Chapter 35-40

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Chapter 35: it was a PEacefull day at the neighborhood. and SPonge was hanging out with his good friends. Slimy jumped on sponge's head and sleep ontop of his hat. with that sponge felled asleep to. Greenbear appear and gaved everyone sour apple soda. Mixxy shaked sponge but he was still asleeep. meanwhile Starlux was at home rewatching his favorite shows with Soop,Phex and darklux. Durzull was asleep on starlux floor. Soop asked starlux if he was alright, and starlux said he kept on Feeling a Dark Prencense but he tried his best to ignore it. Phex went up to get a Snack out of starlux fridge, and Soop ask phex to get some mini cakes for him. at Robys Labatory

Roby,and iced was waiting for R-O-B-Y to load the mysterious signol, Sly came in and said how long they gotta wait till they figure out the strange signol. iced told them its gonna take 20 more minutes, afterwards iced said he going back his house to grab some grub. meanwhile at the epic store stalk was at the counter doing stuff. and omega was playing games on his switch. David felix,sgz, and grimm were at the back of the epic store and felix and grimm were digging, sgz and david were keeping a look out for omega and the others. after few minutes of digging they dig underneath the back of the nieghborhood. but they gotta be quite. Omega looked around to figure out that banging noise he heard,and he found there hole but once he looked nobody was there. Good thing for grimm he made David and the other invisiable. at Checker house he was playing smash bros with prei and xbot, and pretty much checker won again. Xbot wasnt amused and PRei was little upset and asked for a rematch. Cynxx and tudo were just watching them while phil was in kitchen doing what ever he is doing. at alts cafe, alt was giving few people some food. and deneid order....900 CLownfish...idk why dont ask me. Alt was questioning why he want so much clownfish but starting to not care about that. after that gaved few other people some food. Wood Kicked alt's door and Alt asked why he kicked his door. Wood grab alt on the shoulder and told him he wants a Cup of Apple juice and if he dont he will be BURNED ALIVE!
alt said sure and gave him a apple juice. After that wood break the windows and everyone look at him.

Meanwhile Davidii and his fleat of ships of army in them were geting Close to sponge's neighborhood. R-O-B-Y finnaly got the signol and told Roby,iced,light cynxx, and Anti sponge that it was Davidii and he was heading towards the neighborhood. But before roby and the others gonna tell the others it was already to late the Alarm came on the neighborhood. and when sponge and his friends saw whats ontop of them, a bunch of Flying ships was above them with that, Davidii and all the villans so far appeared as well. Sponge knew its gonna be a Fun day for him and his friends, and now this is where the War of saving there home and Universe BEGINS!!.

--end of chapter 35

Chapter 36: Polyhex Fall down on the ground and has told the heros to give anshine and the 7 destiny stars or else him and davidii army will Attack, Sponge Told Polyhex and davidii no, he will not give anshine or the Destiny stars to him. aftterwards Sponge heard a Huge crash where prexiell house at, Where Prei,Tudo,Xbot is they were Fighting there Purple Selfs again.not only that like a Bunch of Davidii army appear along with Quilpse army from another diamension appeared as well. sponges Friends looked at each other and they knew they gotta protect Anshine and the destiny stars after that sponge and his friends Fight of the army. Starlux phex and Soop was gonna help sponge and the others, When phexonia and soop went infront of starlux, Shadowlux appeared and Blocked starlux path and told him he has Unfinished Buisness with him. Phex saw Starlux was in trouble but one of the Noob masters Blocked his way along with a few Noob mens. Sponge and his friends was Fighting off Davidii army till Further noticed
For like a 20 or 30 minutes of fighting sponge and his friends finished with the first wave of Davidii men. 

However the 2nd wave army appear before sponge and his friends could rest afterwards they have no choice to keep on fighting, before they thought it was gonna get hard Anshine,Blue,CC appeared as well and help out as well. Davidii was suprised that Anshine was able to fight and told his army to not hesitate to hurt anshine he told them to fight them With there every strenth they got. Shadowlux was fighting starlux still however shadowlux was losing again, after that he needed to go all out after that a Huge Dark purple energy appeared out of him, Starlux felt that huge amount of energy and knew he has to becareful. Cynxx Was fighting a Few of Quilpse army, until Quilpse itself appeared in his Mech suit and Hit Cynxx so far he crashed against the wall by the epic store and hurt a little, Quilpse starts charging at Cynxx, After that cynxx got up summoned his sword and Fight Quilpse itself. SPonge and the others beated the 2nd wave that it wasnt that hard like the first wave but they knew they cant let there guard down. Silly saw a Big fire ball heading towards sponge, afterwards she pushed sponge out of the way and she got hurt with that Crashing on the ground uncounsious. Sponge/slimy, pony, and Savage was gonna check on her untill a Giant Robot Sponge appeared infront of them. Sponge was amazed of how awsome and epic it looks but knew he needs to check to see if silly was alright afterwards they fought off the Giant Robo Sponge, Mixxy,hotsauce,Gia was gonna check silly but Greenbear bot Blasted those three out of the way. 

At the pond Alt,Wood, was little injured,Spongeblox was Uncounsious, and Omega,iced,Goldster,Stalk and Greenbear were Fighting Dark omega and Redbear that Blocked there Path to help sponge and the others untill Checker appeared and CHOPED redbear headoff with his sword, However Redbear head was Floting and Laugh at him. Dark omega was not amused that he appeared and though his old self was fighting him. Checker told him that he didnt saw him but it doenst matter for him now he told those two back off or else. Dark omega Laugh and Summon his sythe on the ground and Redbear summoned his swords. Checker Sigh after that he told them that they gonna make a Big mistake for messing with him and his friends, he told them ''my Friend had Saved me From my Posession of my Old self and the best thing to do is pay him back starting of geting Rid of you two!!'' after that he transformed to his Warrior Transformation outfit. MEanwhile for Phex he he beated the two people that blocked however the other Noob master disappeared, after that Phex Shoots Two Purple Magic Sphears and Hit Shadowlux back and he fallen on the ground, However he got up Teleported behind Phex and Kicked him to the ground, Soop appeared and saw shadowlux,Starlux, and phex. Starlux looked behind him and happy to see soop safe, However Shadowlux Swing his sword at star, Good thing for starlux he jumped back and Dodged it. Shadowlux was starting to get Angry and Charged at Starlux and his friends

