Chapter I

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It's a chilly December morning when young Jessica Andrews' plane arrives in London in the early hours of the morning, three o'clock to be exact. She wipes the sleep out of her eyes and yawns as she waits for the pilot to announce they're free to retrieve their carry on luggage that they have stored above their heads. Although it was a tediously long flight from California to London, not to mention the seemingly incessant stops and layovers, she found it even more cumbersome to squeeze herself in between other passengers, so she remained put until near two-thirds of the people had exited the plane. Once her row was clear she got up, retrieved her carry on, nodded at the pilot, and went out into the airport to retrieve her luggage. Still waking herself up, she didn't notice four young lads hurrying in her direction. One of them, slightly shorter than the rest, accidentally bumped into her causing her to topple backwards.
"Oh dear," he began, "I'm so sorry, miss." He held a hand to help her up unbeknownst to the other men he was with for they had continued walking forward.
"Oh, no problem at all," she replied, "just try not to kill me next time," she finished with a laugh. The man laughed with her, then noticed his comrades ahead of him.
"Sorry to leave ye' so abruptly, miss, but I need to catch up with me mates up there," he stated grabbing he bag he had set down.
"Don't let me keep you," she said with a smile as he head off ahead of her. She then set off attempting to find her luggage, or what she called 'mission impossible'. The conveyor-belt that held the luggage had to make at least 5 rounds before Jessica's sleep deprived mind finally spotted her suitcase. She checked her watch noticing that a whole half hour had already past. She sleepily wiped her eyes and headed outside to wait for a cab. Not only had a couple minutes had passed once she was outside that the same man she had run into approached her.
"Excuse me, miss. Sorry to bother ye' again, but do ye' have the time?" He asked.
"Three thirty three," she said looking at her watch.
"Thank ye'. The names Richard," he said extending his hand.
"Jessica," she replied sleepily.
"You sleepy, love?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
"Yeah, quite a bit actually. I can never sleep on those damned planes, they terrify me," she chuckled to herself.
"Oh I hear ye', I always fear that they'll be the end of me and the lads," he chuckled gesturing to the three other men behind him, "don't want another Buddy Holly incident."
"What ye' talkin' 'bout Rings?" One of the boys asked.
"Jus' makin' small talk, John. Ye' don't need to but yer' head into everythin'," he said with a smirk.
"Aye, watch yer' mouth, Starkey. Yer' only a couple months older and I can still kick ye' out of the band."
"You've been threatenin' me with that ever since I joined, Lennon. Ye' don't scare me," he said with a laugh.
"I'm jus' kiddin', mate," he said laughing as he put a hand on the one named John's back.

"Ey, Paul. Ye' think it's gonna rain on us?" Asked another one of the young men.
"Doubt it, I mean ye' can never trust wot these newscasters say; they're ludicrous," replied the one named Paul.
"Wot do ye' think, Rings?" Asked the man whose name was still unknown.
The man whom Jessica was talking to was oblivious to his mates' calling for he was too indulged in his conversation, although that ended fairly suddenly.
"Eh, Rings! C'mon! Ye' always pick up a new bird every time we travel. Can't ye' just worry about yer' career for once in yer' life?" Snapped John.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry about this. I'll wait over there," said Jessica walking away realizing the commotion she had caused.
"No, Jessica! Really, it's not your fault," the man who went by Ringo called after her. Although she certainly heard him, she pretended as if she didn't and continued walking. This always happened to her. Whenever she thought that she had made a new friend, it all went to hell and back. She sighed and sat down on the pavement outside of the airport waiting in hopes to see a taxi she could hail, although she doubted that there would be one considering it was now nearly four in the morning.
After waiting a decent distance away from the men she waiting for yet another half hour attempting to hail a cab, Jessica decided it would be best to just walk around in an attempt to find a cheap hotel to stay at for the remainder of the night. The street lights made a feeble attempt at illuminating the streets, but it worked well enough. Walking around for ten minutes did her well because not only was she able to wear in her new shoes, but also find a relatively inexpensive hotel to stay at for the night. It may not have been a five star resort, but it was apparent that the staff were not accustomed to receiving disheveled women checking in a quarter to five am.
She was escorted to her room, assisted with her bags, and she tipped the employee aiding her much to his confusion. She decided against unloading her suitcase aside from her essentials since she would just head off to her university the following day. After a shower in which her sleep deprived mind probably only got her wet instead of actually clean and a nice knock to the head after she tripped over her own to feet, Jessica flopped onto the bed and quickly fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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