Chapter 8

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The school had ended 30 minutes ago but Taeyong stayed for a while to complete his homework because it was about to finish. After the work was done, he left it under the table in mind that he would submit it tomorrow. It was already an hour after the school ended, Taeyong exited the class and walked through the empty hallway. At the front door, he remembered that he left his shirt in the gym locker room, so he turned around to take it home.

When he reached the locker room, he saw a shirtless Ten was standing facing his locker, minding his own business. Taeyong took a good look at the boy from behind. No wonder Johnny likes him. Taeyong thought as he looked at Ten's skinny but fit back.

Suddenly, something happened that made Taeyong widened his eyes and froze. Ten lifted his hand upward and the bottle behind him levitated, landing on his hand. The boy was completely unaware of Taeyong's presence at all as he kept loading things into his bag. Taeyong backed off and exited the locker room. His mind was blown after what just happened. Taeyong decided to leave and pretended that nothing ever happened but he heard Jaehyun's voice.

With that, Taeyong changed his mind. He would confront them both about the thing that Ten just did. He took a deep breath and was ready to 'attack' them. But when he entered the locker room, once again he froze in complete shock. Jaehyun in a towel, water still flew down his muscular abdomen with his wet hair and everything glory. Taeyong blushed hard when Jaehyun looked at him.

"Oh, Taeyong. What are you doing here?" Jaehyun asked.

Ten turned around, looking at Taeyong and Jaehyun then back to Taeyong. Taeyong's deep red face and Jaehyun's oblivious one was something that would be interesting for him to watch. Jaehyun frowned as Taeyong didn't answer his question. So, he started to approach the boy. Taeyong panicked when Jaehyun came toward him, so he ran away.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jaehyun asked Ten as he was totally confused. Ten sighed at how stupid his friend was.

"For someone that is 200 years old, you are really dumb." Ten said and Jaehyun narrowed his eyebrows.

"Guys, Kun called. He wants us to go home now." Sicheng interrupted.

The two nodded and started to get ready. When they were inside the car, Sicheng told that Kangjun was already awoken an hour ago and he was in a full panic mood. Kun and Xiaojun had a hard time trying to calm him down but it didn't work. Then, Hendery stepped in and blew Kangjun with a baseball bat on the head, knocking him out. Jaehyun let out a laugh at Hendery's decision. A few minutes later, they arrived home and saw a pouting Hendery sitting on the couch. Yangyang was holding the baseball bat away from Hendery.

"What's wrong with Hendery?" Ten asked Xiaojun who was standing beside Kangjun's room.

"Kun yelled at him for what he did and now he's sulking." The boy answered.

"And...Yangyang?" Jaehyun asked while looking at the youngest.

"He just wants to make sure that Hendery won't use the bat again."

"It was self-defense okay!" Hendery yelled, defending himself.

"He was running toward me and I panicked." He continued.

"You're a freakin vampire. What makes you think he would overpower you?" Ten snapped.

Sicheng sat beside Hendery and started to comfort the boy by patting his head. Sicheng confronted Hendery about how dangerous it was to use a baseball bat against humans along with the vampire's enormous strength that could easily make Kangjun's head explode. Meanwhile, Jaehyun and Ten entered the room. Kun was sitting beside the unconscious Kangjun and treated the bruise on his head.

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