--end of chapter 36

Chapter 37: Sponge/Slimy,Savage, and pony Fight SPongemario78Killerbot and defeated him. However Davidii uses the Dark star REBUILTED the Robot and now got ALOT stronger then before. Endertom,Durzull, and Keelrbot  appear and Assits the hero's Taking down Spongemario78Killerbot. after Fighting the Robot clone of sponge they finnaly defeated the bot, but when the hero's thought it was over Sponge saw his friends Fighting the Greenbearbot, after that sponge Run and Kicked the Robot. after that Sponge told Savage and the others to Fight the robots,Quilpse, and Davidii minons off he gonna check on silly and see if she alright. where Silly at she was covered in blood and alot of Dark Aura appeared around her, and where Quilpse Men are alot of them Were Terribly injuried and Some were Dead, Quilpse men were Terrified and alot of them walked away slowly from silly, before silly was about to charged and killed them, sponge went up front and Huged silly before that happen. Silly tried to push sponge away, but she droped her Sythe and Huged sponge. after that she went back to her normal self but was in tears. Sponge pat and told silly he will be alright. After that Sponge told silly to Revived the People she killed. Silly looked away from sponge and tell him no. ''Silly Revied them then i could blast them away from the neighborhood you cant leave them dead''. Silly looked back and Saw sponge gaved her the baby sponge look. Silly Blushed and sigh and said alright. after that silly Revived them and sponge threw a giant Meteaor at them and blasted them away. Sponge told Silly that they needed to Help the others. Silly nods and said alright. MEanwhile at the Pond checker and the others were fighting Dark omega and Redbear, Redbear and Dark omega was both geting a little tired since Checker was giving them a hard time. after that both of them Disappeared. Alt said that he gonna sit down for a bit since his legs was Bleeding a little. Spongelbox told them that he will watch Altiner and he said that he could go wiithout them till further noticed. Meanwhile where Prei xbot and Tudo are. They were Fighting there Purples Selfs still. until Quilpse Throw Cynxx and making him Hit Prei in the head and after wards Quilpse and his Battle machine appeared and Blasted Both tudo and Xbot in the same time. Xbot and Prei was Uncounsious, and only Cynxx and Tudo were the only ones arent. after that Purple Tudo Summon alot of Purple Knifes. Purple Tudo summoned alot of Deadly Purple Orbs. Purple prei was Charing His sword and Quilpse charging up his lazers.

When Tudo and cynxx thought it was Over, iced appeared And attacked Purple prei with his sword with that Leaving a Big Scar on his face. Purple Prei eye went Red and was Really pissed. after that Prei appeared and Kicked Purple prei and told Iced thanks for saving him. iced told them no problem after that he told them he gonna help the others. Quilpse starts chasing iced but itachi appeared and Broked the Glass and Scaring the Crap out of Quilpse. Quilpse Throwed a giant Chess piece at itachi and he fall on the floor hurt a little. Quilpse was about to Shoot itachi until Cynxx appeared with Red feathers appearing around him and Reflect the shots. itachi stand up and Fight along cynxx. Starlux Phexonia and soop were Fighting Shadow Lux, Shadow lux was starting to get Tired of fighting them. afterwards he suddenly teleported and Disappeared. Starlux told Phex and Soop to find sponge and the others and help them. When Checker went out of the pond he Saw Denied Crash against the wall, Where he was outnumbered. Redeye,Sharp, and Captain crunch were Fighting Denied. Checker and with that SPONGe appeared and protected Denied. Redeye saw sponge and was Very Pissed off afterwards before he was about to charge and punch sponge, Bunch of Cleavers Stabed his body and He went flying and Crashed agianst the wall. it was Silver,Sulfur and Enderp three of them appeared, and Sponge eyes was Amazed as seeing and Shake silver like Crazy. Silver slap the crap at sponge, and sponge falled face flat on the ground. and Silly eyes were in FLAMES and she transformed her sythe to a Harisen Fan and Slap the Crap out of silver and She fell on the Floor Face flat as well. Sulfer was about to do something until Silly gave her a MEancing Evil Looking face. Sponge ask Silver why she hear. She said that she was Sent out to help him to Take down Davidii. With that the OTher Saviors appeared as well. after that SPonge and there Friends head towards the Middle of the NEighborhood. when they appeared everything seems quite and Starlux and the others were Alright. Davidii was impressed for some reason but When polyhex appeared they saw anshine Captured.  everyone was shocked and hopeing anshine was alright, After that Davidii men appeared with that Fire noob. Darkzull in his machine Sharp, and Captain crunch returned. with that Captain crunch noob pirates appeared. Sponge and his friends Prepared for another Fight. but before they thought it was just gonna be them helping. Anti checker, Zombie checker, Phil appeared along with, Anti xbot, Anti sponge, Light cynxx, Spongeborg appeared to Assits the battle.

