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Hey do you think Jisung
might like me?

Idk, give context?

Uhm well he kissed me

Like he kissed you
or kissed you back?

Kissed me, I kissed back



Bro he definately likes you

You sure?

Im more than sure

What should I do then..?

Hmm, nothing yet
lemme talk to him

Hes sleeping right

In the morning*

Ok better
Thank you sm

Ofc 😁

Talk later

Yeah ttyl

-morning time-

Minho lays in bed cold. He gets up and goes to the closet to find a hoodie.

That's when he realises that his hoodie that he used every day was missing. He looks around for it for a bit before he come to an understanding.

Jisung must have took his hoodie. He was the only one that had been there that weekend. He smiles to himself and just lets him keep it. He would rather Jisung have it then him anyway.

Through out the morning Minho had this feeling in his stomach. They were happy butterflies. He does his hair up extra nice and dresses extra nice to impress Jisung.
Jisungie 😍😘

Good morning cutie

Good morning
also, cutie?

Idk wanted to say that

Uhm okay

I can stop saying it

No don't

Okay, anyways wanna
meet before school?

Yeah sure

Alright! I'll see you then

See you!

Minho waits in front of the school for Jisung. Once he sees him coming he goes over and gives him a big hug.

"Hey!" Jisung giggles.

"Hi." Minho lets go of him.

That's when he noticed Jisung had his hoodie on. "Is that my hoodie?" He giggles.

"Uhm.. yes.. do you want I back..?" Jisung says embarrased.

"No, no keep it." Minho smiles. "I want you to have it to remind you of me."

"Oh okie." Jisung smiles too.

"We should get to class." Minho smiles, grabbing Jisung's hand.

"Okay." Jisung grabs Minho's as well.

While they were walking an older figure walks over to the two of them. "Are you guys dating?"

"No!" Jisung says quickly.

"No Chan, not yet."

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