Chapter six.

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Good and Evil the Devil Tempting a Young Woman, 1832 by Andre Jaques Victor Orsel

"The devil is an optimist if he thinks he can make people worse than they are." ― Karl Kraus

After we finished eating I cleaned the dishes as Blake just watched. "You know if you believe that cleaning the dishes is that interesting, you could come over here and help me so that you can see for yourself." I snarkily commented without turning around. "Well here's the problem. I do in fact think that it's that interesting. That's why I'm watching. If you see an interesting documentary on TV you sit there and watch it rather than trying to participate in it, right?" I didn't even have to turn around to know that he was smirking but I did it anyways because I wanted to see it. Or because I was dumb. Yup, that sounded more reasonable. "Or you're just too lazy and believe that women are meant to do the dirty work. What a shame there aren't any real men out there anymore." I sighed jokingly while turning around, continuing my dirty duty. "Oh cmon filly step aside." He got up and took the cloth out of my hand. "What did you just call me?" I had absoluely no idea what that meant. "Maybe you should go wash your ears. Filly." He responded. "No I heard that. I just don't have any clue what that means." I started drying the clean dishes. "Well, filly just means a lively girl or a young woman." I expected something rude like an insult or something but that was actually kinda cute. "Or a female horse if you'd like that better." he laughed. "It's an old word and some people find it offensive which is exactly why I like it." How did he know all of this? "No I'm good. I think it's cute. But how do you know all of this? Are you secretly a thousand years old or a time treveler? I mean it would make sense." I obviously joked. "Nah I just like history I guess. Would be awesome though. Don't you think? You could go wherever you want, whenever you want. No responsibilities, no judgement, no one who could tell you what and what not to do. If someone annoys you, you could just dip and be gone, you know? I used to fancy that idea as a kid. A lot. Just being able to flee and never look back to.." "Your parents." I finished the sentence for him. "Yes." "So you practically wanted to escape your childhood?" That was really sad. I couldn't even imagine. "Not only practically. I literally wanted to. If I had the chance, I'd probably been gone. Nowhere to be found. It's not like someone would care anyway."

I didn't even realize how bad his childhood must've been. He really sounded like he was ready to forget it all.

"That's not true. Don't you have at least one good memory concerning your childhood? There must be something. Anything." He might have been more damaged than I originally thought which made me feel drawn to him even more. Now I wanted to know his whole story.

"Oh really? Who. Tell me who would care. I have nobody. I never had. Well I had my granny. She was everything to me because she was the only one who cared and she always tried to protect me from my abusive father, if I can even call him that. This bastard let out his anger on her because he couldn't do it on me. After a few years it got way too bad. She had to leave, otherwise he would've killed her. I told her to go because I was strong enough to defend myself a little bit. I mean I was only ten years old. I really wasn't that strong but I still told her to leave and never look back. I just didn't want this life for her. She was too good. And my mother, well, she was blacked out all of the time. She drank too much and she took every drug a person could possibly take till the point where she lost all of her humanity. When I looked in her eyes all I saw was emptiness. She didn't care that my father made my life miserable. She didn't care about anything. But who can blame her when he abused her every dan day. Physically and mentally. So yeah I guess you could say that I lost everything I ever had because of this bastard." He was so angry that he broke a glas he was cleaning with his bare hands. Blood was going everywhere but he didn't seem to care. He still held the splinters thight in his hand and his eyes looked like he was gone. He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't even realize he was bleeding.

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