MEanwhile Anti soop,evil phexonia, and Soopahsaniknoob were trying to help the others untill enchantden appeared, With that he stab Anti soop in the chest and stole bunch of his dark energy inside him and Now Went after Evil Phexonia.

end of chapter 37-----

Chapter 38: Part 1: Sponge and friends  fight off Davidii Master noobs,Red eye captain crunch and his noob pirates,Darkzull and his machine and Fire noob. Meanwhile where prei and the others are they were Still Fighting the purples and Quilpse. when Cynxx,Light Cynxx, and itachi fighting Quilpse, Cynxx Cut off One of Quilpse Mecha, itachi went up and SLice both of the Legs. and Light cynxx cut one of the other arms off. after that Quilpse jumped out of the Machine. Quilpse starting to get irritated so he summoned bunch of Chess pieces Quilpse told the hero's that he gonna Fight them, with that Bashing Not only itachi but light cynxx with Chess pices and BOth of them Crashed against the wall. Cynxx Dodged four chess pices  and Charged towards Quilpse.Quilpse Dodges Cynxx sword and Punched him in the stomach. Cynxx kicked Quilpse and both of them fall on the ground, Cynxx goten up and charging up a Powerfull attack. once cynxx got done Charging, He Rushed towards Quilpse Slash his Chest. Quilpse was in pain and knew he was defeated again, afterwards he Teleported away. Cynxx Went back to check on the others untill a Few pirate noobs appeared and Surronded him. Prei was HAving a Little hard Time fighting Purple Prei. Purple prei kicked prei grabed his leg tosed him in the air and Slash the side of his back. Prei did a double Back flip and land on his knee's. Purple PRei laughed and asked prei,  ''How come you didn't use you're corrupted powers besides holding back'' ''Prei: cause i don't wanna end up like you'' Purple prei was Unamused and starting to get annoyed of how he aint using his corrupted purple powers. Xbot dodges more of Purple Xbot's knifes, One of the knives Purple xbot thrown Xbot grab the knives and Stab Purple Xbot's Arm and kicked him and punches him in the face. Purple Xbot was geting more and More Angry after that SUmmon MULTIPLE MULTIPLE purple Knives and Thrown it at xbot. Xbot started Doging almost all of the purple knives, until four knives hit both of His legs. 

Xbot Legs was injured and Bleeding, and when he thought it was the end of him Tudo Kicked purple tudo and clash against Purple xbot. Tudo then Kicked Purple Xbot and Punched him in the face. Purple xbot felled on the floor with that his Nose was Bleeding purple Blood. 
''WHY WERE YOU IN MY WAY DUMBASS'' Purple xbot yelled. ''sorry for geting away from you losing'' ''Purple xbot: WHAT WAS that i was gonna beat him until you appear don't start that crap''  Tudo and Xbot tried there best to not Laugh at them. After that Tudo Charged and Fought both of them without trouble. Prei was still fighting purple Prei. Prei was trying to not use his Corrupted powers but with no choice he had to, Prei eye's turn purple and Green after that Went behind purple prei, Purple prei was shocked but somehow was glad, With that Prei stabed him in the chest and purple Prei Disappeared. after that Prei rushed where Purple tudo and Xbot were and only Killed  Purple Xbot, Purple Tudo saw Purple PRei and Xbot death, after that he Teleported where Quilpse is. Xbot and Tudo looked at Prei of wondering wats happening to him. prei said he gonna help sponge and the others. Meanwhile,  Sponge and Friends were still Fighting. But they Able to beat Darkzull and his machine and Durzull Knocked Darkzull out before he was able to get away. Dark Felix appeared and Grabed Durzull and started crushing him.

David appeared And throw his Sledge axe at Dark felix,Then David Ran up and Kicked his sledge axe with that Cuting Dark felix's head off. however he was still alive and reattached his head back. Grimm appeared and  summoned Dark Blades and Stab Dark felix however it still wasnt able to kill him. David told sponge and the others were they alright. Sponge Nods but before david could do anything else Burora appeared and punched David in the face again. David got up and Wiped the Blood off his mouth.

Part 2: Sponge and friends continued fighting off Davidii men. Dark felix was starting to get Exahusted before he was about to make a Move, Grimm summon Dark chains around Dark felix, David Went up and did a powerfull Kick and made Dark felix flew in the air. Buroa appeared behind grimm and Punched him really hard and made his glasses Flew in the air. Sharp was trying to Make a Sneak attack and Stab sponge in the back without him looking until silly flew and Slice the back side of Sharp back. Sharp fell down on the ground and he got up and saw a bunch of Terrifiying Darkness inside silly and sharp was scared. Sponge/slimy, Savage and a few of sponge friends were fighting Burora, Red eye came down and Tried to attack sponge until Denied stab Red eye and kicked him. Denied then Charge and Kicked red eye again so he won't hurt sponge and the other's. Red eye got up and Was Very Mad of wat denied did, after that laugh. '' why are you helping him for you could of just stayed home and coward like a scary shark you are'' Denied Sigh and his hair went to Blue and Red, And his eyes turn red as well. ''Denied: it doesn't matter you could mess with me all you want but you not hurting my Friend'' Denied's stand appeared with him as well. after that Denied and his stand Aqua Stand Fought off Red eye.

Goldster felled on the ground and Roll to the right and Dodge Captain Crunch Giant spoon, and hijackal jumped up and Kicked and Hit Captain crunch with her Red Cliff Axe. the Elemental Master noob tried to frozed Hijackal until silver throw her ice Shards at him and Sulfer Went up and Bashed the Elemental master noob in the head and made him uncinous. the Earth master Noob went up and smash sulfur on the ground, and sulfur was unhappy about it. the master MAge noob summon bunch of water and tried to hit enderp and enderp Ran for her life. Her brother told her just to teleport, But she continued running. Silver was Laughing at her until sulfer went flying and Bashed his head onto silvers head and both of them fall on the ground. the earth master noob went Charging at silver and sulfuer, until Sponge saw that Silver was in trouble and used Flaming phoenix at The Earth master noob and punched so hard not only he crashed against to the wall but made  a Giant hole and made him disappeared. Sponge Looked up at davidii ship and Hoping that he able to Finish this whole mess. after that sponge went back on Fighting Burora. Sharp was Geting tired that also was injured, Silly then Charge and attacked Sharp. Sharp then fall down Uncounsious. Silly sit down and rest a Little since she was using alot of her powers. Captain crunch hit Prei and Xbot in the same time, and Tudo went up and Punched Captain crunch then Throw him towards Wood where he was Holding king fire noob and then Throw him towards Captain crunch both of them fell on the ground. then enderom summoned bunch of powerfull Cards, Duzull summoned a Powerfull wind and hit Captain crunch and made him flew in the air and Endertom hit Captain crunch and fire noob hit the wall and was uncounsious but defeated.

