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Rustle*... Rustle*...


Chirp*... Chirp*...

The sound of birds... Wait! Birds!

Oz abruptly opened his eyes and he was back in his bed. It was morning.

Am I dreaming?

Quickly Oz gets out of his bed. He looked around and everything was the same. He felt that something was wrong. He felt something was ad mist, but he couldn't put his finger. That's when he heard some clatter from the kitchen. Without even thinking, Oz rushed downstairs.

Please... Let it be... Please, I...

When he went to the kitchen, it was just as he wished for. A familiar figure stood there with a smile on their face. Though different he knew who it was without even batting an eye.

"Oz, good morning"

A familiar voice that he had grown used to.

"Oz, what's wrong? Are you-"

Opening his arms he rushed over to the figure only to embrace them tightly.

"Welcome back, Dio"

Dio was surprised, he thought that because he had changed so much. Oz would have avoided him, yet there he is, embracing him so tightly. Dio was so happy that Oz didn't care about appearance at all, he was just glad to see him as who is, his Dio. Dio returned his embrace.

"I'm back, Oz"

Both of them stayed like that for a while before Dio's stomach suddenly began rumbling.

"I'm hungry, Oz"

Oz laughed at his straightforwardness.

"I can hear that, let me cook you something simple"

"I'll help"

Everything felt so normal, other than Dio becoming bigger and changing appearance, everything was practically the same. Oz missed this kind of normal routine. Oz whipped something simple some sandwiches and eggs. Usually, they would have meat but because Dio was the one who usually hunts some meat, Oz never stored any kind of meat in his house.

Even so, Dio didn't mind it, he truly enjoyed his meal. Seeing how much Dio's enjoying it made Oz feel delighted as well.

How I miss this?

Oz couldn't help but feel so happy that there was a permanent smile on his face. At least now they are able to sort out their feeling. They can be with each other as much as they, talk as much as they pleased. It's a wonderful feeling for Oz.

"Oz, aren't you going to ask?"

Dio had finished his meal. He was standing beside Oz, helping him clean the dishes and the pots and pans used.

"Do you want me to ask?"

Drying a plate, Oz placed it on the cupboard.

"I don't mind"

"Then... Let's finish this and we can have a long talk in the living room. I'll prepare some tea as well"


Dio finished the rest of the washing while Oz prepared some tea. Once they were done, they sat on the living room couch. The room fell silent for a moment. Oz had already poured some tea for Dio, where Dio decided to take a sip of it first before starting. When he tasted the tea, he suddenly felt really nostalgic about it.

The Wizard's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now