Chapter 33

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"What?" Bella gasped, coming back to herself in a rush of pure fear.

"Come on, Bella, get up, get up!" Alice hissed urgently, scrambling to her feet.

"Alice, what do you mean my father's coming? He's coming here?" Bella demanded, struggling to hers too. She was still a little dizzy and a whole lot giddy, and her arm felt fuzzy, as if it were asleep, but she didn't care about that at all.

All she cared about was those hair-raising howls echoing in the distance and the fact that Charlie was apparently on his way. This was the last place her father needed to be and the absolute worst time for him to be here.

"Get dressed Bella, quickly!" Alice commanded and zipped around her room in a blur, into her closet to grab a shirt and then back out to her dresser, yanking out two pairs of jeans, one of which she threw to Bella.

Bella barely caught it and the shirt Alice tossed at her a second later, still frozen in shock.

"God, I can't believe you let me bite you!" Alice babbled anxiously under her breath as she wriggled into her pants. "Are you okay? I can't believe I got so out of control, I can't believe we did that, please tell me you're alright Bella-"

"I'm fine-Are you okay? Do you feel sick at all?" Bella flipped the question, realizing suddenly that she was the one with a track record of doing harm to vampires.

Please, God, tell me I haven't killed her. Tell me I haven't made her mortal. Tell me I haven't hurt my Alice.

"I'm fine," Alice replied breathlessly despite her lack of need for breath. "I feel-I'm more than fine, I feel fucking fantastic, I don't know why-I don't think-"

Bella was understandably bewildered as Alice trailed off for a moment looking just as bewildered, licking her lips and running a hand through her messy black hair. Her eyes were an electric blue, wide, filled with a wild sort of life that was unnerving at the same time that it was relieving.

She feels fantastic? Bella cocked her head. What?

"You don't feel human or something?" Bella inquired anxiously and Alice shook her head immediately.

"No, I... I feel so far from human right now, I can't explain it. I feel good. I feel stronger, actually, I don't think your blood made me more human, I think it did the complete opposite but-"

Alice cut herself off and snapped out of whatever reverie seemed to be in as she stood there, seemingly glowing before Bella's eyes. She definitely didn't look any more human save for her irises, so that was a relief.

If they were about to go to war, then human was the last thing Alice needed to be.

"But that doesn't matter, I think I'm okay-Are you sure you're fine?" Alice insisted worriedly as she got moving again, searching wildly for underwear, which she flung at Bella while she continued to babble. "God, that was so stupid of me! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

It most certainly mattered, but Alice had a point regardless. If she said she was okay and Bella said she was okay then they were just going to have to trust each other and hope they were right, because there was a more pressing problem at hand.

"Seriously, I'm okay, but-Alice, answer me! What did you mean? The wolves are coming? And what about my dad?" Bella insisted, ignoring Alice's concern, her voice jumping up a few pitches as she dodged a wayward bra coming right for her face.

Alice skidded to a stop in front of her, her peculiar blue eyes wide with exasperation. If Bella was not so suddenly overwhelmed, she might have had the presence of mind to wonder about them, but unfortunately, she wouldn't get the chance. She wouldn't get the chance to process anything that had just happened.

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