only one left is just Burora and as ususal he was giving everyone a hard time. Burora tried his best to atleast Fight all of them but he was starting to give up. Until he remebers a Hidden power that Davidii gaved him. afterwards he punched Keelerbot and cc out of the way. afterwards he start Charing up massive Energys inside him. Denied Finished fighting Redeye and he start Sensing a powerfull Evil Energy.  Silly try to froze him but the ice broked into pieces and it was to late as well. Burora Metal Eye patch went Red. and the color of the eye patch was blue. not only his eye patch was blue but even his Armor as well. his entire color went Tan to black however his headband was still the same. Buroa then Charged without anyone looking and Hit Cc really hard and crashed towars alt's cafe and was Hurt. Sponge and blue were trying to see if cc was alright until burora Grabed both of them by the neck and Multi punched them and both sponge and Blue fell on the ground injured and mad.  Burora Fight sponge's friends and giving them ma Very Very hard time. Cc appeared and Kicked him in the face. CC eyes then glow Blue and Was really Angry. CC Fought burora and both of them were Evenly Match somehow. However Cc started to calm down Burora then charge and Tried to hit CC, until sponge and Savage Drop entire TRUCK on Burora and litteraly injured him. And after that sponge and savage jumped out and that truck was Slimy the entire time and he shapeshift back to his normal self. when they thought they won Burora was still standing his Oni form,afterwards  Sponge told everyone that him and his brother will Fight Burora off. Sponge and Savage were having a hard time fighting burora however Burora transformation was Wearing off. afterthat Sponge and Savage Pull out there Ultimate Attack. Sponge and Savage Combine there Powers with Fire and Lighting to Make Plasma and made it Big, Big enough to Defeat Burora after that Burora made a Grin and said '' HEH it's You're Death wish But even with this won't Beat me i will not lose i will do this for King Davidii!!'' Sponge and Savage Went up And made the Plazma Ball hit Burora, However Burora was grabing the plasma ball and try not makeing it Hit him, the entire ground started shaking and alot of Dirt and Tree's went up. And Finally the Plasma Ball hit Burora, and Shocked and Burn him and he went up in the air so High it went to space and Exploded and Also shooked the Entire Planet as well. Both sponge and Savage Also went flying as well but landed on there feet *THIS TIME*. and with that Burora went crashing down and was Fully Uncounsious and K.O. And now there only just polyhex and Davidii Left.

Chapter 39: after Burora was Defeated and was uncounsious. it was only Davidii and Polyhex that is left Standing. Sponge Told Savage to go with him to fight Davidii, Afterwards Slimy turned into Dragon wings and Sponge and Savage Flew up to the air ship where Davidii and Polyhex were at. Davidii and Polyhex Claps for how far they got. Afterwards Polyhex laugh and Dash and Fell down to the ground where sponge and rest of his friends are. Sponge's Friend were Prepared for whatever Polyhex about to bring them. Afterwards Polyhex Brought out
the Pyrotechnicpillar X a improved model of the Pyrotechnicpillar but have five hearts in the machine that powers it up. None of sponge's friends saw that coming and hotsuace,Greenbear, Pony, Prei, and Xbot mouth Drops on the floor after seeing the Upgrade. Polyhex Laugh and Said that the upgraded Model will Defeat them. After that sponge's friends Prepared for the Hard Battle. MEanwhile sponge and Savage were hopeing that the others were Alright. after that Sponge And savaged look at Davidii and Slimy jumped out of Sponge's hat and went ontop of his head. Davidii Told sponge and his brother that they did a Splentid job on geting this far, infact that they both are still in good shape on Fighting with no Major injuries. Sponge asked Davidii why is he doing all this and why he was Against Patrick, Davidii told sponge that  he hates Villian from diffrent universe losing to Hero's it always the Same hero thing. Hero's always Prevailed on beating the villian in any kind of way, sometimes its diffrent but it always the Same thing he sick of tired of it. he hates how he never get a Chance to see villians win so thats why he done all of this. he will show Patrick that Villians will beat any hero's. but with that he says if he beat's sponge not only his universe will be in Peril all the universe's will be the next on his list as long he have the Dark star and the destiny stars. Sponge/Slimy and Savage were confused about the dark star.

Davidii laugh and said that the Dark star was and used to be the 8 destiny star, however he Corrupted that destiny star and Made it a Dark star. Spogne and his brother Were Shocked and they didn't knew eathier. after that the Dark star appeared beside him. Sponge and Savage now Sense a Huge massive Dark energy inside of Davidii and dark star Somehow Simmliar to each other. Sponge actually never Sense powerfull Dark Energy before at all until now. Davidii laugh and said that it's impressive isn't it with the dark star and the destiny star he will Conquer all of the universes and EVIL will win. Sponge looked at savage and both agree on wat to do. with that Slimy was Ready as well, sponge bounce on sponge head alot and ready to kick Davidii's Butt. After wards slimy turn into Dragon wings and Sponge and Savage Fight Davidii. menawhile Sponge's Friends were Fighting Polyhex however it wasn't easy like last time Polyhex got the upderhand. However wile Polyhex thinking he was winning Silver and Enderp knocked one of the legs off and Silly cut Two of the machines that has two heart core's in it. Polyhex now starting to get angry and a Big Beam hit Alt and iced good thing is that they were Protected by Mixxy's Purple Alien Shield and Saved them both. Sponge and Savage Were having a Little Trouble on Fighting Davidii, Davidii was Left unScratch. When sponge went up and Try to hit davidii with his rainbow sword. Davidii grab his axe and BLocked it. however Davidii axe Somehow cracked a Tiny bit and Davidii was little concern about it but ignored it and pushed sponge back with axe. Sponge and Savage continued on fighting Davidii but nothing was Really was working. Sponge and savage was trying to think of a Strategy to hurt him atleast. Davidii was Suprised that they were still going and was wondering wat new attack they will do next. Sponge told savage to stop for a sec and ask him why is he waiting on him and his brother to attack. Davidii Grin and said that him his pet slime and his brother were Puting out a good progress on trying to defeat him and said that alot of time hero's wasted there Potentiol on fighting Villians. Davidii also said that alot of hero's Just wanted things to end and end up eathier killing the villians. he also said that some hero's never actully wanted to be hero's and just wanted things to be back to normal. however he said that there were also him, he chosen to help anshine and gather the destiny stars. With that he never Gives up and he continued fighting and trying to unlock his full Potential Davidii said he has Respect of the heroic deeds he have done Much better then other hero's have ever tried before. with that gives him the Strength to Beat and Kill him the TRUE hero of the Story. Sponge trying to put it all together and said he wanted him to continued the Fray. Davidii nods Savage was Confused on why he prevoking him and his brother but doesnt care now he won't hold anything back. After that sponge and Savage Both charge and attack davidii.

