Luck had cried into Magna for 10 minutes straight when they received the news. After he calms down, and filling out a few papers and thanking the doctors, they cleaned up.

Luck wiped off the gell with a towel then quickly dressed in his clothes.

"What're we gonna tell FInral?" Luck asks as he pulled on a boot.

"The truth." Magna simply said.

Luck felt his heart skip a beat, "NO! WE CAN'T-..... At least not now..."

Magna frowns, "Okay, then what do we tell him what's wrong with you?"

Luck racked his brain.

"We could tell him that it's a small case of the flu..."

Magna was quiet for a bit until he slowly answered, "....Okay...."

When they walked out, Finral did ask them how it went, and they did say it was a small case of the flu.

"Aww, hope you feel better, Luck. Here, I'll teleport you home right away, you need rest."

Luck smiles and fakes a small cough, "Yes, thanks. And maybe when I'm better, you'll fight me!"

"Yeah, no thanks."


When they got back to their room, Luck broke down once again.

"I-I'm too y-y-young to have a b-baby!" He wails, clutching Magnas shirt.

Magna hugs Luck and runs his fingers through his sandy blonde locks, "I know... It's my fault... I shouldn't have given in... It's all my fault..."

Luck just cried and cried into Magna. Magna just comforted and comforted him. 

After about 10 minutes, he had calmed down. Omegas, when pregnant, they were extremely emotional. 

"Luck, listen, we don't have to tell anyone yet but..." Magna sucks in a breath, "Captain Yami has to know... Because if he was to send you on a mission and you get hurt... The baby could die..."

"I-I don't want to tell him..." Luck says with a hiccup, "It's embarrassing..."

Magna sighs, "I know.. That's why I'm gonna do it. I'll wait for a week then tell him. He'll probably won't let you go on missions till the kid is out... Kay...? Is that alright?"

Luck nods into his chest.

Magna softly smiles, "Good. Now... Are you hungry? What do you want?"

Luck pulls away and shakes his head, "No, I feel sick... I think I'll take a nap..."

Magna frowns, "Are you gonna throw up?"

"I dunno, maybe..."

Magna pulls the trashcan over closer to their shared bed, "This'll be here if you do. Want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?"


Magna lays down and wraps his  arms around Luck, "Okay." He kisses his head.

It took 15 minutes for Luck to fall asleep, and when he did, Magna staid an extra 5 minutes to study his boyfriends beautiful features. Magna then laid him down and started towards the door, but stopped.

Magna looked back at the small blonde - well, at his stomach.

He walked back over and placed a hand on Lucks stomach, smiling. There really was a child in Luck, and it belonged to the two of them.

Magna gave his stomach a small kiss then walked out and closed the door.

~~~SKIP 2 WEEKS~~~

"I thought you said you were only waiting a week, to tell him, Magna." Luck says as he shoveled udon into his mouth.

"I know, I got scared. You know how difficult it is to talk to that guy." Magna says as he paced around the kitchen. All the other Black Bulls were out in the Capital, other than Luck, Magna, and Yami. 

Luck stuck out his tongue, "Nah, not really. I ask him to fight me all the time. He keeps saying no. Bummer."

Magna ruffles Lucks hair, "Oh hush. It isn't like that."

Luck giggles and leans into the touch.

"Well, we had better get this over with before everyone comes back." He stands up and gently helps Luck up, "He's probably in the living room."


"Captain Yami."

The said person looks up, a cigarette in his mouth and newspaper in hand, "Yeah, what?"

"We need to tell you something." Magna says, as Luck smiles, though feeling extremely nauseous because of the cigarette.

"Kay, I'm listening."

Magna took a deep breath in then spilled it, "I got Luck pregnant."

Yami blinks. Then he slowly looks at the blonde.

"He don't look pregnant." He says and goes back to reading the newspaper.

"That's because he's only a few weeks pregnant." Magna says, facepalming.

"E-Excuse me.." Luck says with a hand over his mouth, and he turns and runs-probably to the bathroom.

When he was gone, Yami turned on him.

"Did you seriously go up and get one of my best men pregnant?!"

Magna made a small noise of alarm but nods, "'Fraid so, sir."

Yami groans and facepalms, "So you really thought it was all good and okay to get him knocked up like that?!"

"He was in heat and he sent me into a rut. I'm sorry."

Yami holds his forehead in his hand, sighing angrily, "Look, I don't mind if you guys get it on once in a while, but you could have at least used protection. Luck is on rest until that thing is out."

Called it, Magna mentally said.

"Now, I really don't want to have a tiny version of you running around here, but I have no choice no, I guess. Speaking of Luck, where's he run off to?"

"Here, sir." Came Lucks weak voice as he walked in with a hand resting on his stomach, "Your cigarette was making me nauseous... Sorry..."

"Huh?" Yami took his cigarette out of his mouth and pressed the end into the ashtray.

"Luck, you're on rest until the baby is born."

Lucks eyes widened, "What?! Why?!" 

"Good God, Luck. You're pregnant! Why else?"

At hearing Magnas voice being raised, his eyes began to shine with tears and his lip upturned.

Yami stood up and walked out, "Nope, I'm not dealing with his damn hormones."

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