Chapter 13

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Taeyong sat at the bench in the garden at the school's backyard. I'm a vampire. Jaehyun's words crept into his mind. Sometimes, Taeyong wished that was a lie. He felt like there were more than that. They were hiding something from him. Ever since Jaehyun bit him, he started to feel something was different. Every time he was alone, he felt the longing of wanted to stay with Jaehyun. Every time Jaehyun was near him, Taeyong felt delighted. Even with Jaehyun was in the same room with him was enough to make him felt at ease. Sometimes, he just wanted to give up his ego and clung to Jaehyun like a desperate puppy, but his ego prevented him from doing so. Taeyong could even know when Jaehyun was near him or not.

When he arrived at school this morning, he stumbled upon the vampires and he quickly ignored them. Jaehyun was not about it. So, he immediately caught the boy and they had a little argument in front of Johnny before Taeyong told Jaehyun to give him some time. Jaehyun gave up and sat at his place and completely ignored the latter. Taeyong on the other side, even though he said that he wanted to be alone, deep inside, he wanted Jaehyun to fight for him. He wanted the latter to win him and helped him with everything. But, nope, still, with his ego, Taeyong stayed silent.

During break time, Jaehyun quickly left the class without even spared a glance at Taeyong. The latter looked a bit heartbroken with the attitude. Slowly, Taeyong got up and went to the garden. He didn't even buy anything to eat. Johnny was obviously aware of the two.

"What's wrong with them?" he asked Ten.

"They had a fight at our house and Taeyong started to ignore him." Ten lied.

"So, like... they are a couple now." Johnny raised his eyebrows.

"Don't know. Maybe." Ten shrugged.

Taeyong's stomach growled due to hunger. He didn't want to go to the canteen because he didn't want to stumble across Jaehyun. But he was so hungry right at the moment. Suddenly, a loaf of bread and juice were placed beside him. He looked at the food and to the one that placed it. Jaehyun.

"Eat. You're hungry." Jaehyun said while looking somewhere else.

The anger was still on his face. Taeyong looked down and fiddled with his fingers. His hand slowly reached for the juice. Jaehyun left when he took a sip. Taeyong frowned a bit. Can you at least stay? He mentally asked Jaehyun. The break time was over, and he headed back to the class.

Jaehyun looked at Taeyong entering the class and tapped his fingers. Taeyong sat at his seat without glancing at him at all. Jaehyun bit his inner cheek, trying to hold his anger.

"Just give him time. If I was him, I would freak out too." Ten said.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes. The teacher came in and the lesson started. Jaehyun stared at the latter the whole time until the school ended. He planned something. The bell rang and he got up, approaching Taeyong. He grabbed the boy's hand and dragged him somewhere far from people.

"Stop with that attitude." Jaehyun stopped at the stairs, folding his arms.

"What do you mean?" Taeyong pretended to be oblivious.

"Please stop avoiding me." Jaehyun's voice softened as he closed the gap between them.

"I know I'm being desperate right now." Jaehyun held Taeyong's hand.

"But I need you." Jaehyun tightened the grip.

"Why?" Taeyong asked while looking at their intertwined hands. He felt a euphoric feeling when their hands touched.

"Because- "the sound of footsteps could be heard approaching them.

"Jaehyun~ what are you doing here with him?" a familiar girl asked. Jaehyun's expression turned dark.

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