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"beep beep richie!" beverly says laughing. her chest folded over her legs, holding her stomach. beverly, richie, and bill were all in bills room. beverly on the bed, richie in a wheely chair, and bill was on the floor, flipping through old cds.

"it's like not even my fault that she was DRIPPING period blood!" richie barely chokes out before breaking into a fit of laughter. beverly reaches over to hit him playfully on the shoulder.

"ok but you can NOT say that in front of her, she probably just started, i kinda feel bad," beverly comments looking down slightly.

"guys we should go get icecream or something," bill interjects to stop any possible fights that could erupt. any one who's associated with the duo would know that both of them are very stubborn, especially around each other.

"big bill to the rescue," richie whoops and cheers while picking up a huge hoodie and slipping it on over his raven colored curls. beverly laughs lightly, brushing her stick straight hair. she unwillingly had to straighten her hair for a cheer competition. richie told her it looked good, so who is she to not trust him.
richie slips on his black and white checkered vans. he slides past bill, his back rubbing against the doorframe. his long strides bring him downstairs quickly. he waits impatiently for bill and bev to get downstairs.

"hurry up will ya!" richie yells upstairs, tapping his foot on the creaky wood impatiently. "i don't have all day!"

"yeah yeah rich, not all of us have long ass legs that make us fl-" beverly starts as she gets to the bottom of the stairs, before being interested by richie.

"or a long ass wang" he winks, before quickly slipping out the door so beverly doesn't beat his ass.

i'm really sorry that it's so short! i've tried to add as many details as i can to make it more interesting. i promise it'll get better in the next chapters, it's just difficult to get started :/ thank you for reading, love ya!

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