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The winds rapped against the building. Though it did no damage to the Civilization's entrance it was perfectly structured to withstand intense weather and damage. Even now, when the watery home we know has frozen over.

As the winds lowered, but they were still quite heavy, we'll be here for some time so I checked on the strange mortal. She didn't seem to be much human due to it's odd gems along it's backside.

I've noted when she is scared her bright gems seem to grow more, however when she is calm her gems lower their quantity.


Her hair was a bright red as her gems were white and clear in color like quartz.

It was...


I turnt my head as my color tried to change, quickly stopping after I tried to push it down. My colors shifting back to grey.

However; as I was pushing down the color change I heard the small humanoid speak.

"..Are you alright...?"

Quartz looked up at me as she had her forefinger and her middle finger coiled in her ruby red hair, sliding the small strands behind her ear.

"Fine." I sternly spoke as I tried to lower my conversation with her. I mean why should I converse with her? Nothing will be achieved by doing such.

However she just quietly hummed as she smiled with delight. "Alright then."

For some reason she seemed to...enjoy my company. 

I grunted in protest. Damn it. I needed to focus. Two of my innermost thoughts faught amongst eachother.

She was indeed quite a sight to behold...as she was interesting. Her form and body looked humane however the illuminating stones along her backside said otherwise.

But damn it we need to get back. Not sitting here thinking of this idle chatter.

It was hard being both smart and a complete dumbass as both sides of your brain basically screamed the opposite things. One wanted to see blood and the other...well was quite curious about the creature before us. Hm. Curious...what data would we find out?

I suppose this is why I love the human's mini databases she calls "books" as sometimes they speak about my favorite things; The Body.

Something that my whole being agrees on. It teaches the best ways of torture at the same time it also teaches about morals and humans. How they work. How they tick. It's something I quite frankly enjoy. Which is why I quickly adapt to the world around me. I analyze things quicker, and mimic.

It's the best way to kill and the best way to learn.


I turned my head to look over at the scarlet haired woman who was looking around at the area.

How curious indeed.

"What...are you doing?" I scoffed as I looked over at Quartz, she froze as she blinks surprised. "I u-um...--Do...you know what this place is?" The red haired individual spoke softly, her voice sounding sweet and soft like honey melting over toast. Her ruby-like eyes stared up at me as she gripped onto the sides of her outfit.

"...Tch. Sure I do." I muttered with a turn of my head, I continued to try and keep down the color from seeping through which only made me look even more grey in color. "This is... My home...well...use to be." I muttered with a soft scoff. I rather not talk about my past especially...


They made it truely home. And now...

Home has been destroyed.

My body still ached from the memory. The promises made. The promises broken...

As He once said though "Do not fret. Look before you and keep walking for at the end is the stars. You will look to the stars, the stars will look back and the stars will be you."

I still don't fucking get what that means like damn. I was only a few hundred years old cut me some slack I don't understand your rhymes.

Even so. I do miss them.

"...You have bad thoughts don't you?" I heard the mortal speak up as I turned to see her, her eyes filled with worry. "Are you afraid of the storm?" She asked.

How silly of the Mortal. I fear no storm.

It was ignorant for her to even say something like that and highly insulting yet...

I nodded. "Something like that." I responded as I tried to keep my colors from changing.

"Don't worry, the storm will be over soon...You won't have to be afraid then right?" The red haired woman then sat down beside of me, her gems alongside her back lowering as she laid her head on my side.


At the same time... why is this...so Comforting?

Like its a warmth I'm missing.

My colors shifted to a purple as I stared down at her laying down as well but in a way which allowed her to still relax on my side. "...Alright..."

I felt...so relaxed. At peace. A few minutes like this wouldn't hurt right?

Besides we're going to have to wait here anyways until the storm passes.

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