The first signs

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I never thought in a million years I would feel this way, about him nonetheless. I mean, first glance and he's nothing special. At least, I assumed so. But I don't care about looks. There may be some beautiful guys in the world, but none like him. He's breathtaking. Absolutely captivating. I don't know if it's the way he threw himself in front of me the first day we met, despite the fact that I was a complete stranger. Or if it's because he's so driven, always mumbling to himself about some mind-boggling hero studies. I don't know to be exact. There's just...something. It makes my heart flutter every time his face pops up into my already buzzing mind. It makes my face heat up every time his name is mentioned. I feel my insides bubble up as though I am a steaming hot kettle about to burst into vapour. I can't lay my finger on it.
I don't know when all of these warm and fuzzy feelings started, but I'm sure as hell I can't deny it any longer. It's there. It's been there. God, sometimes I wish these feelings would dissipate. Then I look into his eyes; his daring yet vulnerable eyes. He trembles in dangerous situations, but regardless he steps out and fights. Thats's something I wish I could do. He's someone I wish I could be. I look into those selfless, heroic eyes and time stands still. I freeze up, my limbs unable to move. My already rosy cheeks get even rosier, and I feel weightless. Every selfish thought of wanting these feelings to dissipate fades away. When I look into his eyes I want these feelings to stay, whether he reciprocated these feelings or not. I don't care. Because he's Deku, and he deserves to be loved. Whether it's by someone as unimportant as me.

- Hey Guys! This is my first fanfic so pls enjoy :) I hope to become popular one day, sO feedback and suggestions are appreciated. I try to publish when I can, hopefully more than once or twice a week. I have a busy schedule but I will try to include this amazing project in. I love you guys! Please read my fic and maybe tell others if you think they would like this...? Tysm lovelies 💗✨✨✌️🥰🥰-

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