Mine (Minayeon)

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Mina frowned when she felt a hand on her lower back. It wasn't until she turned her head that she relaxed, seeing Nayeon standing behind her. She felt safer with her near, and honestly felt safe with all of her members. 

It was rare for omegas to become idols, mainly because of submission and their heats. Mina was one of the few that was an omega and an idol. Everyone else in her group was an alpha, and it terrified her to no end when she first got placed in the group with them. Of course until she was mated by Nayeon. 

"How are you feeling?" Nayeon whispered in her ear as they walked closer to the tables at the award show. Mina had to deal with her heat, but had taken suppressants and drowned herself in scent concealer as well as being drowned in Nayeon's scent. 

"Just tired." She answered quietly. 

Before Nayeon had mated Mina, it was hell. Eight alphas fighting over each other during their ruts while Mina hung out in a hotel during those times. The only ones that weren't that bad were Tzuyu, Chaeyoung and Momo. The three being casual about their ruts and not bothering anyone with it. 

When Mina would go into heat, she would go to Sana at first, only trusting her until she had gotten closer to Nayeon. It was a surprise when Nayeon had mated her, everyone shocked that Mina had chosen her. 

"You'll let me know when it starts to wear off right?" Nayeon asked quietly, watching Mina nod her head. "Good." Nayeon smiled, squeezing her hand under the table. 

Their lives had to of course be kept secret. Mina constantly having to cover her mate mark when they were in public. It was terrifying to have people screaming at them at airports, or anywhere for the matter. The two had seen stories of idols that had accidentally shown they were mated and it was never pretty. Their managers were grateful that Mina was mated, mainly for the sake of her heats being less intense, with the promise they would take precautions. 

"Look. A rookie group is in the middle of a rut." Jeongyeon chuckled while pointing out one of the newer boy groups. 

"Typical. Their managers should've made sure they would be able to manage themselves." Jihyo sighed, shaking her head. 

"Maybe they're trying but all of the other alpha energy is too much for them." Sana suggested. 

"Go over there and fix it." Momo smirked at her best friend. Sana rolled her eyes, looking away from her. It wasn't her fault that her scent made everything worse, it was genetics at that point. 

Mina frowned as she watched them, her grip getting tighter on her mate's hand. She let out a tiny whine, a scared one at that. The rookie group was too close for comfort, and even though she was masked, she was afraid that someone would still smell her. 

"It's okay." Nayeon whispered, releasing her scent to calm Mina down slightly. She scooted her chair closer to her, feeling her trembling. "We'll protect you." Nayeon added. Mina nodded her head slowly, still terrified. 

Half way through the award show, Mina had felt more calm, Jihyo releasing her scent with Nayeon's to help her calm down more. It wasn't until they were called as winners that Mina started to feel afraid again. They had to walk right passed the rookie group. 

"Cover her quickly." Jihyo whispered as they stood up. "Except you Sana." She added. 

"You'll be okay." Nayeon reassured her as they walked. 

The rest of the show went smoothly, Mina having to exclude herself to take another suppressant and cover her scent again. It wasn't until on their way out when her concealer had started to wear off. She didn't entirely worry about it since Nayeon was right there masking her with her own scent while they waited for their cars. 

Which to her lack of knowledge.... Attracted a few unwanted alphas. 

"Someone over here is in heat and we would like to offer our help." The guy smirked, wrapping an arm around Jihyo's shoulders. She pushed him off, giving him a disgusted look. 

"We don't need your help. And for your information, all of us are alphas." Jeongyeon lied. 

"Sure, and that's why two of you have omega scents? What? How can you lie to us." Another chuckled. Sana looked away from them, knowing that she had an slightly omega scent that drove people up the wall, but she was an alpha. The only other was Mina's. 

"Leave now and no one gets hurt. And trust me. Female alphas are much, much worse to deal with than males." Nayeon warned. 

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do to me?" He chuckled. 

"I'll ruin your face so much that not even plastic surgery could ever begin to fix the damage I did. You'll lose everything." She growled. It was enough for the two men to begin to back away, retreating from the angry alpha. Immediately she held onto Mina tighter, nuzzling into her neck to calm down. 

As soon as they got home, Nayeon stayed with Mina the entire night. Refusing to leave her side for anything. When morning hit, Mina rolled over to see Nayeon still sleeping. She smiled at how peaceful she looked and nuzzled her before resting her head on her chest. 

"Thank you for last night." Mina mumbled to herself. 

"You're welcome." Nayeon half asleep mumbled. The younger looked up, seeing that she was starting to wake up. 

"Morning sleepy." Mina chuckled. She winced slightly, feeling Nayeon's hands wrap around her instantly. 

"What hurts? Did I hurt you?" Nayeon frowned. 

"No.. Just sore." Mina laughed. 

"You asked for it." Nayeon smirked. "Besides, I needed to remind you that you were mine." She added while rubbing her arm. Mina blushed, letting out a slightly embarrassed squeal as she hid her face in Nayeon's neck. "It's okay." She laughed. "I love you Minari." She sighed, a smile on her face. 

"I love you too Nayeonie." Mina whispered.

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