The System - Mohyo (Hybrid AU)

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Ahhhh. Should I keep this going? Also, I drew hybrid Momo and Mina.... I have a rough outline (Pictured above^) Maybe I'll finish it?

Just like Mina, Momo didn't remember anything from her early life. The first memory she had was being separated from her family and being dragged away from the alley she lived in. Her siblings were all sent different places, and she was all alone. She met other puppies like her, deciding to make the best of it and play with them.

It wasn't long before she was adopted into a "loving" home. The family had gotten her for Christmas, the children loving her to pieces. Of course, only for a week until Momo had become more energetic with them and accidentally nipped one of the children.

She was sent back to the shelter. She didn't mean to get that excited. But again, she made the best of it and decided to stay positive. It wasn't long before she was adopted again. This time, an older couple with older children. Not babies. She could be rougher, which made her happy, but they didn't like it.

The constant playing. Eating. Taking care of her.

Again... Back in the shelter. Family after family she went through, all of them unable to control her. It wasn't her fault she had absolutely no training.

She curled up in her bed, frowning while all of the younger pups got chosen over her. She was older now. She didn't have that puppy charm anymore. Overlooked, and forgotten about in the corner.

"Come here little puppies." A woman's voice chuckled. "You guys are so cute. I wish I could adopt all of you." She smiled.

Momo heard that so many times. Wishing they could adopt them all. She let out a small sigh, knowing that the lady was going to choose someone else other than her. She didn't get excited when people came anymore.

"Hi puppy." Momo felt a hand on her head, the woman's fingers scratching just behind her ears. "How come you aren't playing?" She frowned.

"Don't wanna." She shrugged her shoulders, looking away from her. The woman frowned, shaking her head. She walked away, and that was when Momo knew. She was going to be stuck at the shelter forever. She was shocked when the woman came back to her, holding a toy in her hands.

"I know you want to." The woman smiled. "You just don't have anyone to play with." She chuckled. After a few minutes of playing with her, Momo felt a connection with her. She wanted her to desperately be adopted by her, but everything in her life always meant shelter... Being returned for not being the perfect puppy.

Days had gone by, and Momo still wished she was adopted by that lady. She was dozing off in her bed when the cage door opened, revealing one of the workers. He had a leash in his hands which meant one of two things. One of the puppies were going to be adopted or one of the older pups were being taken to the back... Never to be seen again. The man walked right up to Momo, hooking the leash onto her bland collar.

"Come on pup." He sighed. Momo's eyes widened. Her. She was being taken to the back. She fought against his strength, crying for someone to help. The other puppies watched her, a few afraid of the man. Some howled, knowing what she was in for.

"Wait!!" Someone shouted. The man stopped and looked behind him, seeing another worker. "Are you sure that's the one?" He asked while approaching the two.

"Yep." The same woman from before smiled at Momo. "She's the one I wanted to adopt."

"Great... I'll... Take that." The other worker took the leash from the man, walking Momo back to the front with the woman. Momo hesitated, but couldn't help but feel somewhat happy that she didn't have to go to the back room.

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