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"Actually, I do know something," the middle-aged woman tells me. I break out into a huge smile, and I swear my eyes start to twinkle.
"R-really? Please tell!"
The lady tilts her head and gives me a warm smile. She then taps her chin, as if recalling her oldest memory.
"I was walking home. I see a group of people in the alley between our store and the apartment building. They seemed to be doing some kind of deal. I didn't want to interfere, because my quirk is nothing special. I can just count or gather the total of any amount thing just by glancing at it. No help in that situation. But I was suspicious, so I did my share of spying," the lady beams, like she's a puppy dog who just learned a new trick.
I nod my head, rapidly jotting notes onto a little notepad my mom bought a while back.
"And can you tell me all the details you can recall? Like what they were wearing, how they looked, what they were selling or even what they were saying?" I ask politely. She nods her head.
"They were asking a girl wearing a school uniform if she had the money. The group all had matching masks and weird black cloaks. The guy who I assumed was the leader looked quite young. The buyer was wearing a school uniform from the school down the street," the lady says as if reading bullet point notes.
I nod, silently indicating I'm following along. I close my note pad and thank her, then I race back to find Uraraka. She's eyeing a pair of cute fluffy white ear muffs and other winter gear. Her eyes go wide at the price.
I quickly check my wallet. Mom gave me a little over 3070¥ (apx. $40) because I told her I was going to spend the day on a school assignment with Uraraka.
Mom loved Uraraka. Once, her train was delayed so mom let her eat dinner at our house.
"She's absolutely adorable!" I remember mom saying discreetly as Uraraka ate the food in front of her. "And so well mannered...I wish you could take her here every night." I remember my cheeks going completely red, making my mom even happier. Since then she would tune in whenever the name "Uraraka" was mentioned.
"Ready to go?" Uraraka asks, coming my way. I nod, telling her to meet me outside. I watch her carefully leave the store and then bolt to pick up the winter gear she was eyeing. I check it all out at the register, having only a bit of change left.
As I walk outside, I spot Uraraka shivering, rubbing her arms to keep warm. Her costume really is tight, not much warmth to give. Not that I've been staring at her costume! Totally.
I take the scarf out of the bag and loosely wrap it around her neck. She slightly jumpsuit, shocked, then titles her head back to look at me standing behind her. She really is adorable...
"Wha-" Uraraka asks as I take out the ear muffs and plop it on her head. Her mouth drops, and I can almost see her eyes sparkle.
"What are you doing?" She demands, a hint of happiness stuffed away in her frustration. I hand her the mittens and take off my own puffy black jacket and gently rest it on her tiny shoulders. Her face goes red.
          "Stopppp is fine! I'm not even cold! And those things were expensive! I don't want you spending your money on me. How would your mom feel, huh? She gave you the money," Uraraka says, furrowing her eyebrows and taking off my jacket.
I put it back on her. Her face turned even more red and she puffs out her cheeks, frustrated. My knees feel wobbly.
"Consider it an early Christmas gift. You're freezing and I can tell, don't try to deny it. And I wasn't planning on buying anything anyway," I say, helping her out her arms through the arm holes. Her hands are super soft yet super cold. It's like the feeling when you touch metal, the cold shock climbing up your spine, you can't help but shiver.
I walk in front of her and crouch a little to zip up her jacket. She stops me halfway, "I can zip it up myself," she grumbles, her face blushing intensely. My ears heat up and I look to the other direction. "Right. Sorry."
We stand there in deep awkward silence, eating away at me little by little. The busy street bustles around us, people walking fast going to places they need to attend to. Cars whizz past us, the noises of the road ringing in my ears. Although it's so busy and loud, it feels like it's just me and Uraraka, only her and I. I feel like we're in a snow globe, one day everything seems to be turned upside down, but soon enough everything seems to click into place, and the snow and glitter resume falling continuously.
"So, I got some notes," I say, taking out my note pad. I see Uraraka's eyes light up, inching a little too close to my face. I'm looking at my notes, not exactly directly at her, but her close presence still makes me blush. Gosh, I'm so awkward...
I tell Uraraka about the girl's uniform and the matching masks. Uraraka suggests we check out the school down the street, and we do so. We walk in silence, side by side.
I have to continuously drift my mind away from the fact that she's wearing my jacket, to avoid breaking down into an idiot smile, face swelling pink with over-the-top-bliss. But it's strange that would happen, I don't even like her like that.

