Part 1

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Hi, My Name is ( whatever you pick), I live in New York. I have lived alone with my mom. My dad died when I was young. My mom is a doctor, who never comes home at all. So I made food and cleaned around the house. I go to high school and I am a junior. I have my best friend Haley, she has been my best friend for about 7 years now. I have a boyfriend Alex, He is always an idiot but he is cute. 

 Pov I woke up and did my morning routine and took a shower. I do my hair and make-up. I went downstairs and made breakfast and ate breakfast. I go to school and I see my boyfriend always waiting for me at my looker. (A) Alex 

A- Hey beautiful 

Y/n- Hi babe and good morning 

A- Hey you want to go to my place after school


The bell rang and I went to my first period of math. I just entered the class and put on my Air Pods and drew.

Skip to lunch ( cause I am lazy as fuck) 

 Pov I was walking through the hallway when I heard moaning in the janitor's closet.

?- Ahh A-Alex 

A- You like that baby girl 

? - yes daddy 

A- That right call me daddy

?- Daddy I want you inside of me ( The fuck is wrong with my head) 

 I busted down the door to see my boyfriend fucking my best friend. I was fucking mad at them. They just stood there frozen. I was crying because I thought I could believe in my best friend but fuck no. Why? Why? Why would they do this to me? 

A- babe I can ex-

Y/n- No I thought I could believe in you but no you fuck with my best friend

Haley(H)H- Sorry Y/n

 You slap Haley and you punch Alex and just skip school

Pov You went to your bedroom and just cried there. You took a shower and put on a song (whatever your favorite song is ). You change clothes which were champions. You through Instagram when you get a message from Alex   

To be continue

This is my first story and Idc about this one. I will try to publish another one tomorrow but I might just sleep or do nothing. Anyways I know this was short because I am lazy so yeah bye bye    

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