Chapter 7

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Ricky and Felix sat in that bench and talked about nothing for hours until she let out a yawn, knowing it was time to call it a night, or rather morning.

" Gib mir dien telefon, damit text schreiben kann und wir deis wieder tun könne." Felix spoke

Ricky, unlocked her phone amd handed it to him without complaint, and he typed in his number before pulling out his phone.

When Ricky recived her phone back, she saw that he texted himself, amd that he saves his contact under Daddy Felix. Ricky let out a small laugh before laying her hand out for his phone, to which he happily gave over.

She typed her name into his phone, Baby Ricky, she saved it and gave it back. They both shared a laugh before he walked her back to her car. And with a hug they parted ways. Felix walked off back into the darkness and Ricky drove back to her dorm.

When she collapsed into bed, her phone dinnged, picking it up she read.

Daddy Felix-

Gut Nacht Engel ❤.

Ricky smiled at the text before dropping her phone onto its charger. She figured she'd sleep of a few hours before having to attend her late morning lectures.

Ricky woke up and had to rush just a bit in prder to make it to her first lecture of the day. She threw her hair up and domned simple leggings and a t shirt before gathering her items and was out the door.

During class she got a couple texts from Mia inviting her to the Cafe, so they could sit and gossip.

Suddenly Ricky became acutely aware of the conversation they had shared about the boy troubles, but Ricky couldn't remember their names only that the boy she had slept with, Axel was one of them.

With a firm nod to herself, Ricky decided she would avoid anyone who looked like trouble to her and if she saw Axel she'd avoid any of his friends around him.

14:00, the same time everyday Ricky got out of class, and she was pleased to feel the afternoon sun on her skin.

She knew she would be meeting Mia at the cafe in a couple hours. So Ricky decided she'd go out for a bit til then. Walking across the court yard to the parling lot Ricky paid no attention of any of the bustling bodies around her. Stepping onto the asphalt, she felt her phone vibrate in her hand.

Daddy Felix-

Du siehst gut aus, wenn du hinter einem Engel hergehst 😘😜.

Ricky looked up and behind her, scanning the bodies that moved around the campus. She gave a little yelp when a muscular arm dropped over her shoulder from her side. Turning to look at the owner of it, she came face to chest with a tattoed muscular body.

" Angel", Felix drawled.

" Hallo, Felix", Ricky smiled up at him.

" Where ya headed to ?" He pulled her into his side and they slowly walked foward.

" I going to der shopping stores, Mein Freund Mia, i am meeting later." Ricky told him as they neared her red bug.

" There", she told him, pointing to her car.

Felix detered her body towards her car and they stopped before the bonnet.

" Oo shopping, Mein Engel.. Gonna go nab some sexy undergarments huh?" He wiggled his brows.

Ricky let out a little laugh at him and shook her head before shrugging her shoulders," maybe", she teased back at him.

" You vixen!", he held his hand to his chest in faux shock.

" Joking," She let out a laugh," You come ja?"

" Well dont mind if i do, little lady", Felix agreed to join her.

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