Part 2: Polyhex Was Still Fighitng SPonge's Friends. Prei tried to hit the leg of Polyhex PyrotenicPillar X but fail since a Giant Lazer Beam hit him.  Checker went behind the Pillar and Cut off the Next leg. Then Hotsauce Kicked a Ball of Ponytrash and ponytrash knocked OUT Two of the Heart core. Only one left is the Big Red heart core. Polyhex Wasn't Able to control the machine much longer afterwards he uses his Last Resort the MAchine got MORE stronger then last time and Gave sponge's friends a Bad time. MEanwhile SPonge slimy and Savage were still Fighting Davidii, This time SPonge and Savage finnaly hit Davidii a Bit and Sponge Shot Davidii in the chest with his Rainbow Pistol. Davidii Sustain the Damge however it now gaved him the Oppritunity. Davidii then starting to charge up his Dark energy and Beat the crap out of sponge and His brother. Both of them Crash to diffrent direction of the air ship. Sponge and savage both got up and Charged At Davidii. Davidii blocked both of Sponge and Savage punch. Sponge and savage Both grin and Rose Fire appeared out of sponge and lighting appeared out of savage and they Fight Davidii and  destroyed alot of Air ships while Fighting. Sponge then Charged up his Flaming Phoenix Criticaly Hit Davidii. Davidii roled on the ground and Crashed to his Air ship. Both sponge and Savage Appear and hopeing that they beated Davidii. Davidii then appeared and he was very Very Pissed and Start Realizing his powers was Being Drained. Sponge and Savage Start's Realzing it and Sponge looked up in the air and Ask patrick why is he draining Davidii energy. Before Patrick could Talk. Both and Savage got shot in the arm by a Mysterios PErson. Davidii looked at His left and saw one of Noob with a pistol on his hand. Davidii was Very Mad now. The Noob with the pistol think Davidii was gonna Congrats to him from wat he did. Sponge and Savage arms were Bleeding alot. When Davidii got close to the Noob he asked him was he the one who shot sponge and Savage. the Noob with the pistol was Excited and told him yes he did. Then Davidii Grabs his axe and Choped the Noob with the Gun head off. Sponge and Savage were Both shocked of what he did. After that Davidii Burn the Noob's Body Alive. Savage was incredibly shocked. Sponge was shocked as well and ask him why he had to do him like that. 

Davidii told them that he hates interuption mostly for a epic Climax battle like this. Davidii then saw the Noob's head and he Crushed it with his Feet. after that Davidii some reason healed Sponge and Savage's Arm. Davidii grin and told them to continue this Fight. Sponge and Savage Continued Fighting Davidii. However even there arm was Heal  Davidii was Still standing even geting Hit alot. When Sponge and Savage stop they were Realizing that Davidii Dark Energy is disappearing more. then Davidii got More Angry and Mad he knows that Patrick is trying to take his energy away afterwards he needed to End the Battle quickly so he Attacked Sponge and Savage. Davidii Kicked Savage so hard it made him Crashed down to the ground hurt. Hotsauce and Pony saw Savage on the ground with his head Bleeding and knew that sponge is Big Trouble. For sponge he Crashed back to davidii ship. Before he could get BAck up. with no Remorse, Davidii Shot both of Sponge arm's and it Went Paralized, Sponge was Fully Helpless he can't Move his arm's Anymore before sponge could get up Davidii Shot Both of sponge legs.
Sponge now on his knees Paralized now, And Davidii was Geting Closer and Closer. Davidii told Sponge that he tried his very best but in the end it was now gonna be game over. Davidii grabs his axe and he was geting Closer and Closer to sponge. Sponge tried to move his arms and legs but it was Hopeless. Davidii was Now close to sponge and put his axe in the air. Davidii then tried to hit sponge with the axe. Sponge then Rolled to the right but it was To late the axe hit the Side of Sponge Chest. Sponge tried to touch his chest but his arms were Still Paralized. Sponge had a Few tears but was Little mad that the fact he can't Fight back anymore. Davidii once again Swong his axe and Sponge rolled again but this time he fully dodge it but he was close to the edge now. Davidii laugh and Said it's Fun seeing him trying to Continue to Fight back. But in the End its about to be his end. Polyhex was excited he has Cameras on Davidii ship and told Davidii To finish sponge off. Savage got up and Ran and Try to save his big brother in the end Polyhex Shot Savage and hit the ground really hard. Silly and Checker try to help sponge but Polyhex charge up a Powerfull Lazer Silly dodge it but Checker got hit. before Davidii could charge up something powerfull He uses the Full power of the Dark Star and Charge up a Powerfull Deadly Energy blast so it could FULLY kill sponge. Patrick tried to take all the Dark energy away but it was No hope davidii was Using all the Dark power he has. Patrick has no choice he uses the Grand star Power and now Davidii full Dark power was Geting Drain and it made Davidii really really Angry. Patrick told Sponge To run he geting Rid of Davidii Powers and the Dark star powers. He knew it was a Bad idea for sponge to face him. Starlux appeared along with stalk, enderp and Denied but Davidii made the energy blast disappear and He shot all four of them down, he shot both Enderp and Denied in the chest and both of them Fall on the ground Hurt Starlux and Stalks arm only got shot but the Warp star was destroyed. Then Davidii Laugh and the Dark Energy blast got MORe Bigger now and told Sponge it was GAme over. Sponge wasn't able to run or move both of his arms and LEgs are Paralized and Davidii did it he Throw the Dark energy blast and hit Sponge. Everyone Frozed including Patrick it was to late it hit Sponge.  Sponge woked up and all he Saw was a White sky and he saw slimy with him.

