assignment 2

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This is story about how monkasel (monumen kapal selam) was built and become one of tourist destination in Surabaya.

From Indonesia history, there's a war where west irian is on the dutch hand and The one of submarines in military base wich called KRI Pasopati submarine 410 have a mission to release west irian from the dutch hand on 1945 until 1963. The war is be held on the ocean.

And now as we all can see the monument of submarine become tourist destination on July 15, 1998 in Surabaya. From now on This monument become popular because it remind everyone about struggle of indonesian army had to release west irian from the dutch.

In this story there's no main character, but they are some character; indonesian and dutch army who also contributed in this story. In my opinion this story is memorable because it tells you how indonesian army struggle to get west irian back, so we have to appreciate for indonesian army hard work and dont ever forget the history

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