long while, I looked like how I used to, before I ever became a hooker and left school, maybe even before I started high school

. I looked, young? I've been so used to looking older and making myself look older that I almost forgot what it looked like to be a teenager.

Anyway, I texted Devon cause I wanted to meet up. We said we'd go to cinema and maybe walk around together. It was really weird cause I hadn't don't anything like that in such a long time and it felt good to do these things. When we met he came straight up to me and hugged me. It was so comfortable and securing that I sighed. "What's the matter?" He asked, with a little grin on his face. I looked up to his blue eyes, so full of love and all I had ever done to him was hurt him. I still wonder why he is this way? You'd think he was such a player, but that was more me than anything!

I started to remember my high school days. I used to be pretty sleazy! Like I'm pretty sure every girl went through a little but of a slutty faze, mine just seemed to suit. It began at Sam Greens party, and I must have been 14? I decided to wear a skirt and a pretty low cut top (I had fairly big boobs compared to the other girls in my grade). I remember it was just before my mum had died and I stole some of my dads booze, he was too drunk to even notice. I was the only person at that party who had drink and was sharing it everywhere. Especially to boys. When we had finished it, we used the empty glass Smirnoff bottle to play Spin the Bottle, and that's when I had my first kiss. It was a small little nerdy like guy, named Conor, don't remember much of him but that nerdy little twerp grew up to be the schools star quarter back! We then played 7 minutes in heaven, and being the daughter of a prostitute, I had a good idea on how to please a guy. I think I was locked in a closet with some guy called Andy? Not really sure, but I think that 15 year old kid got more action than he ever would in his entire life in that one night.

It basically went on like that for a while, I slowly grew a reputation but I never actually had sex until I was near my 16th birthday and after I left school. I had been going out with him for a long time, around 10 months but I never referred to him as my boyfriend, but to him I was his one and only. His girlfriend. And thinking back, I was never really anyone else's girlfriend. I had loads of fling a that lasted a couple of weeks. But this guy was different. I knew him for a while, like he was in a couple of my classes. English, history, say a few that I actually attended. I came in on the first day of class and sat at the back of the room, and of course no one came near me. Probably afraid they'd catch something. I never actually dressed slutty in school, I was just a bit of a wild child and was pretty messy. My hair would always be back combed and unbrushed, and my shirt was always missing a few buttons, then my jeans or skirt would be ripped of course ad I wore DrMartins and had loads of heavy eye make up. I looked more like a punk than I did slut. Suppose they kind of go hand in hand, or is that just me? But that's besides the point! I came into the class and planted myself down the back, slouched into my chair to get comfy and threw my bag on my desk. The hell I would pay attention so I might as well get set up for a nap or something. But of course, my biology teacher, Mr Philpot, remembered me from the year before and knew I was a messer. "Eh hem, Andrea. Do you remember what I said last year?" He said in a sarcastic and breathy tone. My head was hanging backwards so I rolled it to meet his eyes, my mouth open stupidly "No?" I replied pretty arrogantly, he walked in front of his desk and leaned against it, shaking his head. "my point exactly, now swap with Mr Sanders here" his tone got a lot more sharp as he crossed his arms and nodded towards a boy in the front row with sandy coloured hair. I started clicking the pen in my hand, limp by my side and stared at him blankly. He stared back too with a look of 'I don't give a shit about your attitude' look. He won in the end. I stood up, throwing the chair back and dragging my stuff along the table. That lad with sandy hair stood up, a hell lot more elegantly and quietly than me I'll add, and shuffled his way past me along the narrow path way. I was expecting some nerdy twerp who would be scared of me, but this guy, actual had an alright face about him. He wasn't half bad looking and he seemed pretty pleased he could move to the back. I casually sauntered up the aisle and intended of shoving him a bit with my shoulder to get the smug look of his face, but as I brushed against him, he SMIRKED at me! And not just a cheeky one that a guy would do when they know your the school whore, more like, a flirty one. My pace slowed and he ended up knocking me back spinning me around in the middle of the class and causing my bag to fall off my shoulder.

"Yes when your finished taking up the class' attention you might like to take a seat" Mr Philpot said again sarcastically. God he annoyed me!

I planted myself down in the seat previously occupied by sandy hair, and made a lot of noise doing so. When I finally settled in, I turned around expecting to see the guy basking in the glory of my desk, but instead, caught him looking at me. And he didn't seem shy about it either. He gazed curiously at me, examining me from head to, well ass, seeing as I was sitting on a stool. I hunched over on my new desk and kept staring over my shoulder to try and catch sandy hairs eyes, and when I did, instead of being embarrassed, he silently laughed, smiled, then looked down. I don't what it was but when he did something twigged in my gut. He looked back up and gave a quick wink, which woke me up immediately just in time for Mr philpots' speech on the heart and something about cutting one open.

When the bell rang I stood up slowly and tried to stall myself enough so I could walk out after sandy hair. He must have known what I was doing immediately cause he stood behind until I noticed. I jumped a little when i turned and saw him leaning on another desk with his arms crossed, still smirking at me. My cheeks started burning so I quickly glared at him.

"What are you looking at!" I snapped still fumbling to gather my books.

"Nothing, your just an interesting character" he said is this voice that was like melted chocolate. So certain and deep but just flowed out of him and caressed anyone he'd talk to.

"Oh right ya" I scoffed and turned around to pick up my bag. While I was packing it, he moved around in front of my desk so I could see him in the corner of my eye. He crossed his arms again and leaned on the table.

"How come for someone so, notorious we'll say, you sit on your own all the time"

I literally stopped and dropped my pens. I slowly turned my head to look at him with disbelief.

"What the fuck did you just say?" The words came out slowly and corse.

He didn't seemed phased and looked at me with his clear eyes. Normally when a boy talked to me there was one thing they were thinking of and I always knew what it was. Always! But this guy didn't have that. He had a kind of curious and genuine look in his eyes and I couldn't tell what else. I was captivated. I was going to snap something nasty to him, but I stumbled for words trying to think of something sassy.

"Hey while your thinking, I'll walk you to lunch. Ok? Then you won't be on your own" I looked opened mouthed at him with surprise and simply nodded and grabbed my stuff, not caring what fell and marched straight out of the room. Once through the doorway, I stopped and realised I hadn't been breathing. I turned around just in time for him to almost collide with me, with the papers and pens I had dropped in his hand. We were inches apart and again I held my breath. Remembering to breathe, I spurted out, "my name's Andrea!" It was almost too fast to be understood and it rolled into one word. Himself fairly breathy as we'll smiled and handed me my things, then pushed his hair from his eyes, with a shy smile "mines Devon"

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