sponge heard a Strange voice that call his name and he looked it was his sword. Sponge and slimy were Shocked and Sponge asked if he was Dead. The sword told him no he was uncounsious but he ask sponge is he gonna give up. Sponge thinks and Said no. The sword Laugh shyly and told him that he likes how he never Gives up on anything at all Most of the time. the sword said that he was incredibly injuried his body lost so many Blood after Davidii attack and on the Very edge of dieing. sponge Sigh and Said it doesn't matter he won't give up he will Finish the Fight and Stop Davidii for good besides killing him. the sword said alright and after that the sword said Good luck and Win this battle not for himself but for all his friends and family mostly his Pet slimy. Meanwhile Davidii didn't Sense Sponge Energy or Pulse he thinks he was dead and can't see his body. Everyone thought sponge was a Gonner. but once they all thought it was Over a Huge Massive Rainbow Energy and they all knew who it was SPonge Was still ALive and now Standing all the BLood that sponge loss has stop and his injuries was Fully heal. Davidii was Mad and then and Grin and Laugh he was insainly happy to see him alive he's never Disappointed at the Suprises Sponge Always pulls off. Sponge Looked and told davidii Thanks for the wake up call. Davidii said that was it cause of all the Stuff and Battle have to Pull of through sponge nods and also said for leting him See all of His Friends he havent saw for awile like Silver, Enderp,Trin,Sulfuer, Enderp's Brother, including new Friends like Anshine. he also said thanks for a the Exciting Epic battle. After that Sponge grabs his Rainbow Sword and Said ''LET'S FINISH THIS FRAY THE FINAL EPIC BATTLE AGAINST YOU!!'' Davidii Grin and Said ALright lets Finish our Climatic Showdown. For polyhex his machine was Destroyed and Savage Knocked him out. after that SPonge and Davidii had there Final battle after the COntinuation of the fighting davidii trip sponge when he tried to charge and Attack him then Tossed him in the Air with his Axe that Stabs sponges chest. When Sponge Went up in the Air Slimy Turned into Dragon wings and Sponge Flew down and Charge a MASSIVE Rainbow Slash Davidii then Blocks Sponge's Sword however. Davidii axe Was Breaking and Went in half, Before Sponge hit Davidii. Davidii Smiled at Sponge and told him Good game. And Sponge hit Davidii SLiced the Entire Air Ship in half Shooked not only the planet the entire universe and made a Gigantic Explosion and Scared Litteraly EVERYONE. after that Davidii was Defeated and Sponge was on the floor hurt and Davidii was Uncounsious. Sponge's friends check if sponge was alright and he was, Silly then TAckled sponge and told him not to ever Scared him liked that and Kissed Sponge. Sponge Smiled and told silly he's always a okie. after that

Davidii Noob masters ran away Polyhex and Davidii were in the universal Jail for 20 years. for the rest ran away as well. Sponge injuries were all healed still including somehow his chest. however sponge realizes that the Destiny stars were Missing everyone was suprised and Forgot about the destiny stars and ANshine was Missing still. The Sky on Planet Superstar Went Red and sponge's friends know that it isn't over yet.

Chapter 40: Enchantden appeared behind sponge's Friends. Sponge remember's who he was, he remembers him ever since he was in THE LAB. With that Checker66468 finnaly Appeared along with Shadowlux and Spongegario78. Sponge was Suprised to see Spongegario78 here he havent saw him for a very long time. Enchantden said he doesn't have time to Fight them. Afterwards he ran away somewhere. Starlux told spongee to go after him he said he gonna Fight the rest along with sponge's Friends there hope is all on sponge to get the Destiny stars back. Afterwards Sponge Chase Down Enchantden. When sponge went by the fountain he didn't saw Enchantden anywhere sponge was Geting a little worried about his friends mostly his home since its all Destroyed ever since the war. Sponge Sensed Enchantden behind him and Sponge Kicked Enchantden and Blast  him with his Fire. Enchantden knows he have no Time to deal with sponge and he needs to Revived the Ultimate back so then he could Finish what Davidii started.
Enchantden then Smiled and Asked sponge about the path he has Token. Sponge ask why is he keep asking him this the path he chosen is to protect his friends and other's and protect anshine. Enchantden ask him that the path he chosen will not only lead to his Demise but it will lead the End of all The universes. Sponge knew he was Lieing and told him to give the destiny stars and Anshine back or else he will use brute force. Enchantden laugh and said or what do the same thing to my Lord my question is why you leave him alive one day he will come out of that prision and the same thing will soon happen again. Sponge then hit him with his Shield and was geting irated from listening to him. ''you think killing people is bad but you kept someone that Cause this entire mess and made him live,and oh here another thing that power you have will soon corrupt you and Go against you. You might be human but you are the Reason why this entire mess started.'' Sponge Was Confused on what he's Talking about but ignored him and Fought enchantden. Evil sponge and Anti sponge appeared and help on the battle and Kicked Enchantden's Butt. Anti sponge looked back and said that if he was alright. Sponge nods and said he was Excited to see them as well. Sponge was about to tell Evil and Anti sponge to get the destiny stars back and anshine and help the other's until Enchantden teleported in the middle and Stab BOTH Evil and Anti sponge in the chest. Sponge was Shocked but then Did a Flaming phoenix and Hit enchantden so hard he crashed towards the Wall. Evil Sponge was in Pain, Anti sponge was alright a tiny bit. sponge checked to see if those two were alright. Meanwhile Where Starlux,Checker,Stalk and the others were At they were Still Fighting. When BLue was Fighting Zeke a Fammiliear foe appeared Deomonus he Grabed Blue by the neck throw him and Blue felled on the ground hurt a little but got back up and knew things about to get WORSE.

