47 ♪ Hurt

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Chenle knocked on Jisung's door.

There was no response.

"Jisung." He called out.

Still no response.

"Jisung I'm... leaving now."

Still no response.

"Won't you meet me."

"No." There came Jisung's harsh reply.

Chenle was hurt. "Okay then... goodbye." Chenle stood there for a moment before Jisung heard footsteps going away.

He cried out.

Both of them were hurt.

"He didn't come with you?" Mrs. Park asked Chenle and Chenle shook his head in return, his head still lowered.

"He can get emotional sometimes I'm sorry Chenle. I hope you had a great time with him."

Chenle nodded his head curtly.

Then they made their way outside and were bidding their final goodbyes.

_ _ _

Published: 05-03-2020
Words: 124

Published: 05-03-2020Words: 124

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