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"PA system" all hands abandon ship repeat all hands abandon ship

"Alex " alright ruiner were dropping

"ruiner" affirmative pilot

"Adam pov"

I embark ruiner and we drop but we were knocked off coarse by a piece of debris from the IMS James MacAllan 2 and then everything went black

"ash pov" me,Brock and misty were walking on the beach when all of the sudden there was a loud crash we go to investigate the noise and we were shocked to see what looked like a Pokémon

"ruiner" pilot pilot

"Alex" I'm fine ruiner now open the hatch

"ruiner" affirmative pilot

"ash pov" we watch from a distance as the Pokémon opens but someone gets out and the robot has weird looking armor

"misty" I don't think it's a Pokémon

"ash" why don't we ask it

"ruiner" three unidentified contacts closing in

"Alex" great time to meet the locals

"ash,misty and Brock" hi

"Alex" who are you

"ash" I'm ash and this is my Pokémon pikachu

"pikachu" pika

"misty" I'm misty

"Brock" and I'm Brock

"misty" what's your name

"Alex" I'm Alex Hendrix and this is my titan ruiner

"ash" what's a titan

"Alex" in most basic terms a tank

"misty" is it like a video game

"Alex" no it's like an extension of a pilots body so if I jump instead of the titan jumping we boost forwards

"Brock" what's a pilot

"Alex" A Pilot is an elite soldier and operator of a Titan, possessing superior skills and equipment but there are three types of pilot certification the easiest being civilian use,
construction,agricultural and deep space search and rescue use being a bit more difficult and finally combat the most difficult earning a 98% fatality rate when it comes to training

"misty" what type of certification do you have

"Alex" I have a combat certification

"ash" why

"Alex" one because I'm in the militia and two the frontier's at war kid

"ruiner" hostile titans detected

"Alex" shit get to cover you three

"ash" ok

"Alex pov" I embark ruiner and ready the lead wall and fire on the hostile titans I stick the lead wall in the titans cockpit power and fire causing the titan to explode the second one I rammed the broadsword through the cockpit of the IMC titan and the broadsword came out the other side surprising the last pilot and titan and I fire the lead wall at the final titan destroying it and killing the pilot

"ruiner" all threats neutralized

"Alex pov" ash,misty,Brock you can come out now I say as I disembark ruiner

"misty" did you have to kill them

"ruiner" misty in war it's kill or be killed

"Alex" ruiner is right we fight and kill so those who can't can be safe even if means dying in the process but when this war is over I'm converting ruiner here to a personal titan I won't have to worry about being shot at blown up or killed but I would like to learn the types of Pokémon

"ash" look a eevee here Alex

"Alex" what is this

"ash" it's a Poke ball just throw it at the Pokémon

"Alex pov"alright then I say and throw it at the eevee and it enters?

"Ash" good job you caught it

"Alex pov" I watch as the eevee breaks out and walks up to me and I kneel down and stretch my arm out the eevee sniffs my hand and climbs up onto my shoulder hey ash do you know anywhere I can stay although I could stay at a hotel something tells me a forty ton walking death machine with a sword the length of a school bus won't be welcome

"ash" you can stay with us

"Brock" and learn how to take care of your eevee

"Alex" thanks

"ruiner" power low insufficient power

"Alex pov" I sigh as I open ruiner's storage compartment and pull out a fully charged battery and take out the dead battery and put the new one in place

"time skip brought to you in part by Alex's eevee cuddling up to Alex" alright good night everyone hey ruiner open up

"Delia" we have another room

"Alex" cancel that order ruiner and go into recharge mode

"ruiner" affirmative and good night pilot

"Alex pov" I take off my pilot suit and I change into a pair of shots and a t-shirt I then crawl into bed and I look at my eevee and I can tell that she wants to get up on the bed so I helped her up and then I fell asleep with my eevee cuddling with me
End chapter

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