Enchantden walk towards the Sponge's and was Smilling while his Mouth was Bleeding he has finnaly Got all the Dark matter energy's he needed. Anti sponge knew what he was going after he told sponge that he saw Anti phexonia and Anti soop in the Same Situation as Evil sponge both of them got there Dark matter energy taken away. Sponge Asked Enchantden what is he planing on doing with the dark matter energy. Enchantden told Sponge that he was gonna Revive Zero Two and with the dArk matter energy's in his hand he could Finnaly make him Reborn. Dark lux appeared and Stabed enchantden in the Chest and Kicked him Then goldster appeared Kicked Enchantden and with that Anshine appeared out of the Orb Saftely. Sponge was Happy to see Darklux and Goldster.  Darklux told them that anti soop and Phexonia was alright Darklux then Told sponge that he need's To Defeat enchantden now. Sponge said Alright and he went where the others were at. Darklux told anti sponge that the enchantden they were fighitng was a Fake the real one was hiding. Sponge Appeared and told the others that anshine was Free however they still have some Baddies to face. Enchantden then appeared and was Very Very angry however he got someone from another Diamension it was Wonder a Being with Bunch of eyes on its body with Diffrent Powers. And then he summoned Zero since the Dark matter energy darklux toked away from him has vanished. ANd now he  uses the Destiny Stars to bring back a Powerfull Being something prei xbot, and Checker has Fear. THE ULTIMATE has Return and with that Checker64689 got anti and Zombie Checker Possesed as well. Checker was Shocked To see them Possesed. and told enchantden and CHecker64689 to leave them alone. the Creator appear and knew his brother was Coming back. Sponge now Realized that things about to get Turned for the worse mostly since Enchantden has the destiny stars with him. Blue ,cc,starlux went into there Ultimate form's.after that SPonge turn into his ultimate form as well the BLaster Unicorn. Enchantden then laugh and said they won't Win as long he has the destiny stars he will never lose. Checker also have a Big surpised in his sleeves just for this imergency he then Transform into his Siege form a Upgraded Transformation of the Warrior outfit but more Stronger however it has it's limits so he has to use it for the Proxmity 2 to 3 hours. after that Sponge's Friends Fight Enchantden, Zeke,Demonus, Checker6468 and the possesed checker's, Spongegario78 and Shadowlux.

after fighting the hero's Beat Zeke,Demonus, checker64689, free two of the checker's. Starlux Killed Wonder so he won't cause alot of troubles. However Spongegario78 and Shadowlux somehow disappear into a Portal. The enchantden the hero's Fought was a FAke. However the ultimate was still standing before sponge could continued on fighting the ultimate Enchantden used the power of the destiny stars to summon a Being that made the Dark matter's and Zero a Being that is the Oppisote of Happy Void Termina and with that it works Void termina appears with that has the same Face,Hat,headphones, and headband as sponge. something Way worse then the Ultimate. however Void termina isn't in his Full power so it gaved Sponge a Opprintunity to Fight him. Few of sponge's Friends like, Xphantomviper,itachi1r,Greenbear,Ponytrash,Durzull,and hotsauce. then when Void Termina Screach that sounds like Water Noises the Entired sky Went Red to Blue. Void termina then Stab sponge in the arm and his Ultimate Transformation disappear and he was Back to his Orginal self and Void Termina then sucked the heros in a Black hole where they got Transported inside of his body. Sponge and friends Were Wining the fight against Void termina then he got Angry and start Screeching and grew out 4 eyes that where yellow and his Mouth was Bigger and Scarrier then Before. after facing Void termina's Seacond form he was Finnaly defeated and EXPLODED. The hero's flew out of his body and landed back to Planet Superstar. and now the sky Went to blue and back to red. now sponge gotta take down the ultimate and Defeat Enchantden.  All of Sponge's Friends FAce The ultimate, meanwhile where enchantden is at, Prie xbot and Tudo chased after Enchantden until the Purple overlord crashed down. Prei and xbot were confused on what he is. The Purple overlord said he was the King/Masters of the purple and said he will kill those three for Fighting the Purples after that teleported them to the Purple diamension. few Miniutes BOTH Ultimate and the purple overlod Were Defeated. Prei xbot and Tudo came back and see if everyone was alright and they were. the Sky went back to normal and it almost looks like morning time about to hit. Sponge saw a Portal and everyone looked at it and knew enchantden is there. Sponge then looked at checker,Starlux, and stalk and asked them to come with sponge.

