Chapter 26-28

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Chapter 26: 2 weeks after the incedent Sponge and Savage were Training and Trying to Focus on there Firebrand and Thunderhand Energy's. Sponge and savage were still trying to focus on trying to Conquer there Energys so they wont be tired when they prepare to Fight. When both sponge and Savage stop they suddednly dont feeled Tired anymore both of them Finnaly Conquer it. now its up for Sponge and Savage Next Training (including slimy for some reason)
master Vertex said those two gonna try to attack him and see if they could atleast LAND a Hit on him, Savage already charged and Tried to attack him but failed when he got tossed in the air, Sponge and slimy tried to attack him but Master Vertex Moved to the Right and Dodged it, and sponge crashed on the ground Face Flat.

 now its up for Sponge and Savage Next Training (including slimy for some reason)master Vertex said those two gonna try to attack him and see if they could atleast LAND a Hit on him, Savage already charged and Tried to attack him but failed when h...

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Meanwhile at the neighborhood Everyone was Relaxing until the alarm came on at Robys labatory Everyone went outside and See a New Enemy that have been send by Davidii. Back to the spongemario78 brothers, they got there self changed for sponge he wear a new Green Freddy jacket and all three of them were about to head back home. MEanwhile the rest were fighting off Sigmound Starlux shot a Light Arrow and finnaly token him down. However a uknown Energy appears out of Sigmound and attack Few of sponge friends.

when they thought it was over sponge and savage appear, Savage sticked the landing but sponge didnt and slimy fell ontop of his head,  sponge got up and saw sigemound Silly told sponge to becarefull, Sponge looks back and nods and a Huge Rainbow aura appeard out of him and Summons his new Blade and Cut Sigemound in Half and Defeated him.

Silly Charged and Huged SPonge to death, Sponge was happy to see her and all of sponge friends as well. middle of the night sponge got done packing all of his pineapple and went to sleep along with slimy. MEanwhile in Davidii Castle Polyhex and Darkzull told Davidii that Sigemound was Defeated by sponge, Davidii was in shock and Mad, but he has a Grin on his face he was somehow excited he Called Redbear and Dark omega and told them it was time for them to attack With Metal Greenbear and MEtal GOldster.

--end of Chapter 26

Chapter 27: it was another Wonderfull Day at the neighborhood eveyrone was Relaxing in Piece Sponge and slimy was Hanging out With Largemakesstuff. Sponge and Large was Playing Smash bro's ultimate toghether. Meanwhile Roby was Looking for the Next Destiny star Anshine was Just hanging out With starlux soop and phex. When sponge look at the window at large's house he saw the Mysterious person again after that he looked away and large told sponge to look at his window, and there he was Lombardo was right there, Sponge told large to help him to Catch him so both of them Chased him down, Lombardo shot ice Shards with a Fire in it, Both of them Dodges it and Lombardo continued running Sponge and Large Continued following him, Sponge told slimy to turn into wings real quick and with that Sponge Fly and Tackles Lombardo to the ground,Lombardo kicked sponge and Large appeard and Attack lombardo and lombardo Crashed to the wall, Sponge Flew down and Large was infront of him.

Lombardo gotten up and knew he cant Escape them it will make more Noise, Sponge asked lombardo who is he,Lombardo told sponge he a Wizard thats all he told him and asked him about the destiny star one last time, Sponge was about to say something but he realized that he wont answer why he asked about the destiny star. so he told him all about the destiny star and told him why he has them. Lombardo was shock of this answer and gotten up and put his hat down on his head and told him he aplogize for attacking him. after lombardo apologize the Alarm turn on at robys labatory. and with that Redbear and Dark omega appeard, Greenbear
Shout ''REDBEAR WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Omega asked dark omega what is his plan this time. Dark omega told them he gonna kill and steal everyone soul, Silly told dark omega she imortal and she will be happy to Kill him. After that our hero's Fought off Dark omega and Redbear in the same time, redbear and dark omega was both tired they wasnt expecting a Challange but luck appeard and Greenbear and Goldster Bot appeared, Goldster wasnt Expecting a Robot clone of himself, Soop was unamused as usual and now our heros fought off the Two robots. both of the robots Were Destoryed and Redbear and Darkomega Disappeard. Silly looked back and saw lombardo and She was about to attack sponge Went infront of Lombardo and told her he was a Good person. Silly didnt buy it and when sponge looked back he was gone,

later on in Midnight sponge went by the pond and Looked for lombardo. Lombardo appeared infront of sponge, and Sponge gave Lombardo a pie and told him he accpets the apology and told him sorry for attacking. Lombardo accpets the pie apology and both of them became friends but also lombardo gave Sponge the Silver Destiny star now there one last star left.

--End of Chapter 27

Chapter 28: Four days later after grabing the Silvor destiny Star ANshine told Sponge to get some of his friends and meet up by Robys labatory Today is the Day where our heros get the FINAL destiny star The GOLD Yellow star. Sponge and everyone got to Robys labatory, Anshine walked up and told them its time for them to get the Yellow golden star and once they got all the destiny stars there quest Finding the Destiny stars Will be finished. After that the Heros Teleported to uknown area with Star Trees and infront of them is Castle with stars doors and Star windows. The heros walked in and saw the Final Gurdian The Star Master Noob Guardian. Anshine walked up and said ''its been awile wasnt it Guardian'' The Star master noob Guardian Nods his head and looked at sponge's friends. Sponge was little confused whats going on including few of his friends as well. The Star Master noob guardian said that he was the Final guardian and Good Friend to anshine. He also mention that the other Noob guardians were brothers of his. after that he asks sponge a Question. Sponge ask him what the question was, The Guardian Asks Sponge is he Ready to prove that he the Guardian of destiny stars Sponge Nods yes and knew he cant back down now, he told the guardian he will protech anshine and the Destiny stars after that the Guardian teleported SPonge and his friends to a Star arena, Then Sponge Realizes that rest of his friends wasnt with him, the only people with sponge was, Savage,Slimy, Pony,Hotsauce,Greenbear,Gia,Mixxy and silly. After that they all know what to do. There gonna Beat the Last guardian and Get the Final Destiny Star. After Fighting the Last Guardian sponge and his friends were excited they beated the Final guardian and it was Hard battle as well. the guardian teleported the heros back with that sponge has now Got the Final destiny star.

When they return back Patrick appear and told everyone Congrats on Geting the last destiny stars. Sponge was little Flattered after that Patrick uses his powers and healed sponges friends.  Patrick told them that they could finnaly take a Break but he gaved the heros a little warning though

he said that he felt a Dark un easy presence and told everyone to be alert whatever new Evil Will Appeared. With that the heros Teleported there self back home.

--End of Chapter 28

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