1| Hero?

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Frisk and Chara are male in this. So Is Bete

〖No One's pov 〗

Y/n huffed while her transparent mother was teaching her how to make a pie, Why was Toriel, transparent? Well, it, because Toriel's soul is stuck inside Y/n, along with the other monsters souls...Y/n's body was somewhat like a vessel for them, It kept them alive.

but, there was also, Bete Noire's soul inside Y/n, They monsters despised Bete for trying to ruin their lives, but in the end, Bete Norite lost and his soul was becoming corrupted by his hatred, so he asked Y/n to kill him. Y/n didn't want to kill Bete, because she felt bad...

Y/n's soul was not determination or kindness...The monsters called Y/n's soul, change...Because Y/n had the power to change someone's corrupted soul...but sadly that power came at a price, Her friends...Where now stuck inside Y/n's body like a cage.

Y/n looked up at Her mother Toriel...She was the only one that could see her monster friends unless she used their power, they would become real and aid her in battle, She would also be able to use their powers.

"Very good my child! Here let mother help!" Y/n Gently placed her hand on her mother, causing Toriel to become real...when she used this ability it took quite a toll on her body. Y/n blinked a few times, her gaze becoming a little dizzy. "Oh- My child are you alright..." Toriel said gently holding Y/n up steady.

"Y-Yes... just need to regain my energy...mother may I go sit down?" Y/n asked looking at Toriel with pleading eyes. Toriel nodded while patting Y/n on the head, "Yes, run along now child, I'll finish making the pie!" Toriel spoke happily.

Y/n quickly wobbled dizzily, over to Sans, who was sitting on the couch, "Mind making me real kiddo?" Sans asked while leaning in and getting comfy on the couch.

"Yes..." Y/n spoke in a small voice, gently touching sans boney arm. Y/n began to let out small huff's of air, I mean...this was kinda good practice on boosting her durability on making them real, but she also had to touch them again to make them transparent once more, which also takes a lot of energy...but I guess it does make it fair,

because when shes in battle and uses their power & sometimes in a really serious battle they take on there physical form to help her, it also must be a toll for them since she's using their power as well...but....there easily on a higher level though, so it probably doesn't take much energy for them.

Y/n shook her head while scooting closer to Sans. Y/n suddenly blurted out loudly inside the fairly large house, "How do I become a true hero?" Y/n spoke while leaning her head on san's lap.

"True Heroes Serve Others!" Yelled Papyrus from the other room.

"True Heroes Are Extraordinary!" Undyne yelled sharpening her spears, Even though they were already sharp as hell.

"True Heroes Take Risks And Face Potential Loss..." Frisk said, sitting down next to Y/n.

"True Heroes Are Self-sacrificing" Sans said, patting Y/n's head.

"True Heroes Are Courageous," Gaster spoke in a glitchy like voice entering the living room.

"..." Y/n was at lost for words, "Can I become a hero-" Y/n suddenly heard loud laughing from all around the house, "Y/n! Your already our hero! You've granted us freedom! You fought for us! you risked your life for us!" Undyne yelled. "That's right kiddo...You're already a hero to some, I think I hit my funny bone!" Sans laughed loudly at his own pun.

"No..I mean...I want to- I want to- What I'm trying to say is-" Y/n struggled with the words coming out of her mouth, before she screamed loudly, "I WANT TO GO TO U.A! AND TRAIN TO BECOME A REAL HERO!" Y/n yelled loudly clenching her fist.

Undyne's ears perked up, while her spears vanished, Undyne grinned, while rushing into the living room, "Don't worry! We shall help you become the best hero that ever lived!"

Y/n looked down at her hands, "We...We will become the best hero's that ever lived...even if the world might not know your guy's name...its still us- if I do ever get to become a hero...I'll know I couldn't have got there without you guys..." Y/n said looking around the room.



The Undertale character's souls that Y/n has trapped inside her body.







Bete Noire









Light Blue: Patience

Orange: Bravery

Blue: Integrity

Purple: Perseverance

Green: Kindness

Yellow: Justice



Ok to see what the souls powers do, go to this site 


(I'll copy and paste it in the comments)

Determination! Yandere various My Hero Academia x Undertale readerWhere stories live. Discover now