three of them agree to go with sponge and Finish this battle ONCE and for all. when the hero's went to the place where enchantden was sponge,starlux,checker, and stalk were at the Middle of the Galaxy and with that Enchantden appeared. enchatnden asked them why they didn't bring Cynxx along. Sponge told him that Cynxx needs to stay at Planet Super star since he the 5th destiny warrior the orange his duty is to Confinued and protect the universe for them. Enchantden Laugh and Said that it was Pointless for him staying there and said once he finish those 4 not only cynxx will Suffer along with his friends, the universe will suffer as well. Enchantden then asked sponge why kept davidii alive. Sponge then was little iratated now of people asking why he keep them alive, Sponge then told enchantden even if they are the person that started the mess it isn't right to kill them eathier, sponge wasn't to be like Davidii. Then sponge said he won't kill him eathier and Keep him alive but he will hurt him and knock him out and Get the destiny stars back before he does anymore Bad things. After that enchantden laugh and said ''Fine but first one Final test for you four to see if you qualified as Destiny Warriors'' Enchantden then resummoned the ultimate that the hero's defeated however this time the ultimate disappear and the 4 ultimate souls appeared, the same color as sponge,Starlux,Checker, and stalks soul color are. sponge defeated the green soul,Stalk defeated the black soul,Checker beated the pink soul, And starlux beated the Blue soul. Enchantden was Shocked and was Mad as well. Sponge,stalk,Checker,starlux saw Rainbow aura around there hand and with that they got the destiny stars back. Enchantden was very upset and told the hero's it doesn't matter anyway he absorb alot of the energy of the destiny stars. Sponge,starlux,Checker, and stalk Soul color aura appeared out of them and they used the power of the destiny stars against Enchantden. When the Destiny warriors Clash against enchantden they both got pushed apart. Enchantden now start Charging up a Powerfull Energy blast to kill the destiny warriors. and the destiny warriors did the same thing as well and The destiny warriors and Enchnatden throw there Energy blast Against each other however Enchantden Energy blast wasn't enough and Sponge,Starlux,Checker and Stalk go all out and BLast Enchantden to Pieces.

SPonge,checker,Starlux , and stalk flew back down to the ground and sigh with Relief after that they saw the portal in front of them to the way back home. sponge stalk,Checker and Starlux walk towards the Portal. however Something dash Very fast with that when Starlux looked behind he was in total shock and closed eyes to know that she was about to get killed, Checker and Stalk looked back and both incredibly shock and now fill with saddness, When starlux open her eyes she was shocked as well and Saw Enchantden with his arm gone and his other one in Sponge's Chest. Sponge had protected himself to save starlux and them however,enchantden was hodling two swords in his one arm and it stabed both of sponge's heart. when sponge got stabed with his Rainbow powers he stoped time and told Starlux,Checker and Stalk that he had Fun and said thanks for those three for having a Great adventure of his life time. Starlux told sponge to move, Sponge told starlux that it was already to late he already using his Last of his Strength once he unfrozed time he will Disappear. Starlux, Checker and stalk yelled sponge to not do it but it was To late sponge unfrozed time and with that he disappeared. Starlux,Checker and Stalk were upset and Sad that sponge disappeared. Enchantden laugh and said that he was gonna die sooner or later and Warned him that this will happen Enchantden then continued laughing and His arm regernates when he killed sponge, However Starlux dash infront of him and uses Sponge's Rainbow sword and it Stab Enchantden in the chest, Enchantden was Confused and Scared on how this happen then soon realizes that he was holding sponge's Necklace. the necklace sponge gaved starlux before he vanished and died Starlux told him even he killed sponge he is still  will be connected with him along with checker and stalk.
Then a ghost of Sponge was with starlux checker and stalk and all four of them Charge up a Big Rainbow blast and FINISHED off Enchantden, Enchantden screams in pain and Siappeared and Died. Starlux then told checker and Stalk to return back to the neighborhood. when starlux checker and Stalk Return from the final battle, everyone thought it was all over until they realizes sponge was gone. Starlux then Show Sponge's NEcklace and everyone Frozed. Savage was Very angry of how he didn't help sponge. Starlux told savage that it was Unexpected they didn't know that it will happen. Savage was upset that he lost his Big brother and wish he could see him one last time. Silver looked back and Was sad that sponge was gone, Sulfur tried to stay strong but was also upset as well. Enderp tried to cheer silver up and she was in tears as well. Silly was very upset that she lost sponge, Starlux gaved silly sponge's NEcklace of what that was left of him. Silly huged the Necklace and was in tears alot. David and the goof ball gang was sad as well, David was in deniel and wish he did more to save sponge. Grimm tell david to stop being mad to himself. David realized that he couldn't do anything about nor Grimm could do to. CC and blue was Upset as well. All of sponge's Friends were upset that he was Gone. When savage heard squishing noise he saw slimy and Realizes that sponge's pet was still here Silly went to slimy and huged him so she could cheer herself up a little. everyone was Sad and was in Denial of Sponge's Death. but then Patrick Appeared in person and asked whats wrong and realizes sponge was gone. then he asked Starlux checker and stalk if they got the destiny stars. Starlux nods and gaved him the destiny stars. Patrick then summoned the grand star and told everyone that he will make 3 Wishes. Gia then Dash and said he wants a taco. Everyone yelled at him for wasting the first wish and gia said all the saddness was making him hungry however he told everyone that they know what the 2nd wish is for and all them agree on gia whats the 2nd wish is for.

After that savage asked patrick to Revied sponge. after that two of sponge's soul appear his rainbow and his green soul and he was Finnaly back. Silly put slimy down softly and Litteraly in tears in seeing him again. sponge asked why everyone was looking at him like he was gone forever and silly Tackled sponge so hard and Kissed him. Sponge was happy to see her again and was in pain since she tackled him and Hurted his back. Silly was happy that sponge was back and She told Sponge to not Disappeared again. Sponge was confused and Said alright. Then more of sponge's Friends Tackled him and suffercating sponge to death. sponge told everyone that he can't breathe and was very confused. Patrick and starlux explaind sponge wat happen. SPonge now remembers all what happen. and said sorry to everyone. and now the final wish SPonge asked Patrick To fix the NEighborhood and the NEighborhood was back to normal how it orginaly was everything wasnt on fire or broken. it was all Fixed now. Sponge and slimy were happy that there home was back to normal. Patrick told Sponge,starlux,checker and Stalk thanks for protecting the destiny stars,anshine and the Universe without them everything would have been destroyed.

4 weeks later after the War. sponge was hanging out with his friends everything was back to normal and for anshine he was hanging out with sponge's friends as well. Sponge put his hands in the middle along with, Savage,pony,hotsauce,Greenbear,Mixxy,Gia, silly and Last slimy that just bounce his entire body on everyones hands. and with that whatever new Villian they will Face they will be ready as long they all with each other with there Friends as well.


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