The Princess In Neverland

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Once again, the kings of two opposing countries were discussing important matters as their families watched on in silence. The princess of the Francoeur kingdom waited with her mother as her father droned on.

Being royalty had never been more difficult to Marie, as she shifted her weight slightly in her pinched shoes in an attempt to find some relief. The kings in front of her had been discussing for almost an hour without any sign of stopping soon. From the corner of her eye, Marie saw her mother's lips tighten as a guard failed to stifle a yawn.

Once her eyes shifted from her mother and the guard, Marie found amusement in a white blonde tendril that had fallen from her pinned hair. She swayed and bobbed slightly as she watched the curl dance and stretch. Her lips twitched into a small smile at the sight, until a shift of movement quickly pulled her gaze from the tendril and onto the prince in front of her. The prince smirked when he realised he had caught Marie's attention, and pursed his lips to blow a sickening kiss in the princess's direction.

King Thorold of Cyrce, the other king discussing in the almost empty throne room, was proud of his son. Holding the boy in high esteem ever since the day of his birth. Prince Eduard was handsome, sure, but he held a darkness that Marie feared would one day consume her.

The prince of almost fifteen years delighted in torturing those he deemed less important than him. Leaving many for his dogs once he had finished, human or animal falling prey to the purposefully starved mutts. Eduard was menacing, cruel and was no match for a girl of Marie's standard, prince or not. He had no patience for the kindness the small princess held, despite her being wise beyond her years and beautiful, to boot. Her dimpled cheeks and her bright blue eyes held the attentions of many, despite her desire to be hidden from the public eye.

Marie was the spitting image of her mother, the white-blonde hair and the button nose lightly spattered with powder covered freckles. But despite her gentle heart, her father betrothed her to the heartless prince for the day she turned eighteen. At which time Eduard would have already turned twenty-one.

Eduard desired control of all in his father's kingdom and aspired to gain full control of Thomas' kingdom on the side. The prince expecting the princess and the kingdom to be under his full control from the moment she was to say, "I do."

This was the reason the kings before them were having a discussion, the two men eager to find a way around the engagement. Thomas taking the lead in order to protect both his family and his kingdom. "Eduard cannot wed my daughter yet; she is too young," he said firmly as his eyes flicked to his wife for some form of assistance.

Thorold sighed and pressed the bridge of his nose at the circulation of the topic. The issue having been already discussed more than once that day. "Thomas, I agree fully, but your kingdom is failing. There is nothing else we can do. Except, of course, summon... him."

Thomas swallowed down the lump in his throat and shook his head at the suggestion. "No... he would take her from me too... there has to be another way. What about my eldest?"

"Toulouse? What about him?"

"Until we can unite our kingdoms, what if we united with another?"

Thorold shifted in his chair as he mentally debated the thought for a moment. "You are already making this merger against the will of all your ancestors. Why make another?"

Thomas shook his head and shrugged. "Do I have a choice, Thorold?" The king looking once again to his wife for encouragement, but the queen kept her gaze high, her eyes avoiding those of her husband's. "I'll send a raven on the morrow, but for now, a break?"

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