Chapter 59

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I had finally figured out what was going on with my Dimka when he had locked himself away when Rose had disappeared from the ski trip. My Dimka liked Rose Hathaway. As in, he liked his student far too much... He harboured feelings for his student, feelings he absolutely shouldn't have. Her crush was one thing, and it was forgivable as some naïve schoolgirl's passing fantasy. But his feelings for her? They weren't. She was his student, and underage. I couldn't believe my moral Dimka had gone there, that he'd crossed that line.

Her womanly looks didn't help matters. Her perfect dhampir physique, flawless appearance, and matured body really didn't help the case. It was well known Rose Hathaway was trashy and didn't care who she slept, or toyed, with. But enchanting her mentor? Turning a stoic and moral guardian into a hormonal teenager? That was downright wrong. And I really didn't understand how my Dimka had lost his control, how he had let the little bloodwhore get to him.

My reflecting and internal fuming was interrupted when the two walked into Christian and Lissa's grad party. Together. As in, 'staring at the other with soft looks and laughing about something she'd said in Russian, while being completely wrapped in each other's embrace', together.

So. They've become a thing and come public. Was she trying to get him thrown in jail?! It was far too close to her grad for them to do that... It's far to obvious something was going on when it shouldn't have. God. Rose Hathaway was a selfish and self-centered bitch.
"Dimka? What's going on?" I interrupted their gooey staring match before it became anything more.
"Tasha, you met Rose Hathaway, my student. Now, meet Guardian Rose Mazur- my girlfriend."

M-Mazur? S-she was the infamous, and terrifying, Abe Mazur's daughter? One no one had a clue existed. And one who'd clearly met him. One who was going to do one of the rarest things in our world- adopt her Moroi father's surname.
"Dimka? Do you have permission for this?" I gestured between the two of them.

Surely, surely he didn't have the mobster's permission. Let alone Guardian Janine Hathaway's.

"Yes. I do." What! The! Hell?!
"How are they happy with this?"
"They aren't. Janine gave me permission first, because she felt she owed it to me, since Rose wouldn't be titled otherwise. And Zmey couldn't contradict Janine." He looked at Rose and all his emotions showed so clearly on his face. Love, pride, joy, concern, protectiveness, possession and so many more. "Shall we tell them, my love?" Eww!

Was he seriously using those terms on her? Gross. Not something that should come out of an ex mentor's mouth. Especially when directed at his ex student. "Tell us what?"
"Not yet." The newly minted Guardian ignored me. "Liss?" She called to her friend.
"Yeah, Rose?"
"Con-graduation! Oi! Firecrotch! You too."
"Thanks Rose!" My nephew and his girlfriend returned. "Oh! And Rose?" Lissa added.
"Yeah, Liss?"
"What is it that Gu-"
"It's 'Dimitri', Liss. He is, for all intents and purposes, your brother-in-law." Ew! So not cool. And that would never happen. My Dimka would never marry a bitchy, whiny child.
"Okay. Then, what did Dimitri want you to announce?" Lissa asked cautiously, making the edit.
"Liss, I didn't want to dampen your spirits with the first half... But... I hope you can be excited over the second half."
"Just spit it out! Dimka or Rose. I really don't care who." I interrupted.
"Tasha, you've lost every right to call me 'Dimka'." he tersely commented. What on earth?! He turned to look at his-ugh!- girlfriend. "Roza, you should be proud." He sent a relaxed smile her way before pecking her lips. Ew! Gross.
"Mmm. Fine." The child sighed, relaxed her muscles and turned to face the rest of us. She leaned into Dimka's side before announcing, "I've just been given my assignment."
"What?!" All bar the ex student-teacher pair screeched.
"Calm down, Lissa. It's not you, it's a Palace placement."
"What?!" We screeched again when the reality hit.

The girl was weird, always doing things she shouldn't. This was no different. A baby was replacing a seasoned Palace Guard! It had to be the most idiotic, stupid, and foolhardy, step for whoever had decided to make, made. She hated Tatiana, so surely, surely, she was the worst choice for a Palace Guard replacement.

The night went on, and both sets of lovebirds eventually forgot the world. Mainly, the other set and me. Both pairs started getting heated and left the rec room for wherever their hideouts were. I got left in the room alone, and wanted to cry or scream. I'd been forgotten and left alone, all because my nephew was totally absorbed in Lissa Dragomir, and Dimka was obsessed with the baby Guardian Mazur. My life was going in the absolutely wrong direction; I wasn't getting my man because of a bitchy baby, all my political movements were getting nowhere, I now had no way of getting to Tatiana with the bitchy baby Mazur as a Palace Guard, and Lissa wasn't agreeing with half of my views.

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