no. 23

240 9 0


professionalnopants: Chanyeol what the fuck

tree: what

professionalnopants: why's my dildo on the wall

tree: 🤷‍♀️

jabmyeon: this is a holy chat

jabmyeon: no dildo talk

tollhun: what's a dildo

chentai: Sehun, no-

professionalnopants: it's a rubber dick

tollhun: oh

jabmyeon: Istg

ticklemejin: guys


chentai: he's dead

tree: -inside

tapdance: I'm right here

jongping: OMG MY BABY



tapdance: I'm fine, Jongin


tapdance: I will

tapdance: goodnight

jongping: GOODNIGHT BYE 🥺

tapdance has went offline!

jabmyeon: y'all so cheesy to the point that it's disgusting

professionalnopants: your just jealous bc your Chinese boyfriend is missing

tree: you're*

professionalnopants: shut up babe

tree: 🤷‍♀️

ticklemejin: Guys

jabmyeon: he's not my boyfriend

chentai: yet

tollhun: what's a boyfriend

jongping: Kyungsoo is my boyfriend

tree: Baekhyun is my boyfriend

chentai: Minseok is my boyfriend

professionalnopants: Yixing is Junmyeon's boyfriend

jabmyeon: he's not my boyfriend

jongping: yet

ticklemejin: GUys

tollhun: so like a kissing buddy?

professionalnopants: yes

professionalnopants: and more

chentai: omg no stop he can't know these things yet

jabmyeon: ^

tree: ^^

jongping: ^^^

professionalnopants: fine 😔✊

tollhun: ?

professionalnopants: you'll learn soon enough ;)

jabmyeon: my child is not getting sex ed from you, Baek

professionalnopants: you suck ass

jabmyeon: I'm a bottom

professionalnopants: dick*

tree: speaking of Minseok-

ticklemejin: YOU FUCKWADS

ticklemejin: LISTEN TO ME

tollhun: Hyung is mad

ticklemejin: very 😤

jabmyeon: Hey Seokjin

ticklemejin: bitch stfu

ticklemejin: I need your help

professionalnopants: I'm always here to help ;)

ticklemejin: ew, I have a boyfriend

tree: must be fucking insane to date you 💅

ticklemejin: I made him and my children mad at me and I don't know what to do

chentai: you make everyone mad 🤷‍♀️

jongping: you have kids?

ticklemejin: this is serious

ticklemejin: I really don't know what to do

jongping: why are you asking me

jongping: I'm dead dumb

tree: so don't say anything, headass

jabmyeon: Okay guys, let's be quiet and let Seokjin explain

(A long explanation later)

ticklemejin: And so they thought I was abandoning them for you guys

jabmyeon: you got yourself into a big mess there 💀

jongping: do you want us to talk to them?

professionalnopants: I need to apologize in person

professionalnopants: I kinda started this, huh

tree: yh babes

professionalnopants: 🗿

ticklemejin: yeah, it would be great if you could help me apologize

ticklemejin: thanks guys 🥺

jabmyeon: anytime :)

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