* * *

When we get to the school down the street, a high school-middle school mix names "Misaki high". We walk to the office and ask their principal about the girl (described by the manager with short brown hair, pale skin, rosy cheeks, blue and white uniform sailor-style with a dark blue bow), and he informs us that "if the uniform was described as that then she would be in middle school. You heroes can visit class 8-1"
"So she was in middle school?" Uraraka asks in disbelief. I nod my head. "Why would she be buy by pills though?" I ask, more to myself then Uraraka.
I check the time on my phone, 3:05. We've spent nearly over four hours investigating. "We should leave most of the case for the other days, we don't want to rush," I tell her. She smiles and nods in agreement.

"So, class, today we have two heroes-in-training here to investigate an assigned case. They might want to ask you some questions, so if you know anything please feel free to tell them," the middle school teacher, a young adult with ebony hair typed up in a tight bun and thin bangs, tells the children. I see the kids eye u up and down, their eyes widening. Some start to whisper. I feel a sense of pride, as if Uraraka and I are actual pro heroes.
"We're here investigating a case of the recent occurrence of a crime gang called the 'lust group'. We believe one of your classmates was a victim to them. She had..." Uraraka leans over my shoulder to glance at my notes, "'short brown hair, shoulder length, pale skin, rosy cheeks,' and a girls' uniform just like some of yours," Uraraka finishes off. She sends me a wink and holds a thumbs up. My stomach fills up with butterflies, and my cheeks heat up. God, she really is adorable...
A few middle school girls glance at each other, worried expressions drawn on their faces. They slowly raise their hands up slightly.
"Uh, we know something like that," one girl says. She has striking blue eyes and golden blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail. She looks like a foreigner, though her Japanese is flawless.
Uraraka and I lead the two girls out the room, and as soon as we leave the class erupts in whispers, gasps, and giggles.
"You can tell us," Uraraka says sweetly. I wish I could be spoken to like that by her. Lucky girls... Given in a sense that she talks so sweet it's soothing! Nothing more..
I feel my cheeks heat up intensely and pry my face over to the girls as they start explaining as much as they know.
"S-She was our friend. She really liked this guy and...and one day she got tired of waiting. She did the unthinkable," one of the girls says, her hands trembling.
I teach over and lay a hand on her own, "you don't have to tell us anything you don't feel comfortable with," I say, smiling warmly. The girl blushes and nods.
"Don't worry. We'll tell you everything we know," the girl responds, nodding her head causing her ebony bangs swaying.
"Everyone's saying she committed suicide. I don't think it's true. But we haven't seen her since. Her parents...they even said she committed suicide." The blonde girl interrupts as if she can't hold it in any longer.
"...what?" Uraraka exhales, her eyes wide.
Huh? What...? Suicide??

-HIII omfg I haven't been typing for the longest timeee! Sorry I've been superrr busy with my kacchako fanfic! If you guys want to check it out and maybe vote it would mean a lot and so would greatly appreciate it☺️✨ I swear I'll try to type more! IM SORRY THIS IS THE CRAPPIEST CHAPER IVE TYPED BUT JUST BEAR WITH ME I THINK THE STORY HAS POTENTIAL :3 ❤️❤️ btw this isn't just a romance it also involves mystery, action, angst and some heavy topics just a PSA🥺❤️💗✨ TYSM for reading and supporting me! Please comment/ like! Comment suggestions and feedback of anything you need to say and I will take it to heart! Have an amazing evening lovelies 💗💗🥺✨❤️-

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