Part 9

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Alejandro past story ( I am bored and I don't know what to write so I just gonna write about his past)

When I was little I was a cute child of course but my parents always fight. I couldn't do anything but just cry there. One day I came back from school and I heard my mom and my dad are arguing again. I didn't hate it when I hear it.

I just ignore and just did my homework. After like 7 mins, I hear my mom screaming. I just Just ignore that something just scared her but then I didn't hear anything I thought they stop. I was curious so I went downstairs to see my dad crying. I thought My mom scream and left again and went to go drink. Then I saw My mother just laying on the floor. And I see blood everywhere. Then I started to freak out.

I made a sound that made my dad turn around. He saw what I was looking at me. Then He got up and got closer to me. I went to the kitchen and I got a knife. ( IDC) Then I hear my dad coming.

D- I am sorry kiddo

Ale- Dad plz stop

D- I dint want to you know about this

Ale- why did you hurt mom

D- because she was being a bitch and I didn't like it

He got the knife from the table which had blood. I was scared that I reacted without thinking. Then I hear a scream from my dad. I look up, seeing me stabbing him in the stomach. I drop the knife and I see blood in my hand. Then My dad got me and said something.


I just stand there for about 5 mins and went to see my mom. She was still alive, I ran to the phone and the emergency. About 20 min police and a hospital car came. They took my mom and my dad. 

Then my aunt and my cousin Y/n came and took me home. After that, a call came from the hospital. The hospital said that my mom couldn't make it. We all rush to the hospital and saw my mom there dead. I was crying so much and getting mad for my dad killed my mom. I wished I could say to mom that I love her but ai guess to late.

My aunt took me and help me survive and let me go when I old enough that I could survive myself. I left when I was 20 but Y/n was still 15 but I need to go. But To release her hand right now, I told her that I need to let go. It was hard to say goodbye but I was ready to let go

Then I went to New Jersey where I meet Mattia and I lived with him and my other boys. But now that Y/n Is here with me I am safe and happy that I can explain my feeling to her again like when I was little.

To be continue

I am sorry but I am doing too much homework each day now but I am writing 2 new stories. One story is Mattia and the other one is Alejandro. But I am still thinking if I should publish them. And thank for reading my story. I might publish one new story tomorrow but I think it might be hard thanks again. And for the people who are confused if this is about Kairi or Mattia, it is both. I give a sneak peek that Kairi will fight Mattia for Y/n and Mattia might marry Y/n but who knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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