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"Al-an, You realize...that you were worried right?" Robin says looking up at me. "Worried..? We do not get worried." I spoke looking at her.

"If you do not get worried, then why would you save me?" She asks in utter confusion. "Unless...you plan on using me." Robin started to doubt me, I couldn't allow her to as I did promise to protect her. 

"If I use you then what would be the use of promising to protect you, Robin Goodall." I spoke softly holding my arm close to caress her cheek and calm her. "I was not worried I just...Didn't want to break the promise." 

"Yes but you wouldn't have, If I died it would have been my fault not yours and you would be freed of your promise Al-an." She would try to explain. "No." I replied hastily "You aren't going to die. You're going to be here forever with me." I stared down at her, sure of myself. Robin was going to stay by my side forever and I will serve protecting her. 

"Al-an--That'd be Impossible. You're a-Entirely different being than I am, You can survive in places where I can't." Robin shook her head, I felt confused. Why wouldn't she want to stay with me forever? "Do you not wish to stay with me forever?" 

"No don't get me wrong Al-an that's a wonderful Idea but Alterra wouldn't let me." She would say, I felt something brewing within my chest. "Who cares about them Robin I only care about you!" I blurted out soon realizing what I said my colored changed a deep pink. 

Robin became quiet-Why was she quiet..? "You...care about me?" She whispered softly looking down. 

"Affirmative." I stared at her, her emotions in her head seemed jumbled up. Robin held her hands up to her face "Al-an...I didn't think you would care about... some lower life form like me, I mean..heh everything out here is either trying to avoid me or kill me-It's hard to know who to trust with everything going on." Robin mutters softly as some warm fluid started to drip from her eyes, My organs felt like they were being punched by a Rock Puncher. "--You can trust me Robin. I wouldn't dare hurt you...I just want to be with you." 

She looks up. "Um Al-an that means a different thing to--Uh--" Robin fumbles over her words. "Well it's true...?" I tilted my head confused by her flustered actions. "Do you need a Refresher?" I asked.

"No-I'm fine-Alan to humans that means a different...closer relationship." 

"The Closer the better." I quickly replied. 

"Tha-THA--WELL--" She started becoming that red color again. 

"Your color has changed again." I notified Robin on the change of color in her face. She quickly tried to cover her face within her small hands of hers, I chuckled softly in response not sure what she was doing.

"--Alan it means we would be-we are like-Together-Lovers." 

"Understandable." I nodded, wondering if she wanted to be Lovers? I mean usually My Kind doesn't do such things unless necessary and even so fairly rare after all it would most likely get in the way of our research especially during the Khaara Outbreak. But...should I try...? It's forbidden in customs, however...

"Al-an! Hello you listening?" Robin waves at me.

"Hm...?" I tilted my head in confusion. 

"I asked what do you mean by Understandable...does that mean you want to...um..." Robin averted her eyes looking around and then at me, her cheeks tinted a soft red. 

"...Do you Robin Goodall...?" I asked in return curious of her response. 

"...I...don't know..." She spoke softly, with uncertainty in her eyes.

"Then I myself am unsure." I replied in return to her question before. Robin seemed nervous now. When Suddenly...

"Robin. Come in." Robin's Sister said from Robin's Mechanism

"Ah-Yes..?" Robin quickly says before starting to converse with her Sister. I stared at her soon becoming bored with them talking, as they were talking for a while. To not reveal my Identity however still find a way to stimulate myself I nudged my head against her arm. In return she waved her hand trying to shoo me. Robin continued to talk with her Sister as I just decided to lay down beside Robin, laying my head against her side. "Oof-" Robin made a soft noise due to my weight. "You alright?" Robin's Sister responds "It sound like you hit a huge rock." 

My colors changed to red, was I just compared to a mindless MEANINGLESS CHUNK OF MASS?? That was worse than being called a Peeper, or worse a Human "W-" Robin glared at me when I was starting to say something. "What was that Robin?" The Sister asks. "Nothing just a...Peeper." 

I twitched a bit. I was being Ignored. Maybe it might have been my Coffee-Deprived "addiction" actions as Robin says but I knew what to do next. I leaned my body more on Robin, getting comfy as I squished her. "C-Can we talk later Sam?" Robin says trying to push me off and flail about. "Alright." 

"What are you DOING?" Robin says after Sam was gone, glaring at me. 

"You were ignoring me." I replied.

"Are you just Jealous Al? That I was talking to Sam?" Robin asks putting her hands on her hips.

"We do not do such meaningless things." I looked down at her standing up at my full height. 

"Then why waste time to try and toy around with me while I am trying to speak with Sam. You do not need toact like a child" Robin says her body stature showing signs of Hostility. 

"I am not doing such things." I hissed, chittering angrily. 

Robin seemed surprised by my response in a way however she seemed still upset by my actions before. "Tell me. Are you a Malfunctioned Architect?" Robin questions after a heavy sigh.

"...Were." I replied thinking about my past which I rather not have thought about. Robin's Hostility lowered as she looked up at me. "That means you were...Destroyed and put into a new vessel." 

"...Precisely."  I nodded in response, lowering myself to her height by laying down.

"Why were you a Malfunction? In what way?" Robin asks as she placed her hand against my head.  "Unlike others, I had a fondness for activities, playing around and such, I was very lively...especially my Mind...--Can we not talk about this matter?" I started to feel uncomfortable remembering the past. The Khaara. The Panic.

"Of course." Robin pulled my head close, holding it to her chest so she could try and hug me. Though this was an awkward way of hugging, it was nice nonetheless. Suddenly I felt and heard the sound of her fluttering thump from her chest, it was...miraculous. "What is this noise?" I questioned, my mind at ease.

"My heart." Robin replies starting to pet my horns, I was being treated like some sort of pet however I didn't dislike it. "Can..I keep listening to it?" I asked as I listened to the beat of her heart. Robin nodded in response. "I wish to listen to it before we go on to fix the Habitat." I muttered as I continued to listen.

"Wish granted." Robin says starting to drift to sleep as she lays close beside me.

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