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"Alex pov" I see the first titan come out from cover a legion and I don't even give it a chance to attack as I slice it's legs off and stab the broadsword through the cockpit of the legion I rip the broadsword out of the legion and I phase dash towards a tone and quickly dispose of it and I then turn to the last titan a monarch class and I disable it by cutting off it's legs

"ruiner" enemy pilot has ejected

"Alex" shit nuke eject phase shift now ruiner

"ruiner" affirmative pilot

"IMC pilot" you think your tough don't you pilot well if you're so tough come and face me one on one

"Alex pov" I disembark ruiner and attack the IMC pilot using my miniature broadsword I cut the pilot in half at the waist and I put it away and I re-embark ruiner and head back
Sorry for the super short chapter and for not publishing anything for a couple of days I got sick but a couple of days of rest and I should be back in action

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