Clint// It's A Love Hate Thing

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(Requested By @_stellastyless
Sorry it took me so long ❤️)

"Hey, there handsome" Stella smirked to the Hydra agent in front of her. "Well aren't you a lost little kitten," The agent said with a slight German accent. "I can't seem to find my way to the LaViva Hotel, can you help me," Stella asked a small pout on her lips. "Why do we get a drink first?" The agent smirked. "I'd like that" She smiled biting her lip. The agent took Stella inside to the bar leaving his post allowing Steve and Clint to break into the hidden Hydra base.

The three of them were currently in Italy trying to track down the next Hydra base which was disguised to look like a venue. Stella tapped the side of her glasses turning on Friday. "Where is he?" She asked quietly enough that the Hydra agent would hear her. "There are agents in the basement and Mr. Barton is just now entering to your left and Mr. Rogers is already in," Friday said. Stella looked to her left seeing Clint walk in Steve a few steps ahead of him. They made slight eye contact long enough for her to gesture to the basement they subtly nodded making their way to leave. She turned her attention back to the Hydra agent o keep him distracted. "Why don't we go somewhere more private" The agent suggested. "Sure thing tiger" Stella smirked. The agent took her hand leading her to the backroom. Once the door closed Stella had him pinned to it with his gun pressed against his cheek. "What's in the basement?" She asked him even though she was fully aware Friday could find that out.

"We-weapons" He stuttered. It seemed as if this agent was brand new. "They're trying to sell in the black market, in trade for some of Vonstrucker's old human experiments. Our weapons are more powerful than Starks" He said making Stella snort. "You're so wrong about that," She said as she stepped back holding out her hand as her bracelet turned into an iron hand shooting the agent with a concussive blast. "Boys, did you get that?" She asked into the earpiece as she left the room in search of anything leading to the basement. "Sure did princess" Clint teased making her groan. Clint always said she was privileged just because she was Tony's little sister. No one dared touch her, hurt her, or insult her.

"Staircase to the left Miss Stark," Friday said. Stella opened the door going down the stairs slowing down when she reached the bottom and as promised about 12 agents were packing up all the weapons they had. "Where are you, Barton?" Stella asked over the earpiece. "Right across from you behind the rack of weapons" Clint hissed. Stella tapped her glasses Friday allowing her to find her partner. "To your right, you have a gun and a katana," She told him. "Yeah and right in front of you you have a god damn bow and arrow, we need to trades spots," Clint said annoyed. "No time just grab the things," Steve said. "Rodgers you have a soldier to your left if you take him down quietly you can disarm him and take his weapon," Stella said as she grabbed the bow and quiver of arrows. It only had 5 arrows butt hey seemed pretty powerful but not as good as Clint's usual arrows. Clint grabbed the sword and gun going back into hiding. "How the hell do you work this thing," Stella said frustrated at the recurve bow. "It's just a bow princess it's not that hard to- shit," Clint said as his position was compromised. "For your information Barton there's a reason I work with guns and swords and not bows," Stella said annoyed as he ran into the lab she grabbed the first weapon she saw which was a gun. "Both of you stop complaining, Stella to your right" Steve said allowing the girl to duck as he threw the now empty gun at the agent that tried to attack her.

She shot at hydra soldiers surrounding Clint. "Trade" He yelled at her. Stella tossed him the bow and arrows while he tossed her the sword. She easily grabbed it slashing behind her taking out 4 agents. "Get to the main computer. Steve and I got this" Stella told him Clint nodded running towards the computer while Stella and Steve covered his back. She shot the gun and reflected the bullets with her sword until her gun was empty. "You seriously don't know how to use a bow?" Steve asked her. "Shut up," Stella said annoyed as she mounted a soldier's shoulders hitting him in the back of the head with the gun. "I'm surprised the big bad master assassin can't use a simple bow" Clint teased. "I'm a kunoichi you dumbass, there's a difference," Stella said as she skillfully threw the katana at an agent pinning him to the wall by his vest.

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